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I want out of my contract

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I'm a civvy, cuz I couldn't make it in.  You can.  Try not to screw it up.

If you're really unsuited for the military, you will be given every opportunity to quit during Basic.  If you don't at least try, you will always wonder if you should have.

Try it.  The worst that can happen is that they fail you out...but then you'll be out, and you'll know.
Gunnar said:
If you're really unsuited for the military, you will be given every opportunity to quit during Basic.   If you don't at least try, you will always wonder if you should have.

Try it.   The worst that can happen is that they fail you out...but then you'll be out, and you'll know.
I agree 100%. If you really do have the desire to serve your country and you back out now, you are going to have to live with that chip on your shoulder every single time someone mentions anything military related.
Signing up isn't as easy as falling off a bike.  IME you have to keep at the recruiting center time and time again pushing your paperwork through before you even get called in for that magical swearing in.

It's cold feet, forrest-gump.

Try it, you may like it.

But to echo what other posters said, if you don't give it your all, you will be left forever wondering if you "could have" made it.

I originally signed on with the Reserves because I wanted "an out" if military training and I failed to get along.  Whaddya know, now I have one more year to go to get my CD..... that means just about 12 years in, and only about two years of that time has been "part-time" service!  As it's been pointed out to me, I "could have" been Reg F several times over.......

Don't give up.  Ever.  If you're not meant to be there, before long you won't be.
work on ur weakness

Speaking of which, you've been asked to cease with the web-speak. Start using "you" and "your", and dump the "dude", or I'm upping your warning level.
You will never know unless you try....

To throw in my own story. I decided to have my third child at home(we were living in the Q's at the time).
The day I was in labor I told my midwife I wanted to go to the hospital because I was scared and it was hurting to much and I wanted drugs. 2 hours later my son was born on my bed and weighed in at 9lbs 7oz....and no drugs! She fought me and pushed me, and at times left me completely alone....but I did it!

I was terrified, but if I could fight my fears and do that, when why can't you buck up and serve your country for the next three years...at least it is not a lifetime commitment.
My god..this is turning into another gigantic hugfest.......

Stay and make good on your commintment or leave and never speak of it again

end rant
Hey forrest-gump ...I applied in June, its something Ive wanted to do for about six years now.  Always...''OOOO I want to join the military'' since I could remember. So finally, I got a pair and did it, instead of sitting backing, wishing, thinkings its great what these people do, I'm going to become one of them (hopefully).  I have a fitness test to do soon, and now that time is coming closer and closer...I'm having more than second thoughts but the moment I get cold feet or second thoughts, I think about the reasons why I joined in the first place.  Obviously theres going to be difficult times...but I just think of all the great things like accomplishments, discipline, service, and achievement that is to be had in having such self-sacrificing, courageous and patriotic job.  I don't think there's a career better than that! Don't be a sucker for that quick reward.  Failure is not an option...but should basic be difficult enough (and I don't mean not being able to suck it up buttercup but actually DIFFICULT to the point where you just cant take it) than get your VR.  Like Forrest Gump himself said..."sometimes there just aren't enough rocks"
P.S. Im a 20 yr old female
I was discussing this with my hubby as we were working on his brakes and all he had to say was

"Suck it up, Buttercup".... :salute:
A full 360 in half an hour. Seems like this is not the last time you are going to have second thoughts. Just remember what made you want to do it in the first place and once you've made your decision stand by it.

Um, wouldn't that have been a 180?  As in a U turn?  I think you just pulled a Costanza.
Well, I think you've had enough advice. The consensus is there. Take it or leave it. Time YOU made the decision.
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