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I Need Some Advice

Perhaps we shouldn't hire you, but we should at least interview you and those like you who have had children in the system as a tool to use for new or reluctant parents.  All of our materials really are focussed on the cadet with a sidebar paragraph for parents but not real parental testimonials.  Perhaps its something I'll look into for my corps for the fall to include in our standard package.  Thanks for stirring the idea in my head, and hopefully the young man will have the opportunity to join the program.  Best of luck to you both.
Sloaner said:
Perhaps we shouldn't hire you, but we should at least interview you and those like you who have had children in the system as a tool to use for new or reluctant parents.  All of our materials really are focussed on the cadet with a sidebar paragraph for parents but not real parental testimonials.  Perhaps its something I'll look into for my corps for the fall to include in our standard package.  Thanks for stirring the idea in my head, and hopefully the young man will have the opportunity to join the program.  Best of luck to you both.

Good idea - but interviewing ME (and others like me) wouldn't work.  I have a military background, which would automatically make my opinions null and void in the minds of civilian parents (who would be the target market of such a campaign - you don't need to convince military folks about the worth of Cadets).

You need to find civilian parents out there who are supportive of the Cadets.  They exist, but they probably aren't hanging around on Army.ca!

Roy Harding said:
You need to find civilian parents out there who are supportive of the Cadets.  They exist, but they probably aren't hanging around on Army.ca!
Your right Roy. If they have no connection to the military, why be here?
Well then I guess we could use my Mom or Dad, unless for my Dad being a selfproclaimed base brat when he was a kid would make him void as well!
My older sister would probably attest that cadets is good though none of her children are in the program...just 2 of her younger sisters. But then I guess she was an army brat when she was a kid, seeing as our dad was in the military. My mom would certainly attest cadets is a good program and i'm sure many of the parents of cadetes at my corps would also attest cadets is a good program.
An update on the original situation.

I've since (two weeks ago), presented the young guys' parents with an assortment of literature from the local Cadet Corps, and told them that I'd be willing to accompany him and them to a parade night, if that would make them more comfortable (and offered to drive the young guy alone, if that worked for them).

Since then, I've been silent on the subject.  We continue to have neighbourly conversations, and I continue to be visited by young Graham.  But I will not broach the subject again until one of either the parents, or Graham, brings it up again.  As much as I think Cadets is a wonderful organization, I feel even MORE strongly that responsible parents (which these folks definitely are) wishes should not be questioned by an outsider.

Should anything develop, I'll inform this thread.

As an aside.

As mentioned in some previous post, I volunteered for the local music festival as a result of my interest in young Graham's interest in Air Cadets.

Since last Thursday (12 Apr), I've put in 15 hours everyday - moving stuff backstage, guiding folks to their destinations, being an impromptu (but thankfully qualified) First Aider, kid controller (easy - the kids actually LISTEN to someone who talks with a loud voice and seems to know what they're talking about), PARENT controller (less easy - but not hard - for the same reasons), crisis interventionist (this room is double booked, what will we do???  How about that vacant room over there??).  And this will continue EVERY day until 28 April.  How DO I let myself into this stuff??

I'm having a blast - meeting many people, making many friends.  Wendy and I went out to dinner with the Terrace Community Band last night - and had a very good time.

It's long days, but I'm having a blast, and have nothing better to do anyway.

Three cheers for Mr Harding!  If there were more people in Canada like you being such a great advocate of the CCM, so many more young people would be taking advantage of all that Cadets has to offer.  One thing I've really noticed is that it is extremely important to have the parents be "plugged-in" to their child's Squadron so that they understand what their child is doing and learning and to provide support and encouragement that will help the Cadet to succeed and stick with the program even when he/she encounters bumps in the road along the way.  As a former Air Cadet, mother of 2 Air Cadets and now a CI (soon to be an Ocdt in the CIC) I've seen the program from every perspective and good communications and relationships between the Squadron Staff and Cadet Parents is something that will greatly help in the retention of Cadets, or in Mr Harding's story to possibly help get the child in the front door by educating the Parents first and letting them make an informed decision with their son.  Not a lot of people would take the time to do what you have done Mr Harding, and you made my day reading this!  Thank-you! :salute: