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It's almost like the continued operation of RMC has an impact on the entire CAF, and thus everyone has very reasonable grounds to be voicing their opinions on whether or not the place should keep going. RMC isn't a sacred cow; it has real world impacts and thus any criticism of it is completely legitimate.
Here are some counterpoints for you:Frankly, if your assessment of the actual mission of RMC is accurate, then it just seems to me like that in and of itself is a pretty good reason for the CAF to stop funding it. The CAF should not in the business of spending boat-loads of money providing free education to be primary used elsewhere. The federal and provincial governments provide plenty of funding for general education programs. The CAF needs to be focusing its efforts on things that actually help us accomplish our mission.
"The CAF shouldn't be spending boatloads of money on free education to be primarily used elsewhere"
Firstly this statement is factually incorrect. For every month of education that is subsidized, the CAF receives 2 months of obligatory service. So the CAF is getting a 2 for 1 deal and it's written right in to QR&Os. The education isn't free, it must be paid back, sometimes with blood.
Secondly, the CAF spends boatloads of money on all sorts of things. It spends $$$millions of dollars every year on training people to do things like fly planes, operate equipment, etc.
Many of these people do it for a few years and then they leave and the CAF loses the experience. The real lie the long service membership of the Regular Force tells itself is that everyone who signs up for the CAF is going to stay for 35 years.
Another fallacy of the Military Colleges program is that it only trains ROTP Cadets.And frankly, I'm unconvinced that RMC does that better than simply focusing on DEO enrollment would do, or shoring up any gap that might cause with the far more affordable option of Civvie U ROTP.
Here are some tidbits of information for you:
Up until a few years ago, betweem 5 to 10% of the Cadet Wing at RMC were actually Reservists enrolled through a program called RETP. RMC is actually authorized by QR&Os to allocate up to 15% of its Cadet Wing positions to Reserve Officers.
These Reserve Officers would pay for a portion of their education and would receive summer employment through the CAF. Many of these Reserve Officers would complete their studies and move on to the civilian world while remaining in the Reserve Force.
I can name three individuals that I went to school and am still in contact with that were/are Reservists off the top of my head:
a. BEng in Chem Engineering, MEng on Nuclear Engineering, Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford with a degree in Law and now an Associate at a Seven Sisters Law Firm. Also a Reservist
b. BEng in Chem Engineering, MBA and Law Degree and now a CEO, Also a Reservist .
c. BA in Business, MBA and now a Director for a Major Canadian Energy Corporation, Also a Senior Officer in the Reserves.
Yes, no value to Canada or the CAF at all, what a poor investment
Of course, with these types of successes, the Senior Leadership brain trust of the CAF decided that they did not want to allow Reservists to attend RMC and wanted higher ROTP enrollment so these opportunities are no longer available. A peculiar decision from an organization that claims to want to strengthen the Reserves?
Then there is Otter Squadron which no longer really exists. Over 10% of the Cadet Wing also used to be NCMs who were accepted in to the UTPNCM program.
They were a crucial component of the program at RMC and participated in all aspects of the College. They also provided much needed leadership at the school.
The CAF also curiously decided to do away with this program as well?
3. Then lets talk about how the CAF decided to delink the training calendar of the Regular Force from the Military College because and to quote a Senior Officer "RMC doesn't get to dictate how we train our Officers".
I was in the room for this one . This decision added year(s) to the training time for RMC Cadets.
I don't know Sir? Maybe having Cadets sitting around for 2+ years after they graduate is a bigger waste of money than the CAF working RMC in to its training calendar? A calendar that, up until you decided to arbitrarily change it a few years ago, worked very well for decades .
It's not hard to interpret it like that when all you hear are terms like "Ring Knockers" regularly used (I don't own a ring btw) or I can search through the thousands of posts on this forum criticizing RMC and the people who went there. Some of the criticism is warranted but some of it is just jealousy over perceived privilege which is a very Canadian trait aka, "I don't have it do they shouldn't either".Frankly, if they interpret "RMC officers aren't actually better than DEOs" or "the benefits from RMC aren't worth the cost" as some sort of personal attack, they really need to work on their grown up skills. If they can't handle a discussion about an institution without perceiving all points against the institution as a personal slight... well then that's probably a pretty good argument that said institution didn't properly prepare them to act as leaders like it claimed it did
IMO, you sound jealous. You didn't receive a benefit so instead of trying to make yourself better or pushing yourself, you want to bring everyone down to your level .
But that's basically the entire CAF atm, a bunch of whingers complaining about how they aren't paid enough or they don't have enough benefits, or how they should be allowed to have purple hair .