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How to get family on board

bled12345 said:
tell them you want to be the first kid on your block to get a confirmed kill


Is this supposed to be funny?

I am sure that would go over well wouldn't it. Being new here, and with an attitude like that, I am sure you'll go a long way in the CF.

Another empty profile to boot.
"tell them you want to be the first kid on your block to get a confirmed kill"

This is a quote from from Full Metal Jacket by Mathew Modine's character Joker. I think it was a poor attempt at humour. The original quote went something like "I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill."
My father told me that if I joined the army he'd beat me to death himself (just a couple of issues left over from his time in the Congo, the UN and Africa made him one pissed off paratrooper).  Mom knew me well enough that arguing against something I had determined to do was a lost cause, took a look at the practicalities and decided it was a good way to get an education, and not that much more dangerous than being me at the best of times ;D.  Both attended my graduation parade, and Dad was definitely the prouder of the two.  Don't confuse the protective urges of a parent, from the pride they will take in your accomplishments.  They may wish to shield you from dangerous things (like us, and soon, you), but will take immense pleasure at your success in anything as demanding and rewarding as a career in the Armed Forces, because you will become more fully what made them proud of you in the first place.  Just tell them calmly that this is right for you, and assure them that you have thought about the consequences, and then give them time to wrap their brains around it while you are on basic.
relax, learn to take a joke.

I think people need to stop worrying about so much and just give 'er. Parents won't always agree with what you do, but it won't make them stop loving you.
bled12345 said:
relax, learn to take a joke.

Ya, sure pal, since your the apparent SME here, and have all that TI behind you, I guess I should take your advice.
ok don't relax, and don't learn to take a joke..... I don't care, just quit complaining
You have to watch your tone - Wes has all the experience and TI to be able to take just about anyone to task. Get a little more time on the board before you start getting snippy - maybe you don't know your tone is coming off as a know-it-all, snippy and just a little offensive.
I dunno, theres no need to over react though. I made a simple joke, and then when people got offended I told them to relax because it was just a joke, and then they are still offended..... doesn't make much sense to me, regardless of wether i'm "new", people should be more laid back. If you take life too seriously you'll never get out alive :)
bled - this is your first and only free warning. If you are intent on dazzling the masses with your talent as a comedian, perhaps you should find another site....

Otherwise, read. listen, and learn.. and enjoy this site. Thanks in advance

After reading all of these posts I kind of see how Canada is short on troops in all trades. For all you recruiters out there look at what you guys are doing. I know that a 27 year old women scarred to tell her parent 's is pretty sad but you have to realize that people want to be part of Canada's military heritage and be part of such a good life career. They dint need criticism and to be mocked!

But who am I. and who cares

I saw this thing on the news about Canada's recruiting process and how it need to really be looked at. In the states you see a recuiter trying to find people and they will go through the process in a matter of days, and be starting there basic a week later!

Anyways hope that this amber woke up and smelled the coffee as an adult and told her parents to suck it up!


Derek Eves said:
After reading all of these posts I kind of see how Canada is short on troops in all trades. For all you recruiters out there look at what you guys are doing. I know that a 27 year old women scarred to tell her parent 's is pretty sad but you have to realize that people want to be part of Canada's military heritage and be part of such a good life career. They dint need criticism and to be mocked!

But who am I. and who cares

I saw this thing on the news about Canada's recruiting process and how it need to really be looked at. In the states you see a recuiter trying to find people and they will go through the process in a matter of days, and be starting there basic a week later!

Anyways hope that this amber woke up and smelled the coffee as an adult and told her parents to suck it up!


Wow that really made sense and now I can go out and recruit.
LordOsborne said:
that's almost word-for-word how my parents saw me applying to join the infantry reserve :P
my mom doesn't consider the CF do be a "real job"

I HATE when people say that! "It's not a real job! You just sit around and tell jokes, drink beer and play with guns all day!!!"...

Well that's not ALL we do! C'mon!  :P

/rant on

Seriously though, people who say that drive me A-wall, they have NO idea what they're talking about!!!! That saying that we do more before breakfast than most people do in a whole day, it's for a reason... In the same respect, we could say they don't have a "real" job....  >:(

God that drives me wild! Also I get the, "I hate the army", as soon as someone finds out I'm in, I say, "yeah, that's cool, a lot of people don't agree with the idea of an armed force trained to kill, but why do you hate the army really?".... And you get the response, "I dunno, they just suck..." The best response I had was from the owner of the company I work for's son.... Stuck up little rich boy who wouldn't make it 2 days in our damn fine army! Said he hates the army because we are WEAK, said 2 of his buddies picked a fight with 2 guys from the army and beat them up so that's why he hates us!!!!??!?!? What sense does that make? I was going to grab his neck and snap it like a twig!  :rage: He himself is a weakling.....

/rant off

I would have been fired though.... And, gotta present a "good" image of the CF....  :(  >:(  :crybaby:

Sorry... But that is seriously a "pet peeve"...
    Keep in mind that the "best" soldiers and leaders are most often kept within their respective units, and rapidly climb the promotion and course chain.

Those who demonstrate that their talents lie elsewhere are put in positions at recruiting centers, and throughout the training system. I would contend that this is why the recruiting system is all fu(ked up, and it takes people years to get through - the best people are handling the day to day operations of the forces.

I HATE when people say that! "It's not a real job! You just sit around and tell jokes, drink beer and play with guns all day!!!"...

Well that's not ALL we do! C'mon! 

/rant on

Seriously though, people who say that drive me A-wall, they have NO idea what they're talking about!!!! That saying that we do more before breakfast than most people do in a whole day, it's for a reason... In the same respect, we could say they don't have a "real" job.... 

God that drives me wild! Also I get the, "I hate the army", as soon as someone finds out I'm in, I say, "yeah, that's cool, a lot of people don't agree with the idea of an armed force trained to kill, but why do you hate the army really?".... And you get the response, "I dunno, they just suck..." The best response I had was from the owner of the company I work for's son.... Stuck up little rich boy who wouldn't make it 2 days in our darn fine army! Said he hates the army because we are WEAK, said 2 of his buddies picked a fight with 2 guys from the army and beat them up so that's why he hates us!!!!??!?!? What sense does that make? I was going to grab his neck and snap it like a twig!  He himself is a weakling.....

/rant off

I would have been fired though.... And, gotta present a "good" image of the CF....       

Sorry... But that is seriously a "pet peeve"...

Same thing happens with myself, even with my own friends they bash the CF. Yet whenever I ask them to name one of the Infantry Regiments they got not clue what they could be. This isn't only happening with the CF, it also happens to people who want to become police officers and firefighters as well. You have alot of stupid people out there, I just learned to deal with them effectively and ignore them at times.
  Before telling your parents that you want to joing if you haven't done so already take a moment to really put into words the reason why you yourself want to be in the CF. In doing that you will be able to come across as confident about your decision and you won't have as much nervousness showing when you speak to them. Ultimatly you have to do for you even though your parents may have done for you for a long time in the end you are the only one you can prevent yourself from following your dreams. You parents may show that they are displeased or even dissapointed in the decision that you make but in the long run they won't be. Tell them, give them time to digest the info and then open up discussion with them but let them know that under no uncertain terms will they be able to dissuade you and your choice. Best of luck and remember to have patience with them.
Same thing happens with myself, even with my own friends they bash the CF. Yet whenever I ask them to name one of the Infantry Regiments they got not clue what they could be. This isn't only happening with the CF, it also happens to people who want to become police officers and firefighters as well. You have alot of stupid people out there, I just learned to deal with them effectively and ignore them at times.

Yep, I get that all the time too when someone asks what I want to do... First off I say either the Forces or Police, and almost 70% a person will say they hate either one. The police one is usually something like this... "Why don't you like police?"... "Uhh, well, they arrested me cause I was smokin' dope and hangin' with my pals behind the 7/11! It wasn't cool man!"...  ???

You have to wonder sometimes.... I have very few friends these days, mainly because I try to stick to the intelligent people... God it's hard to find people with more than a brain stem! I'm proud to hang with my fellow "Infantards" as the other MOC's call us!  :)
My conversation with my mother about me joining the army went something like:

Ring Ring:  Hello..

Hi mom

Hi son

I joined the army and I'm on my way to Croatia.


Anyway that was more than twelve years ago.  It might have taken awhile but she got over the initial shock and now fully supports my military career.  I think parents will realize there are lots of worse things their children can do than join the military.  Crack and politics spring to mind.

My advice:  Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes.

Good luck,
Yep, I get that all the time too when someone asks what I want to do... First off I say either the Forces or Police, and almost 70% a person will say they hate either one. The police one is usually something like this... "Why don't you like police?"... "Uhh, well, they arrested me cause I was smokin' dope and hangin' with my pals behind the 7/11! It wasn't cool man!"... 

You have to wonder sometimes.... I have very few friends these days, mainly because I try to stick to the intelligent people... God it's hard to find people with more than a brain stem! I'm proud to hang with my fellow "Infantards" as the other MOC's call us! 

Well with me, alot of the people that I hand around with don't even have half a brain. It's hard in high school to find those that you actaully have in common with, especially if your applying to the army or police. Besides that, when I did my ride along with Edmonton Police Service, I found that I could get along just fine with pretty well all the officers I met, and couldn't wait to join. Same with the army, I'm just hoping that I get the call soon. :salute: :cdn:
lol thats funny how parents can react diferently...

see both my parents are quebec nationalist

and when i talked to my father 'bout it it went somehow like that

Dad i want to join the army and i handed im the paper he had to sign cause i'm 16

he signed and he asked me if i was sure i didnt want to be a garagist instead

and then nothing

ok ok it went a lil differently with my mother but she couldnt do nothing so well she just complained on how she would be worried if id go to "war" and nananan

i have great parent anyway

so id suggest if your not sure if your parent would agree well wait till your in and then tell them

that's a pretty may i say "unrespectfull plan" but it sure works :cdn:
