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How NOT to make your first post, a clarification.

:stirpot:  My thoughts on this is that I think some folks are a bit too quick to lambaste and admonish other folks for not searching first.  It's worth noting that the search function on this site doesn't always work, nor in my experience does it use good boolean logic.  In other words, it can be very difficult to find things.  Furthermore, people asking questions often want current information, but many of the posts on this site are years old.  How reliable are they?  Finally, posting on this site is voluntary.  If you don't want to reply to a post, you don't have to. So if you feel someone is wasting your time, just ignore them and move on. :2c:
Petamocto said:
Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much of the new "MSN speak" is due to how much we military folk use conventional military acronyms in our post without a second thought?

Its certainly a cultural/generational thing; Ive argued with my son several times over whether MSN style writing is acceptable in the business world. 

Basically it comes down to being 'not acceptable' in my business world, but 'acceptable' in his business world.

Although I do catch some of my own higher ups doing the same thing (once in a while) when they are texting me using their blackberries...

Now I'm no expert, but using acronyms, both hand written and oral, seems to save time. And in an environment where saving time means possibly saving lives, it should be more than acceptable. Hell, it should be mandatory. Therefore, you have all the acronyms that are used in the military.

However, with "msn" speak, the time they're saving is probably spent in front of a television watching some crap on MTV that has nothing to do with music. Therefore, it's a nuisance to people who live and work in the REAL real world. Not just the good people of Army.ca.

edited for effect
Mike Bobbitt said:
STDLE = Stuff To Delegate to Lesser Employees, right? I know how you work. ;)

There is nobody lower on the foodchain than moi in this office. 8)

Skill Training Directly Leading (to) Employment
Just read this now and had a good laugh, especially the part about George Wallace's copy paste being too long to read.  I've seen so many new people get that Site Guidelines post and figure that less than half actually got to the end of it.
Great post, had a good laugh on this one.  As a young Canadian, I am embarassed for my peers' poor communication skills and inability to express themselves clearly.  So many replies in these forums are just asking for clarification.

Interesting counterpoint though, about currency of information and effectiveness of search tools.  I humbly agree, to a degree, that it is difficult to find topics and better boolean logic or the ability to search with a time parameter would help, but this is an excellent way to find information and engage in animated discussion.  Kudos to the milnet.ca staff.

Cheers all, Merry Chirstmas!
As an update to this, our search function has recently been upgraded. We should be enjoying both faster and more accurate results now.
Though this is excellent news, it still won't fix the problem of people not searching for answers first. Sadly there is no foreseeable solution as far as I am concerned.
Thanks for the laugh! And happy I didn't fall into that unfortunate category.

I've been on a few forums and the archetypes you presented are alas found on all of them.
Rogo said:
Though this is excellent news, it still won't fix the problem of people not searching for answers first. Sadly there is no foreseeable solution as far as I am concerned.

I believe the proper phrase is "You can't fix stupid."  But, then again, that doesn't mean people won't try...
Inspired by a recent thread in one of the recruiting forums, your first post should not bear any similarity to the following video.

Sapperian said:
Inspired by a recent thread in one of the recruiting forums, your first post should not bear any similarity to the following video.


Thank you for that video, it made me laugh so much.
"O HAI!! Im a ex-cadet who wants to be a black-belt snypper for CSOR or JTF!!!11! I'm the BEST OUT oF ALL MA FRNDZZ AT PAINTBALL AN AIRSOFTTT!!!! I'm tooo lazey to read tngs 4 myslf, so I thought I'd ask you 4advise!!!"

I can't decide if thats extremely funny or disgustingly sad.

With respect,

Michael K.
O HAI DER! I HERD U LIEK C7's!!1!11!!one1

Lol but really this made me laugh so hard cause its basically what happens in every other forum I have been on :P
MatthewAngel said:
O HAI DER! I HERD U LIEK C7's!!1!11!!one1

Lol but really this made me laugh so hard cause its basically what happens in every other forum I have been on :P

Like magicthegathering.com and mylittleponyusersubmittedstories.ca ?
Maybe webcadets.