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How long from first CFRC visit until trained?

Q.Y. Ranger

Jr. Member
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How long does it take from when you first go to the recruiter, until you are sworn in as a CF member? Or until you are off to basic?
I think it all depends on the situation. I walked into the recruiting centre in Oct 98 to apply for the Community College Entry Plan for pilot, I was sworn in on the 16th of June 99 and started BOTC on the 25th of June. Keep in mind that I was in school and wasn't going to head off to BOTC until my school year was done at the end of Apr, so I probably could have waited until Jan/Feb and still made it, but I wanted to get the show on the road.
Ideally, it can take anywhere from one to six months to go from application to reporting for basic.

However, it is always applicant dependant, as in:
- what are you bringing to the table, i.e. medical issues, background issues, physical fitness level, etc.
- what program of entry you want.
- what occupation you want and when is the selection for that occupation.

In several years of recruiting, I have seen people go to basic 30 days after applying and some others taking up to three years to get in.
6 months from CFRC to sworn in for me, but 4 from first CFRC visit to my phonecall informing me I had been selected for RMC.
kincanucks said:
Ideally, it can take anywhere from one to six months to go from application to reporting for basic.

However, it is allways applicant dependant, as in:
- what are you bringing to the table, i.e. medical issues, background issues, physical fitness level, etc.
- what program of entry you want.
- what occupation you want and when is the selection for that occupation.

In several years of recruiting, I have seen people go to basic 30 days after applying and some others taking up to three years to get in.

Why is there such a difference in what the applicant brings, if you meet the wanted results then it should be as simple as, your in lets see how you do in basic. Shouldn't it all take about the some, I can see where if your a student it may take longer but if your out working at say Walmart or Canadain Tire for example and all you have is time ie. sooner the better, then it should take long. Can you ask for them to speed the process up?
Huggy....obviously you didn't read the quote you enclosed with your post......If a person is a Reservist and has attained a few PCF Courses and rank he/she would be treated much more differently than a person who had no military knowledge or experience.  If a person had a health problem they would naturally be treated differently than a person in perfect health.  Do you catch the 'Drift' of what kincnucks posted to you earlier now?

Sorry, I did. But still. It just seem that everyone is waiting all the time.
I have one year off school set aside for co-op but you only get co-op if you pass all your class, personal don't feel that I did, heck I know I didn't so that leaves me with no co-op and 1 year off. + I really am not enjoying this course I'm taking @ Mohawk college, its poorly setup and the school is only interasted in one thing, your money, for a college its run more like a big business then an Institution for higher leaning and I hate it. So the Army is something I have always been Interested in, so here I am getting as much info as I can. And what I'm reading is Just ALOT if waiting.

No disrespect to anyone.
Were all those replies for the Reg. Force. And if so, how long would it take me to get into the reserves do you think.
I lucked out...i applied mid december 92 and i was gone to basic in mid-feb the following year !!!  Finnished basic in april and finnished my QL3 in september....so i went from civy to employed in a regiment in less than a year !
Took me 4 months to get into the PRes, only because of a minor glitch, some guys didn't wait much time at all. Things change though........
I read in another post that it took on average 9 months to start training after you had signed up.
I think they might do that because they want to train whole gruops at one time instead of training one at a time.

Just guesing. :)
Im guessing they wait till more people apply and then take the best out of the group :warstory:
Hey, I was wondering if anybody new if i would have an advantage in getting into the Reserves, since I'm a Cdt now. Because ill be applying in hopefully a few months for the Reserves. And i was just wondering if that would help at all.

Sometimes ( not always, lets get that straight) , ex-cadets make the worst recruits.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to generalize
Married men, in their early thirties, from Newfoundland, with children, and fish and a dog, have been found to be strong candidates. I don't mean to generalize, but that is what I heard.
There is a place on the application specifically for military experience, and even more specifically, cadet experience.

So to say that it makes no difference is ridiculous.

Now, whether PRACTICALLY it helps, is an entirely different story :).
AS previously said, sometimes Cadets make the worst recruits..

But they also have a better idea of what the military is, and understand a lot of the routine-type stuff (kit, inspections, etc) and should at least be somewhat used to that....