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Hey look, another one...

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mellian said:
Maybe replace Intelligence with Armour, and ignore my friends advice on what 'is safe' for that one.
Ah, but who's joining the CF to "be safe" anyway?  >:D

Best of luck!
EPF said:
Ah, but who's joining the CF to "be safe" anyway?  >:D

Best of luck!

Indeed, but is more in reference to level of openmindness and tolerance.
Since applying and doing the CFAT, been thinking more of changing my choices or at least rearrange the order. Part of that is from thinking more and more about it all as well from further reading posts/threads on milnet. There is the case that I let the recruiter friend influence my choices a bit to much, being Navy himself.

So I am thinking replacing Intelligence with Armour and Naval Communication with ATIS tech, while switching AC to third choice. I will for sure consult with the RC next week along with asking if there has been any cancellations in Medical.

In the meantime, trying to further analyze my interest/attraction to Armour, at least the Coyotes. I blame the Combat School series, which I am still trying to find all the complete episodes of online, but started even before that. I remember seeing them at least every 6 months or so at St-Laurent mall back in Ottawa as I lived nearby, always looking at the LAV there. At first and by my friend, focused to much on what is 'safe' and 'openminded/tolerant', considering my background. Yet, do not want to let that be a criteria, and just chose what interest me. Part of it is I like the idea of being there, at the front somewhere.

So yes, will call RC next week after I come back from playing a couple of bouts in Hamilton and Buffalo this weekend, while being careful I do not get hurt like I did wednesday night getting winded and then falling on my hip bone. Ow....

mellian said:
In the meantime, trying to further analyze my interest/attraction to Armour, at least the Coyotes.

Good for you! That shows good spirit! I always admired the "Iron Fist".
Thanks, by the way, for mentioning Doctor Maslow. I had never heard of his work. It makes interesting reading for this "rocking chair quarterback"! hahaha  :salute:

If it helps in your choices, intelligence operator is currently closed, I checked it out at the recruiters this week so switching it out is for the best, I was considering it as well. I apologize if you already were aware of this as I haven't read completely through this thread.
MeghanC said:

If it helps in your choices, intelligence operator is currently closed, I checked it out at the recruiters this week so switching it out is for the best, I was considering it as well. I apologize if you already were aware of this as I haven't read completely through this thread.

There was 8 openings when I submitted the application in June, and I figured it would not be realistic.
That's odd that you were told Intelligence Operator was closed... it's a red trade (very undermanned) in the CF. Perhaps it went back to being OT only, but I'm sure one of the recruiters that are on this site can be more accurate as to its status.
PuckChaser said:
That's odd that you were told Intelligence Operator was closed... it's a red trade (very undermanned) in the CF. Perhaps it went back to being OT only, but I'm sure one of the recruiters that are on this site can be more accurate as to its status.

As I've said before, the status of the trade has little to do with the intake in any given year ... a greater factor is the amount of intake the training system for that particular trade can handle.

Having said that, there ARE still some (very few) openings for Int Op ... assuming of course that you were intending to apply for Reg F Int Op ... if you were looking for Reserves, then it's quite possible the Reserve Intelligence Unit in your area is full.
Otis said:
As I've said before, the status of the trade has little to do with the intake in any given year ... a greater factor is the amount of intake the training system for that particular trade can handle.

Having said that, there ARE still some (very few) openings for Int Op ... assuming of course that you were intending to apply for Reg F Int Op ... if you were looking for Reserves, then it's quite possible the Reserve Intelligence Unit in your area is full.

That, and Intel Op has different number of openings according to element, regular or reserver, and NCM or Officer, all of which have their own code number from what i've seen. I was aiming for Regular NCM Air Intel Op, which had 8 openings at the time of application submission. As any trades, may change by the time I pass all the application requirements.
So yes, did my medical yesterday, and the only concerns I had does not seem like it will be a problem. They only need me to go elsewhere to confirm my vision, get my blood work done, and medical confirmation from my doctors, all of which I will get done this week. No interview until all that is taken cared of, so at least another week for that. Asked if it will take another month or so for the medical info to go to Ottawa, process, and then come back, and was told usually happens quicker than that if everything looks good.

In some ways, the medical was a confidence booster as it shows to myself how much I evolved and improved over the years, especially in comparison to five years ago. It also further confirms that this point of my life is a good time to do this, a long with joining the CF considering how much as an organizational entity evolved and improved over the past decade.

Now to get ready to go to find that optometrist place in Laval by metro and foot... 
PuckChaser said:
That's odd that you were told Intelligence Operator was closed... it's a red trade (very undermanned) in the CF.....
The Int School (CFSMI) can only do two serials of QL5A at the moment.  That's 24 persons per serial.  The School has been tasked to double the production of QL5A for the next fiscal year.  Hopefully the School will be able to manage it.
Got my eyes totally checked out and from I can tell, will be marked as V2. Now I have annoying optical headache due to lack of iris control thanks to those drops...
Completed all of the medical stuff last week and submitted required papers yesterday. I was told the interview will happen after they get a response back from Ottawa, which on milnet average of five weeks and according to one medical staff at the RC, usually takes two weeks. Nothing wrong came up from medical, so should be fine, but may get delayed due that one thing for non-medical reasons.
mellian said:
Completed all of the medical stuff last week and submitted required papers yesterday. I was told the interview will happen after they get a response back from Ottawa, which on milnet average of five weeks and according to one medical staff at the RC, usually takes two weeks. Nothing wrong came up from medical, so should be fine, but may get delayed due that one thing for non-medical reasons.

There is a chance it might be longer than 5 weeks. I submitted my papers in late June and I am still waiting. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
Still no word about the medical from Ottawa yet, and another two weeks at least before calling again. Meanwhile some kind of conflict of interest continues to go on in my over thinking mind.

On one side, I would like to find out yes or no as soon as possible in regards to the application, at least an estimate. It is still something I would like to do, yet the waiting can be frustrating, especially when I am required to make decisions in terms of plans and commitments the end of the year and the new year. Such as figuring out whether I am going back to University this winter term, or re-new the lease or sign a new one, finding new homes for my cats, and etc.

On the other side, especially after some recent positive experiences, still some things I would to achieve with roller derby, and coming changes, I do not mind that the process is taking long, maybe at least until next spring or summer even.

Yet, the concern is still the whole financial situation, and what the heck I will be doing beyond just derby. Depending on the occupation I get accepted in and where I am deployed, can still get back into roller derby with a nearby league or try to start one.

Anyway, toured the frigate HMCS Ville de Quebec when it came to Montreal. Team picture with the big gun did not happen thought. :/ 

The more people have doubts about me, the more I would like to prove otherwise.
  Hey there Mellian.  I just came across your posts and I have a couple of comments.  I've noticed with quite a few of the posters that they are choosing two or three completely DIFFERENT types of trades in the CF. 
  I see you are interested in ATIS.......and Armoured.......and navcomm??  I mean holy crap...do you want to be part of the airfoce world, do you want to be a combat soldier......or do you want to be a seaman?  I know so many guys who are in the army or navy....and say to me.....Jeeeez I wish I would have just went airforce!!!
  Not picking on you....but you seriously need to think about the culture of the elements and pick the one that mosts suits you.
Cheers and good luck!!!
Go airforce  ;D
A civilian's  :2c:

mellian, you are a spirited lass!

I, for one, admire your tenacity for standing up for what you believe in as I witnessed today on another thread.

But, and I hope you don't mind me saying so, you might want to listen to the collective wisdom and voice of experience of the serving members who have gone before you down that path and consider where they're coming from. When you think of the unimaginable horror some of these guys and gals have witnessed, the sleepless nights and violent images they must carry with them--all in the name of peaceful protest then you will perhaps understand why it might prove difficult for some of them to see virtue in this form of civil action.

You seem to be an eloquent, thoughtful, young lady with leadership potential. Do you think your leadership skills could be better placed working for the defense of Canada, rather than by organizing protests which can easily turn pear shaped; which are often ineffective and are usually co-opted by protest-chasing anarchists and agent provocateurs??

This is a questions only you can answer.

I couldn't do their job. I admit it.

But I think you could. :cdn:

You go girl!!!
TangoHotel said:
  Not picking on you....but you seriously need to think about the culture of the elements and pick the one that mosts suits you.
Cheers and good luck!!!
Go airforce  ;D

Being in the air force element is my main interest, with ATIS or Aerospace Control base on interests and existing skills. That and use to be in the air cadets when I was younger, with thoughts of being a pilot which never happened and probably will not. Intelligence was under the Air element too.

Armour pique's the interest of another aspect of me, of being more in the action. It is the same aspect that provided one of the motivations going into protests in the past, and roller derby at present. Yet there are concerns, by others mainly, that may not work out well for me due to another aspect of my life. Also not much to transfer back in the civilian side in terms of skills in comparison to a lot of non-combat trades.

Nav Comm I selected more out of the suggestion of the recruiter I submitted my application with, who is a partner of one my teammates. He is in the navy himself, and says I would be better suited, in part because another aspect of my life. Apart from that, I am dubious about being out at sea. Much rather be in a space navy than a wet one, but we do not have one of those yet. :p

In general, in any employment or even volunteer position, I prefer diversity, balance of the physical and intellect, and being on the move and hands on more than than sitting around. That, a long with a sense of purpose, being productive, and making a difference.

I intend to bring it up at the Interview, ask maybe what my aptitude results suggest. My mind and interests is all over the place in terms of what I would like to do.
Yesterday I stated I have no plans to be involved or attend any protests for at least the near future. What happens? I find out today that Former President Bush is scheduled to come to Montreal October 22nd. That is frustratingly annoying. 
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