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Here's my story....


Jr. Member
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Well, I figure since I have been lurking for a bit and posting a bit, I thought I should introduce myself and share my story, if anyone is interested...

I applied to the military in December 2006, I have previous Reserve experience from a LONG time ago.  I am currently 31 years old and had decided that I was sick and tired of always loosing my job when the military posted my husband and always having to start over again.  I figured that since I had always wanted to join the Reg force, it was time.  The kiddies were old enough to understand and DH knew how to order KFC and pizza  >:D

It was a long process to join, after being in Colorado Springs for 4 years due to DH, I had to get an FBI background check, it took 4 months, opposed to the 18-24 months the Canadian check would take.  Also, I had to wait almost 4 months for my archived medical records to come in.  During this time I was going to the gym, getting in shape (so I thought) and overall getting ready for basic.  There was my idea of being in shape, running the 2.5 kms but no further and the military's idea.

I left in November 2007 for basic and low and behold, I wasn't in the shape the military wanted and needed me to be.  I failed the Express Test and ended up on RFT.  RFT is staffed with wonderful, dedicated staff, some of which are related to Satan  >:D  There was alot of pain associated with RFT, there is a high failure rate due to injuries and VR's (voluntary release).  I kept my head down and stayed focused on getting through RFT to move on to platoon.  After 3 very painful months, dang push ups!! (you can only exit RFT with a complete pass), I moved onto week 4 of platoon.  There the excitement and torture  ;) continued.  I had some wonderful staff on platoon, my Mcpl's were fantastic individuals and one of the Sgt's, I would follow anywhere.  Granted, they all yelled when they had to!  Platoon forced my to push myself to levels I never would have dreamed I could pass, I hate heights, cried like a baby on the rapel tower but did it.   ;D  Anyway, getting through basic is the hardest thing I have ever done and it has made me the proudest I have ever been of myself. 

So, my DH, kids and parents joined me on grad day, my DH has said he needed to get his uniform drycleaned because it touched blue  ::)  He is army through and through.  Anyway, my proudest day, not my happiest, I should hold that one for my wedding day, days I gave birth to my kids or maybe the day they move out to go to University  ;)

I am currently on OJT awaiting my 3's course, which is either this September or next year sometime.  I luckily dodged the PRETC bullet so I can be home with my family and learn my new job.  I am very happy I finally took the plunge and thank goodness that I, mostly, made it through unharmed.  I have a stress fracture that is currently rehealing, it happened in January and I was terrified of PAT, especially since they moved into the trailers  :o  I can't wait to take my 3's and start on my career...

P.S. Through RFT and platoon I lost over 50 lbs, now to keep it off and keep pushing myself. 

Thank you for reading this.

Editted to remove colour, purple doesn't show well  ;D
I really wanted to read your story......i really did.........Your choice of colour makes that highly unlikely
Can you edit it so the font is another colour  I can't read it easily on my crappy monitor.
dangerboy said:
Can you edit it so the font is another colour  I can't read it easily on my crappy monitor.

done, sorry about that, I guess my newness is showing  :D
newmet said:
There was alot of pain associated with RFT, there is a high failure rate due to injuries and VR's (voluntary release). 

A friend told me the same thing the other day (about the high failure rate and VRs in RFT). Good for you sticking with it!

Congrats to you on passing basic! Another congrats on losing 50 lbs! Wow.  :D
were is the stress fracture and do you no how long it takes to heal i think i might have one in my foot what did they tell you to do about it
Congrats newmet.  ;)  I didn't drink my coffee until I finished reading your wonderful story.  Shredding 50 lbs is an added bonus. WOW!  Keep it up. :salute:
First, thank you everyone for the kind words! :)  I appreciate them all.

Ok, on to business...

ssFOX said:
were is the stress fracture and do you no how long it takes to heal i think i might have one in my foot what did they tell you to do about it
it has been 8 months since the stress fracture first appeared on my foot.  I did not head to the MIR as I was afraid of being re-coursed or kicked out of the military.  So, as such, my foot has healed wrong and now I need surgery to remove the misplaced bone and extra calcium.  That is what causes the majority of my pain.  Normally, if you take care of it right away it should be better in 4 - 6 weeks.  I would recommend you get it dealt with right away as surgery does not sound like fun.  I find if my foot is wrapped I am in considerably less pain than when the loose bone can pop out and move a bit.  Gross, I know, but there it is :)  I am lucky with my stress fracture as I can still march, walk and run on it, I just need a whole lot of ice and elevation at the end of a hard day.    So, go to the doctor right away and get your foot looked at, it will heal better if you do.  Good luck!
Oh yeah, update... :)

I am currently burning off leave like crazy, I just found out that I am course loaded on the new 3's in Winnipeg, starting in Sept.  :)  The 3's are unfortunately 7 months in WINTERPEG!!!  Too bad I can't add scary music  ::)
Reread post twice, didn't see it.

By the way what trade out of curiosity?

Interesting story too. :)

thanks for the reply I am 29 and am waiting for my medical to clear the wait is driving me crazy i train at home like a mad man run 5k a day and ride my bike 150k a week went on a run with bad shoes and or bought new shoes don't no what caused it but something in my foot feels not right it doesn't hurt and goes away after the first 2 k doesn't seem to get worse but doesn't seem to get better its just bugging me did you get any advice on how to care for it i am probably just worrying for nothing by the way good stuff making your dream come true at 33 just turned 29 and always wanted to join the forces hope i get in soon :threat: :salute:
ssFOX said:
Thanks for the reply.  I am 29 and am waiting for my medical to clear.  The wait is driving me crazy!  I train at home like a mad man, run 5k a day and ride my bike 150k a week.  I went on a run with bad shoes and/or bought new shoes (wasn't quite sure what this was meant to say).  Don't know what caused it but something in my foot feels not right.  It doesn't hurt and goes away after the first 2k.  It doesn't seem to get worse but doesn't seem to get better; it's just bugging me.  Did you get any advice on how to care for it?  I am probably just worrying for nothing.  By the way good stuff, making your dream come true at 33. I just turned 29 and always wanted to join the forces.  Hope I get in soon :threat: :salute:

Isn't that easier to read now (except the part in parentheses)?

Punctuation and grammar are your friends!  ;)
Klinkaroo said:
Reread post twice, didn't see it.

By the way what trade out of curiosity?

Interesting story too. :)


Hi Klink, I am going Meteorological Tech (Met Tech). 
ssFOX said:
thanks for the reply I am 29 and am waiting for my medical to clear the wait is driving me crazy i train at home like a mad man run 5k a day and ride my bike 150k a week went on a run with bad shoes and or bought new shoes don't no what caused it but something in my foot feels not right it doesn't hurt and goes away after the first 2 k doesn't seem to get worse but doesn't seem to get better its just bugging me did you get any advice on how to care for it i am probably just worrying for nothing by the way good stuff making your dream come true at 33 just turned 29 and always wanted to join the forces hope i get in soon :threat: :salute:

Well, it sounds like you are in pretty good shape, minus your foot problem.  I would recommend going into `The Running Room`, they have them all over Canada (you may have to drive a bit to get to one though).  They look at how you walk, run and the shape of your feet.  Then they recommend the best type of shoe for you.  I found running got a lot less painful after I bought the right shoes, the most expensive shoes aren`t always the right ones for you, I spent almost $200 on sneakers before I left, at Cleve's, and then spent $120 on the right ones, from the Running Room.    A big improvement for me.  Also, I have my foot wrapped with sports tape almost all of the time now and that provides a lot of relief as well.  If you are really worried about your foot, go see the doctor and see what they determine, it might be nothing serious but if it is serious, it is better to get it taken care of before you go.  Good luck waiting for the medical, some days it seems like you will never get the call and then, once the call comes in, you don`t have time for anything.
Hi Klink, nope you definately don't see many Met Techs, yet.  They are slowly adding to the numbers though. 
Where you already trained as a meteorologist or are you starting at 0? Just out of curiosity...

Klinkaroo said:
Where you already trained as a meteorologist or are you starting at 0? Just out of curiosity...

I am starting out completely new, I have my education in Law and when I couldn't get MP, due to poor vision, I decided to go to something that has interested me, that was completely different than what I have ever done.  Also, it helps that there are no Officer's in my trade  >:D  (I didn't just say that, did I??)  ;D
newmet said:
I am starting out completely new, I have my education in Law and when I couldn't get MP, due to poor vision, I decided to go to something that has interested me, that was completely different than what I have ever done.  Also, it helps that there are no Officer's in my trade  >:D  (I didn't just say that, did I??)   ;D

Well there may not be any officers in your trade but I can guarantee there are some in your Chain of Command.

HH and DA