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Helmet upgrades ? MICH / ACH style pads in CAF style kevlar, any one done one?

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KevinB said:
I tried the AF would not let them on the plane...   :'

Kevin, don't worry....I'll let you bring them on my MH-47G when I get it!  ;D

Wow, quite the "deer in the headlights" look there.. nice rig.  I think I might have to procure myself one.. what was the total cost? Cause I know it can't be expensive seeing as you are strapped for cash.. NOT!  Thanks for the pic.

IIRC the total cost was $120 USD - plsu shipping.
Read all of the "happy customer" testimonial on their site, it seems worth it.  I have done the pads and think it is time to order the strap now.  The stuff feels like some kind of a memory foam and really takes the shape of your head well.
Bomber - SteveS had pics etc taken when out for the shirts - given the nature of wearing helmets more It is a great improvment (even non kit guys are buying it...)

Secondly - I heard, from other Gallet users, that the styrofoam pad is actually not even supposed to be worn withthe helmet that it was a packing item - and it stops the issue suspension system from doing its job  ???

That is definitely worth looking into, packing material, oh man.  When I pulled it our, it seems to be the same foam as it in a bike helmet, and I believe you are supposed to toss your bike helmet after a hard impact, so do I toss my helmet after I heave it into the back of a truck?  Or just replace my packing material?

Hmmm, T-shirts, I'm so glad people finally saw that the only way for a moisture management system to be viable is to have a good base layer. 

Was he taking pictures of the BLU stuff?
I can't wait untill someone says its too hot. Or they don't like it. 
What are the repercussions  WRT pensions if you modded you helmet on your own, and it was deemed unnaceptable.
A hemet is considered safety equipment isn't it?

Just a thought.
They aren't changing the protection capabilities of the helmet itself, thousands of Americans are using them in Iraq and Afghanistan as we speak.  The pads just make it way more comfortable.

Bomber yes Steve took photos of the helmet.
The liner upgrade is the cat's ass. With other helmets I have the problem of sweat pouring down my forehead and into my sunglasses which is annoying when you are trying to concentrate on more important things. The padding seems to act as a sweat band and minimizes this happening.  The new straps are also superior to the CF one.
MJP said:
They aren't changing the protection capabilities of the helmet itself, thousands of Americans are using them in Iraq and Afghanistan as we speak.   The pads just make it way more comfortable.


No you are just changing how it would sit on your head.  And how it would deflect or take a glancing blow. Not being a naysayer or anything, I would just be really sure about any repercussions that may come back on any users who are modifying their ballistic protection.
you know what the DVA is like when it comes to pensions

More questions were raised on a fatal flying accident on why the pilot was sitting on bubble wrap then why the nose wheel was twisted on landing.
mover1 said:
No you are just changing how it would sit on your head.  And how it would deflect or take a glancing blow. Not being a naysayer or anything, I would just be really sure about any repercussions that may come back on any users who are modifying their ballistic protection.

Well you are correct...with the pads in it actually sits properly on the head and therefore is better for protection...but I digress.   But don't take my word for it, I kinda rely on what the guys actually fighting are wearing and saying but what do they know?  ;)....
MJP said:
Well you are correct...with the pads in it actually sits properly on the head and therefore is better for protection...but I digress.   But don't take my word for it, I kinda rely on what the guys actually fighting are wearing and saying but what do they know?   ;)....

That Saddam Hussein attacked america in 911. ;D
Saw that line in a documentary sputed from the mouth of a National Gaurdsmen. Heard a couple of other zingers too.
All I was implying is BEWARE OF THE SAFETY POLICE. 
At the end of the day, we're not talking anything that changes the ballistic protection of the helmet...just increases comfort from the cookie-cutter, lowest bidder suspension rig.  If you guys think the ground kit nazis are bad, you ought to see what the ALSE (avn life sp eqpt) folks will get bent over...folks go bonkers on you trying to sew a Velcro loop & closure fastener patch onto a flight suit...without NOMEX thread!  :o  Oh, the humanity!


This helmet "mod" is exactly the kind of stuff I would OK in ops, and do my best to cover the lads' rears if anything happened.  Like we've seen in other threads, notwithstanding the best intentions of folks in CTS, DSSPM, and other clo/kit orgs, there are somethings (well, many actually...  ;) ) that NDHQ ends up not being able to get for the folks up front.  These kinds of QOWL (qual of work life) things should actually be procured at whatever level has the resources (vice adding extra spaces to the parking lots at HHQs) to help out the front line's lot in life.  Sometimes the CoC does well by the boys, I saw a LCol go head to head with a 2-leaf so that he could get his boys wearing t-shirts only in the cockpit in some hot-arse weather.  Wasn't pretty, but he succeeded in making his case for the "good kind" of risk avoidance...avoid a sit (in this case heat exhaustion through wearing dual-layer fly clo and LPSV, etc... in close to 50c+ wx) in the very first place, such that you don't have to depend on such legislated clo in the even of an actual crash that might realistically happen were the aircrew actually wearing the double(+)-layer of FR clothing.  It's all about  "probability of occurance" vs. "consequence of occurance".  Personally, I would take "let the guys rig their helmets far more comfortably so they don't hate wearing them" rather than "keep a non-optimized rig where guys might be tempted to pop the dome off every once in a while to regain some comfort and potentially get fragged while the chapeau is not on the kopf..."

Well, I sent them (Oregon Aero) an email and got a response with about 6 pictures.  They mentioned that they are in the process of doing some strength testing with the "3 bolts" configuration, and are trying to decide if it's the best option.  I think I am going to go the distance and order the full kit as I have a Leo C2 drivers course starting next week and I'll be using my helmet pretty often during that.  Only negative feedback I can say right now:  I asked if they offered military discount and got a "At this time we do not have a military discount or bulk order discounts" reply. 

Too bad, I was going to see if we could do a bulk order here on Army.ca, would anyone be interested in ordering a kit?? Maybe if I have enough interest, they might flex a bit?  Send me a message!!

I'm guessing 99% of their orders are MIL/LE so I cant see why they would offer a discount to their primary customers.

True.. I suppose.. but I am so darn cheap that I have to ask any chance I get.  Pizza Hut gave me 10% today, so I guess it pays sometimes.  I will be ordering my "kit" on monday, and hope that it gets here as quick as someone said earlier in the thread.  I can 't wait to be comfortable.  If only i had ordered before we did our recent ELOC training...

For those that have ordered (or test-drove it, so to speak) this true bit of Gucci-ness ;D, is it possible/feasible to just get the padding (i.e. just order the replacement pads) and put them in the issue helmet/suspension, or do you have to do the full-meal deal???? I went to the lightfighter forum as per the link given at the beginning of the thread, and someone posted that they went with the Canadian chin-strap.

I'm looking from a cost-saving point of view, and as well as from the point of view that if some anal-retentive type see's the non-issue straps, they are more than likely going to say "sh!t can the piece of gear". But if they can't see the comfy padding, they would be blissfully unaware of the reason for my smile.

Anyway, any input would be appreciated, as I am going to have to fly this one past my RSM (residential sgt major......) for funding clearance, and seeing as how she wears combat boots too, I may be able to convince her to buy one too (the lengths us married guys have to go to.......) so I can get one......

Al, get a hold of me.  I can show you the pics I have that the company sent me, I'll bring them in to work on monday if you want.  I think that with the pad set in, and the old chinstrap being use (the BLU kit as opposed to the BLSS kit) no one would even be able to tell you had the comfiness in there.  However, with the chin strap upgrade, it would be obvious. 

I think it's the better way to go for full comfort, how many people actually scrutinize a chinstrap??  ELOC is the only time we get to be "seen" wearing helmets by mommy and daddy, other than that it's in the field and easily hidden?  I am going to go "full package deal" on it and try it both ways...wish me luck.

See you at work monday