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Helmet upgrades ? MICH / ACH style pads in CAF style kevlar, any one done one?

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I know (http://www.militarymorons.com/) MM's site did a review of Oregon Aero replacement BLU MICH style pad upgrade, but just wondering if anyone has done on here?

Most of the time I'm just down the road from these guys, might be able to get some type of group buy going if anyone (enough) are interested.  Looks like they don't have a problem selling one-iezes / two-iezes so I'm problably going to up grade my CG634 pod here in a few weeks.  I've already contacted Ben there to see if thier full system will work as well, thier BLISS system inculdes the same MICH style pads and chinstrap system.  Not cheap for the BLISS system, but the BLU system is less then $100 bucks.  I would imigine anyone wearing a pod for a extended period of time wishes for something more comfy.  Check out thier site to see the details.


Actually Andy C was the first to do it here - I worse his for 5 min and had the CC out ordering it.




I wore a MICH when trying to loot a buddies basement in Ottawa - but he made me give it back - but this the next best thing - and does not cost $500 USD that the MICH/ACH does...
If you have a four hole (drilled for the NV bracket) it fits perfectly - if not you need to zapstrap the front headband - Andy's and mine are (mine is a four hole but I zapstrapped it too) the fourhole is easier to wrok with - but the zap only method seems plenty secure
Far out - another thing to add to the kit-slut list....
How well does it work in conjunction with the gas mask?
Kal said:
How well does it work in conjunction with the gas mask?

Works well with Peltor eardefenders.  I did not notice any problems with the gasmask, I cant see why it would affect it in anyway...
KevinB said:

Works well with Peltor eardefenders.   I did not notice any problems with the gasmask, I cant see why it would affect it in anyway...

    From the pictures it looked as if the pads are mounted very close to the edge and in some pictures off the 'net they looked even lower.  I was wondering in the gas mask would make too much contact with the low sitting pads and push the mask down or the helmet up.  Thanks for the tips, though.
Ah - I did not really figure out your question.

The pads are pretty much level with the previous suspension system. 

Admittedly I wear my gasmask once a year (hut refresher) so...

Nice job Andy / Kev....
The pads are mounted on velcro and are adjustable to fit different conditions, helmet liner, more ventilation, comm gear, gas mask, etc.

I got into contact with one of the folks at Oregon Aero, only a couple of hour drive from me here in Oregon.  They didn't know too much about this mod, but think it would work fine as Andy and Kev have proved to us already.  The factory boys @ Oregon Areo want to do a mode correctly for this helmet and are looking to purchase a one from the factory.  But I offered to send them mine and have them do the hands-on-touchie-feelie on it.  I'm thinking this might encourge them to offer me a nice discount for the R&D.  Either way it appears to be worth the cash to make it more comfy. 

Kev / Andy, so you guys did the complete BLSS kits - pads and 4-point chinstrap? the BLU kit is just the pads.  The 4-point harness looks nicer then the standard CAF 3-point.
So you liked the MICH huh Kev?  much different fromt he CG634? I've yet to get my hands on one (MICH) so hard to tell from the pics I've seen.

I'll keep everyone up to date on what Oregon Areo has to say.  Thanks everyone for the feedback.


"I worse his for 5 min and had the CC out ordering it."

and you hack on others for spelling. ;D
;D Easier to criticise than compliment...

The MICH/ACH is lighter and a wee bit smaller - yet sits lower than the issue Gallet (CG634?) I just cant justify spending $500 plus USD for a helmet when I am issued one I can make 80% as good with only $120 USD output.  The MICH is also better ballistically...

AndyC only lurks Army.ca and does not post.

Yes complete BLSS kit 2 days from order to delivery  :o very impressive.
"I just cant justify spending $500 plus USD for a helmet"

whaaaaaa, I'm losing faith in you.  ;)

If they ever send 2VP anywhere I think I may look into that.
Thanks Kev / AndyC 

I grew up wearing the old steel pots, and for all you old timers the "really special"  M1957 body armor....  those old fasion Vietnam Era p.o.s.  the ones with the multiple 4"x4" loose plates on a vest body of pre-kelvar.  oh boy those where the days...  So when Uncle Reagan started spending money like a drunken sailor, well compared to Catrer... the Corps started getting the first issue PASGT gear, man we thought that was the cats meow..... now we fast forward to today...

I "ran across" a CAF pot at a buddies house and a few scotchs later it was mine, lgihter then the USGI PASGT and a lil stronger too.  The MICH well I too would like to own one too but I'll deal with the Canadian and IDF kelvar I've got.  A couple of mods and it will serve me fine.

Kev, being the squaredaway individual you are, I'm sure you've see the IDF "Mitznefet" / Clown hat; floppy helemt cover.  For those that never seen these thier a reversiable mesh type cover, with an elastic band around the opening to attact to you helmet or you can pull down over your head with out a helmet on, you can see though them, but they break up your heads shape very well.  Sort of like CND individual camo screen, but a little denser mesh.  Sort of a bownish green camo pattern on one side and more arid the other.  The IDF also makes a helmet cover out of the same material.  The clown hats are kinda handy....  The human head is very reconigizible and breaking up the shape is a handy habit.  a simple bit of elastic cord and peice of CND Individual Camo screen would allow someone to make thier own.  The CND don't mind you cuting these up do they?

I don't doubt you'll post a pic of yours Kev,  ;D I'm irish, we're a little slow, but I'm starting to get the impression you know pretty much all the tricks.

Semper Fi
all you old timers the "really special"  M1957 body armor....  those old fasion Vietnam Era p.o.s.  the ones with the multiple 4"x4" loose plates on a vest body of pre-kelvar.  oh boy those where the days...

Are you talking about the same one the Israeli fellows in the first pic are using? Because we're STILL using those....
That Vietnam era 'lead weave' vest is out of service.  I think some units that are not entitled (which is another assinine story) to PBA keep them - but.  ???
I did 10years in the old M1 pot helmet - I was so sad I had to exchange my Jump Helmet for the Gallet in '97 (call me a prick I liked have a different helmet than the L@^'s  ;D

pappy -I've seen those pics - but I always wondered why they brought the Swedish Chef on patrol...
The TW CADPAT Screen is easily altered - the AR CADPAT ones are one time environemntal/operational issue only (and I've been saving mine to sell on EBay  ;) )
