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'Hated' church group to protest Tim McLean funeral

I think we should allow them too cross the border, arrest them under our terror law, and hold them for 10 plus years, then just send them on a nice vacation to Cuba (provided that the US will hold them for us  ;D).  Then when the other just come across the border, they can all go on trial together.

Or if the Canadian public would agree, line them up, on their knees facing a ditch  ;D
I'd be curious to know what THEIR God thinks of us degenerate, ill disciplined, permissive,  heathen citizens of a fag nation that hang out on Army.ca when we could otherwise be subscribing to THEIR dogma??

And just for thinking that I guess I'm really ****ed now, huh?
WrenchBender said:
It appears they may have crossed the border after all. I hope that the family does not have to put up with these nutjobs. they have enough to deal with as it is.


Hmmm......if a bunch of nutjobs can do this to protest at a funeral, what's to say someone with terrorist intentions could not duplicate this either going into the US or vice versa...
Shec said:
I'd be curious to know what THEIR God thinks of us degenerate, ill disciplined, permissive,  heathen citizens of a fag nation that hang out on Army.ca when we could otherwise be subscribing to THEIR dogma??

And just for thinking that I guess I'm really ****ed now, huh?

I'm going to H-e-double hockey sticks anyway  >:D  which is definitely preferable to their idea of Heaven.  ::)

Good for Jim Cotton and those who join him, if I were in Winnipeg, that's where I'd be.
boot12 said:
My apologies for not making myself more clear, reading my post again it does seem like that is what I was implying.

No problem dude.
We seem to  commonly take the high ground when it comes to issues like this.
"Just ignore them, they will go away".

I just meant that some things when you ignore them, will make it worse.

I really don't think these people care about how many website hits they get.
The way to stop this stuff is to contact MPs etc.. and make it illegal for them to spread their hate.

Lots of people have support the troops stickers and ribbons and that's awesome.  Another way to show support for the troops is to help stop these assholes from harassing funerals of soldiers who don't come home. Let their families say goodbye in peace. Canada owes that at the very least to these families.
So it turns out Tim is my second cousin.... Not close enough for me to go to the funeral, never really knew him. But I for damn sure know what I'm doing tomorrow around 2:30 PM.

BTW, if there is any other members in Wpg details on the "wall of compassion" are in the facebook event below.

At least I'm in Winnipeg on 3 weeks leave.

Good luck Klc,

Before you go into the frey,  perhaps this quip might come in handy, it is my third favorite Bible quote Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent"

(or as my Mother said to me on a few occasions shut the **** up.)
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Well it seems that no one should up or if they did they didn't show themselves.

Apparently not.  Quiet funeral for young man killed on bus

Some members of a controversial U.S. church group plan had announced plans to demonstrate at McLean's funeral.

No members of the group showed up; but instead hundreds of strangers arrived at the church ready to block their protest.

McLean's family and friends thanked some of those who showed up outside the church.

Hats off to the protest blockers.  :salute:

I was thinking that the (so-called) church's statement about some of their people getting across the border seemed like they were saving face.  >:D
Thanks LWQ  :) I'm at work today and couldn't leave the province but I've been praying and thinking about the funeral off and on all I day. It's a big relief; no one should ever have to put up with something like that when they bury a loved one ...
