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Hamas: "Move Israel to Nunavut"


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This paragraph is buried inside the paper at the end of a front page story in today's Globe and Mail:

Later in the interview, he suggested that there should be a single Islamic state stretching across the Middle East, adding that there was plenty of space in Canada to establish a Jewish homeland.

"He" is Palestinian foreign minister, and founding member of Hamas, Mahmoud Zahar. This is the first paragraph of the story written by Mark MacKinnon:

Canada risks making itself an enemy of the Palestinian people and of the broader Islamist movement by boycotting Hamas and openly siding with Israel, Palestinian foreign minister Mahmoud Zahar said Sunday after he was shunned [emphasis added] by visiting Foreign Minister Peter MacKay.

Why is simply carrying out the government's policy of not having direct contact with Hamas described with the perjorative "shunned"? Then there's this gem in the second paragraph:

...Mr. Zahar alternated between saying he was anxious to open a dialogue with Canada and saying he looked forward to the moment that Canadians voted the "extremist" [emphasis added] Conservative government out of office.

Now which would you think is more significant?

1) A senior Hamas leader wants to move the Jews of Israel to Canada and establish one (extremist) Islamic state in the middle east; or

2) A senior Hamas leader is critical of Canadian policy towards the Hamas government and wants Canadians to get rid of the Conservative government.

Interesting news priorities chez Globe...Succumbing to flattery?

During an hour-long interview that he [Mr. Zahar] said was a replacement for the meeting Mr. MacKay denied him...

I suppose the Globe, in its stupendous self-importance, considers HAMAS ("Islamic Resistance Movement") an interlocuteur valable for influencing the Canadian people's attitude regarding the Canadian government.

Petey should have met the medival little bastard just so his Ski Team entourage could have "detained" the oxygen thief and shipped it's 7th century ass to Gitmo.
It's always interesting to hear that the Jews should be sent to Canada to populate the north, according to the Palestinian terrorists.

While we're at it perhaps Egypt or Syria or Jordan or Saudi or Lebanon or Iran could offer citizenship to the Palestinians...


Oh well, just a thought...
cplcaldwell said:
It's always interesting to hear that the Jews should be sent to Canada to populate the north, according to the Palestinian terrorists.

While we're at it perhaps Egypt or Syria or Jordan or Saudi or Lebanon or Iran could offer citizenship to the Palestinians...


Oh well, just a thought...

To quote Monty Python, SPLINTER!

You're right - this is rarely part of the equation MSM points out.  THen again, if the Palestinians could find a home elsewhere, there would be no source of conflict, would there?
SPLINTER, indeed....milnews

I just get so sick of these arguments when I see that Gaza has one of the highest population densities on earth and Egypt, since getting Sinai back from the Israelis has made a pretty penny of developing Sharm al'Shaikh and now Al'Arish.... when instead they could have ...

As for the IDF davidhmd.. I have only one thing to say... how many Merkavas could we fit into Meaford??? (...Aldershot??? >:D)
davidhmd said:
Perhaps it could be adventageous... canada is already suffering a population shortage, and I'm sure the IDF would be welcomly integrated into the CF.

Works for me all those F-16s and Merkevas up north would keep them pesky Danes away from our frozen hunks of rock.  8)

Seriously anytime wonders why we need to stand on the wall against these mouth breathing idiots, they always find a way to remind us.
"Mr. Zahar alternated between saying he was anxious to open a dialogue with Canada and saying he looked forward to the moment that Canadians voted the “extremist” Conservative government out of office"

Gotta love the fact that he calls our Conservatives extremist, so I guess that would make them the spawn of Satan? Last time I checked Stephen Harper wasn't calling for the destruction of another country and exterminating people.
Much has been said about Canada abandoning its role as an honest broker in the Mideast.  I don't see how we can call ourselves honest if we don't call it as it is.  Kidnapping soldiers or anyone to trade for common criminals is a war crime, using the local population to shield your military activities is a war crime, specifically targeting civilian centres with weapons modified to enhance personal injury is a war crime. I recall a Lebanonese citizen saying "Without Hezebollah, who would defend us?"  Without Hezebollah, who would attack you? 

The aid money we provided for Palestine was granted on their acceptance of Isreal and and a rejection of violence, something that Fatah was half hearted about.  Hamas has no heart for that and its been Canadian government policy to not aid terrorists for some years. 

Some people say that Canada should have an independent foreign policy from the US, what they actually suggest is that we always do the opposite and that is a dependent policy.  They say red and well now we can say blue, they say forward and now we are released to say back.  The US says nothing and we have to sit on our hands.  It was great to see Canada take the first step and decline aid to Hamas.  Hope all those other countries like the Eu and the US don't have trouble not being independent of Canadian foreign policy....

Regarding our decision and it being described as punishing the democratic result of Palestine.  Last time I checked they don't vote here or have a say in how we do aid. 
It is time Canada introduced "Rules for the interaction with morally corrupt governments and organizations" into our constitution that every Canadian government has to follow regardless of their placing on the political spectrum. This should be the basis of our foreign policy and the dealings that we have with every state no ands ifs or buts.