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Halifax airshow


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I was at the Halifax Airshow Coyote stand, and about 90% of the people asked where the Tanks were and did't know we got rid of them. Maybe if persons higher than us were there, they be getting a blast.
They were sure happy that we have the Coyote and not the US. Most said we have to keep our lil stick and tell them to screw it. If they wait they. The show was crap, most aircraft were US Navy.
"The show was crap, most aircraft were US Navy"

Most "Canadian" airshows are mostly American aircraft unfortunately.


Lets see.

Sea king
Aurora fly by
Snow Birds
Dash 8
(Lets see what are we missing, Herc, Cormorant, twin otter, Jet ranger).

2 15's,

Plus a load of civilian aircraft.
Plus all the kit from Gagetown.
Plus great weather.
= Great time.

Your negativity is only surpassed by your ignorance.
Your negativity is only surpassed by your ignorance.
I've been to about 6 airshows in Canada (more often than naught I'm working at the timeĀ  ::) ), mostly in Winnipeg, and I'd have to say that the only exciting show put on by the Canadian side of the house were from the CF 18's. I'd rather see the 15's,16's, A-10's ect..... Maybe I just haven't had the luck of seeing a good performance by the rest of the usual players from Canada....

By the way, this wasn't meant as a slight to the other folks from the CF, I just don't find that part of the show interesting.
Bograt said:

Lets see.

Sea king
Aurora fly by
Snow Birds
Dash 8
(Lets see what are we missing, Herc, Cormorant, twin otter, Jet ranger).

2 15's,

Plus a load of civilian aircraft.
Plus all the kit from Gagetown.
Plus great weather.
= Great time.

Your negativity is only surpassed by your ignorance.
So I'm ignorant? I have a few words for you, you lil troll. The words mostly US Navy was a point, I have been to air shows that have many vintage aircraft. Yes the Sea King is vintage. But I consider WW1/2, Korea more interesting. Also compared to a many I have been at it or was part of it was crap.
I was the Armour OPI. by the way. Never seen any of you come down and visit. Had a few navy fellas come down and were interested.Five days of fun in the sun and a pre-airshow, when the aircraft came in.
You must have been the person who thought the Surv TI could look though walls. Your a 2LT untrained, growup. Your maybe just older than the cadets that were there. Get 25 yrs in and then talk.

:evil: :tank:

Its funny how critical some can be. The airshow was a great success. Great static and flying displays. Lots of volunteers. Fantastic local support. Great press from the local media. Yet somehow you believe it was crap. I know my family and I had a fantastic time, as did everyone else. (except you). Well thats your choice.

Kudos to the organizers.

Apologies for the ignorant comment.

You only help to cement the opinion of your ignorance by attacking Bograt personally.

Instead, would it not be better to go after the air show organizers (who are NOT military) for their lack of vintage aircraft present at the show?

Now, Bograt has appologized.Ā  Maybe another one should be on its way?

My $0.02.
Strike said:
Now, Bograt has apologized. Ā  Maybe another one should be on its way?

MMMMMMMMMMMMM? Maybe? I guess my week in the Warrior Shack made me pissed. When you see members (sailors) walking around with one sleeve down and one sleeve up, no head dress outside, etc, etc. It makes me a lLilpissed.
It could have been much better. As for organizers, they couldn't make up their minds what they wanted. First no tanks, then tanks, then no tanks, then tanks. What happened, NO Tanks!. We had to be escorted to our stands? For the Coyote, they didn't believe that the Radar did not conflict with theirs, etc,etc.
I was a AME before I joined the Army. So I know about airport security, Air side, Ground side. And was surprised that a group of green fellas had to be walked around and watched. And have some civie volunteer say, that they have a higher security clearance? Damn my one of my Cpls and myself have LvL3.
Fo what they had it was ok. For us we had a ok time. But I am not the only one from the green side that thought it should be better, compared to the true Shearwater show.
Hi, I met someone at the Airshow from Infantry based from Amherst by the name Murray and regretfully didn't ask her first name. If anyone can help me find a way to contact her via email or a forum I would be indebted forever. Thanks
and I'd have to say that the only exciting show put on by the Canadian side of the house were from the CF 18's. I'd rather see the 15's,16's, A-10's ect..... Maybe I just haven't had the luck of seeing a good performance by the rest of the usual players from Canada....
yeah, those snowbirds folks tend to be pretty boring......
Quote from Recce41 "So I know about airport security, Air side, Ground side."

Then you should also know that the Airport Authority can be fined for allowing people to walk around unescorted without the proper credentials. We took care of the PM's Airbus for the Presidential visit and loaded the aircraft for Ex. Southbound Trooper at Halifax. Both times we had to be escorted everywhere we went even though I work on an Aerodrome almost every day of the week. I have also worked at a few airports around the globe doing similar work, it doesn't matter, they have no choice to escort people who are not cleared by the airport authority. In fact I have only worked at one airport unescorted in the Middle East but the guy in the Hummer with the MAG 58 kept a watchful eye on us at all times. By the way, they also don't care about your security clearance level, the only time this came into play for us was when CANFORCE 1 and AIR FORCE 1 were comming into Halifax and that was the RCMP not the Airport Authority who asked for it.
Sound like it was a decent show at Halifax . Just be thank fullĀ  you guys down there still get one thanks to the Trenton town council where not getting any more here .Ā  :crybaby:
Gramps said:
Quote from Recce41 "So I know about airport security, Air side, Ground side."

Then you should also know that the Airport Authority can be fined for allowing people to walk around unescorted without the proper credentials. We took care of the PM's Airbus for the Presidential visit and loaded the aircraft for Ex. Southbound Trooper at Halifax. Both times we had to be escorted everywhere we went even though I work on an Aerodrome almost every day of the week. I have also worked at a few airports around the globe doing similar work, it doesn't matter, they have no choice to escort people who are not cleared by the airport authority. In fact I have only worked at one airport unescorted in the Middle East but the guy in the Hummer with the MAG 58 kept a watchful eye on us at all times. By the way, they also don't care about your security clearance level, the only time this came into play for us was when CANFORCE 1 and AIR FORCE 1 were comming into Halifax and that was the RCMP not the Airport Authority who asked for it.
Yes you are correct. But If give a Purple or Red ID card, you can work unescorted. I am a Memeber of COPA ( Canadian Owners and Pilots Asso.), it has no picture but a number. It gets me through security areas, unescorted IN CIVIES. This is what I mean, I meet a AME from Toronto working in Halifax and his cross Canada ID was no good. Ths ID is issued to all airport employees, I still have my old one. It is good across Canada, but no good in Halifax. I guess Halifax is not in Canada? It was even good in Detriot on maintance runs to Metro.
As for my clearance, it was just a point. That some volunteer said they had a higher clearance than us. It only takes a day to get a red card. But a yr for a clearance check.
Recce41, Okay, now it makes more sense to me. Maybe they are a little tense at Halifax lately because of all of he security problems they have had in the main terminal lately. Cheers.
My 2 cents on the Halifax airshow.

1. The Defence Equipment part of the show has now split off from the airshow. It is now held during 2 days prior to airshow at another location and is not, repeat not, open to the public. This used to be open to public at the former Shearwater airshow and provided the opportunity to talk to defence company's from around the world and see their idea's for new equipment for the cdn forces. I always thought this was one of the most important parts of the show and will be missed

2. The static aircraft park while having quite a few aircraft was still a pale comparison to the Shearwater airshow with less than 1/3 the number of aircraft. The flying display was good what there was of it. There were long pauses between demo's (one of the drawbacks with holding the show at a civilian airport with passenger planes landing and taking off) which is a letdown after being used to the fast paced clockwork precision of the old Shearwater show with far more demo's.

3. The Army part of the show was a hit as usual and well received by public although many missed real tanks & heavy artillery but then the Army probably misses them also.

4. Overall a lot of people worked long and hard to put this show together and a lot of things were organized well and i thank them for there efforts but it did not hold a candle to the former Shearwater airshow.

The "Halifax Air Show" is in fact the Nova Scotia International Air Show, but it should not be confused
with the long running, award winning and excellent "Shearwater International Air Show, (SIAS)".
The SIAS was created in Ottawa by CAS with full approval of the MND in 1977. It was created to
provide a high public profile for the then CFB Shearwater which Provincial politicians wanted to turn
into an industrial park, much resented by the AF and Navy. By 1979, an organization was in place
and the SIAS commenced operations. It was provided with "major event status" by CAS, which
meant that units like the then CFB Cold Lake were tasked to provide aircraft. The annual event became
one of the best air shows in North America, winning many awards, and regularly attracting in excess
of 100,000 visitors.
The success of the event was due almost entirely to the excellent leadership, planning, and participation
of the Canadian Forces, and some 1200 to 1500 volunteers. SIAS affilliated with the Canadian International Air Show Toronto, The Abbotsford, Hamiliton, and Moose Jaw events, and the famed
Royal International Air Tattoo, (RIAT) RAF Fairford UK. When funds allocated to upgrade the high
speed and heavy lift runway 12 Wing were diverted to another DND project in Montreal, the days
of a venue at 12 Wing were numbered. This was escalated by the events of 9/11 which caused the
annual insurance premium to rise to about $100,000. At this time, the NS Government stepped in
and provided administrative and financial support, and a change of venue. Moving the airshow to
the Halifax International Airport has generated a number of logistical and operational problems, but
the most important have not been thoroughly examined.
The airshow is a not-for-profit entity operating on a not-for-profit Category A National Capital Airport
in the National Airport System (NAS), which is responsible to a Local Airport Authority (LAA) - the LAA
is in fact responsible to no one, thus the question of liability must be considered. Is the event being
operated in compliance with TC Canadian Air Regulations (CARS)? one would think so. Meanwhile, the
Canadian air show world is changing: being constantly hit with ever increasing costs (fuel, insurance
fees, etc.) The organizers of the NSIAS deserve credit for what they are attempting to do, but any
attempt to emulate the SIAS is virtually impossible. The Trade Show at 12 Wing was designed to
bring aerospace industry and Canadian potential suppliers togather for three days - entry fee included
in a ticket to the event, ($12.00) - the Trade Show in the Halifax Metro Centre cost $200.00 per
day, (two days) and $150.00 for their "gala dinner" - needless to say most of the people who
attended were subsidized bureaucrats; this was not the long established original intention.Thus the
proposed annual air show needs to be examined, and certain issues like liability resolved. MacLeod