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Haircut a "go" or "no go" according to dress regs?

Is my haircut a "go" or "no go" according to the quoted Dress Regulations?

  • Yes (Go)

    Votes: 69 68.3%
  • No Go

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • Grey area

    Votes: 16 15.8%

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ive got a high n tight haircut......You hair looks too long tho on top.....heres a pic of mine....they dont bother me for it......i keep mine short on top..........the sides are cut with the trimmer with no clip...the top is cut with a 9 millimetter clip.
See, that is a distinctive line if there is any question to it. Very pronounced. I could see issues with that...mine is a little blurrier.  I like yours though I myself would never try to get away with that..
geo said:
Remember that at that time, it was illegal to shave your head and people were charged for having inflicted on themselves an "self inflicted wound".... really.

The self-inflected wound part was only if your head became sunburned.  Which was pretty rare while in uniform, you have always been more likely to get a farmer's or a 'down a pint' facial burn.

I hate to break it to you jerv41 but your haircut could easily be interpreted as bizarre as it does not have a taper.
OK guys,

I will pull the applicable reg (updates) today and post.

I know that it also mentions gradually tapered...and it is debateable as to whether or not the marine cut is 'gradually tapered.' Some say yes, some say no.

But in both pics on this thread there is a very distinct exaggeration in that tapering. You can argue it's tapered (it is) and your RSM can argue that it's exaggerated because it's not a gradual tapering. He'd be right too.

Seeing as how the RSMs are the ones who get to enforce dress standards, I think I'd be listening to what he had to say. So if there is a little bit of interpretation to be had with a reg, guess who gets to make it in this case? The CO & the RSM. That's the way it is.

Oh and for the females, the regs state that the hair (when not tied back) can not hang below the bottom edge of the shirt collar.

******When it is tied back in a braid, the braid can not extend below the top of the armpit.******
Why the heck does I see chicks walking around with braids half way down their backs??? This is obviously is clear contravention of the Dress Regs.

So know you know my pet peeve, for the non-existant day that I become an RSM!!  >:D
And then Vern you can come back here and push the reg about the braid "not below the level of the armpit". Many females on this AF base have it way lower than that and get away with it.  There's is one here in my unit where it comes halfway down her back and she plays with heavy eqiupment !!!  It drives me batty that some people do and will push the envelop and get away with it, and some others seem to "step into it" just by turning a corner on our way out of the barber shop.
In this instance I can easily say..."here's yur sign!!" 
BYT Driver said:
And then Vern you can come back here and push the reg about the braid "not below the level of the armpit". Many females on this AF base have it way lower than that and get away with it.  There's is one here in my unit where it comes halfway down her back and she plays with heavy eqiupment !!!  It drives me batty that some people do and will push the envelop and get away with it, and some others seem to "step into it" just by turning a corner on our way out of the barber shop.
In this instance I can easily say..."here's yur sign!!"   

The braid IS my pet peeve; see my below post. The Regs on this one are clear. Lack of enforcement of those Dress Regs IS the problem in this case, not the interpretation of them.
Librarian.. the quote I put up is the last reference to male haircuts out there out of the three mods that are online (search DIN for CFP 265).  Mods 2 and 3 make reference to sikh and female hair regs and show pictures of cornrows that are permitted now.  I taught DP1.. I had to pull them out often!!
Bzzliteyr said:
Mods 2 and 3 make reference to sikh and female hair regs and show pictures of cornrows that are permitted now.  I taught DP1.. I had to pull them out often!!
You were picking at someone's cornrows?
Then there's the issue of beards.
Navy types are allowed to have beards (tradition)
Pioneers were allowed to have beards (tradition)
Sikhs are allowed to have beards (religious accomodation)

All of a sudden, I had a fella of the Muslim faith come to see me about wearing a beard.... just about 1 week before the CF came out with it's publication on the various religions in Canada. 

Spoke to a couple of clean shaven muslim members in the unit (Capt, Lt & Sgt) about the beard thing.  They tell me that there is nowhere in the Koran that says a beard is a must.  When I ask about those that do wear em - they all refered to them as "the crazies".  Digging a little further, I find out that, in part, it is something that separates the Shiites from the Sunnits.

Shoulda seen the fellas face when I told him that, at least for the short term, it was either a transfer to the Navy OR a clean shaven face while we cleared up the issue with our higher means.

(BTW - he showed up clean shaven the very next AM - happy that someone had, at the very least listened to him)
Bzzliteyr said:
Librarian.. the quote I put up is the last reference to male haircuts out there out of the three mods that are online (search DIN for CFP 265).  Mods 2 and 3 make reference to sikh and female hair regs and show pictures of cornrows that are permitted now.  I taught DP1.. I had to pull them out often!!

Well, the first one up on the DIN link is highly accurate... ::)
Check out chapter 2, para23a; we Reg Force people get paid CUA once per month via our pay accounts!!

The regs on the female and Sikh haircuts have been out for a few years now.
BYT Driver said:
And then Vern you can come back here and push the reg about the braid "not below the level of the armpit". Many females on this AF base have it way lower than that and get away with it.  There's is one here in my unit where it comes halfway down her back and she plays with heavy eqiupment !!!  It drives me batty that some people do and will push the envelop and get away with it, and some others seem to "step into it" just by turning a corner on our way out of the barber shop.
In this instance I can easily say..."here's yur sign!!"   

That's a big no no. I know that at CFSME during inclearnces the females are told that braids are allowed but during the course they are not to have it braided.
I dont see a problem with that haircut looks very professional its tapered and the sideburns are to regs. sounds like your RSM has a bug up his ass
Check out chapter 2, para23a; we Reg Force people get paid CUA once per month via our pay accounts!!

Not any more.  I thought that has been replaced with yearly points to "spend" at logistikorp.

  That's one of the reasons I'm happy I figured out how to cut it myself and have been doing so for about 10 yrs now.
The Librarian said:
The braid IS my pet peeve; see my below post. The Regs on this one are clear. Lack of enforcement of those Dress Regs IS the problem in this case, not the interpretation of them.

Oh I forgot to mention that she is aboriginal.  Or at least appears to be.  I'm amzed that one of her supervisors did jump on her hair being so long around heavy equipment and things that spin.
I once worked with a rather tall and obviously "white" member who also had long hair in a braid.  He is 1/8th aboriginal and also worked with things that spin.  Tempting fate, I say.
Ya I've seen that guy walking around.  Maybe it would be a bit more believable if he wasn't blond to boot!
Bzzzz.....you're haircut looks fine.

I'd safely say that about 1/3 of the Regiment has the exact same one, mind you they are a bit more gradual on the fade.

Safe bet though.....go with your RSM's take on it. He is the authority in your Regiment.

My 0.02 duram worth

Yup, we're talking about the same guy alright.  Still say he's tempting fate with his hair that long.  Can't understand why his supervisors haven't said anything to the contrary.  
I know I and some others push it a bit over at where I work, but we work outside daily and the little bit extra length adds to the insulation factor.  Then again, the bosses usually leave us alone and don't bug us.  There is still the military decorum but it's a little bent right now.
BernDawg said:
Check out chapter 2, para23a; we Reg Force people get paid CUA once per month via our pay accounts!!

Not any more.  I thought that has been replaced with yearly points to "spend" at logistikorp.

  That's one of the reasons I'm happy I figured out how to cut it myself and have been doing so for about 10 yrs now.

Really? D'oh.

Go back to my post you quoted and read it again....after you've read the quoted post from Bzzz in my response!!

Bzz stated that the DIN Dress Regs were up to date...and then I responded...

Read the whole thing, maybe it'll all make sense for you then.  ;)
Yup I caught myself just after you posted.  I certainly am SMRT today.  Sorry bout that.

Must be all the ration water I used to drink.
Here's my haircut, is this legal? 



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