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Griffon Porn - 400 "City of Toronto" Squadron 75th Anniversary Formation Flight


Former Army Pilot in Drag
Staff member
Directing Staff
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I never thought I would see both "porn" and "griffon" in the same sentence.

Great pictures though.
Welshy said:
I never thought I would see both "porn" and "griffon" in the same sentence.

Especially from you Loachman.  Comanche porn, I'd believe, or even Kiowa porn .... but  Griffon porn?  You have changed.
I didn't say that I LIKED the helicopter.

Although, given the choice between Griffon and Chinook I'd rather fly the Griffon. I'll opt for the smallest possible helicopter every time.

Depending upon how the IBRUH version (Interim Battlefield Reconaissance and Utility Helicopter) pans out, I would not object to flying that in Afghanistan and would certainly prefer to do so over Chinook.

I'll hit the new improved CRA long before anything better comes along.

And I don't hate it as much as I did when I first flew it. A lot of the early problems seem to have been sorted.

I still feel a bit ... dirty ... for having admitted that, though.

It's still the wrong helicopter, bought for the wrong reasons.
okay, okay.

How do I get a chance to get a ride on the next pornshow flights around the CN Tower!

Maybe we could even buzz my work......Loachman, have you a spare seat?


There were forty passenger seats total on five hels, Tess. A few, especially on the fifth, were occupied by photographers.

It would be easier if you re-joined.

But even if we arranged such a ride for you, would you show up?

[the shots are even better when there is a ring of truth] ;D
Great photos...
da-datada da dum, da tada da dum....{Ride of the Valkeries from Apocalypse Now}

I love the smell of jetfuel in the morning..... 8)
....oh sure, now you guys get four flying...  :P
We had five up - the photographer had to sit somewhere.

And that's of greater historical significance than our anniversary...almost. Seriously, the maintainers worked damned hard to do that. The only two not up are coming out of 600 hour inspections and they should be out in another week or two.

It's not doing me any good though - between house hunting trips, Op Hurricane preps, and leave instructors are hard to find. I haven't flown for almost two weeks and am only on the schedule once next week. At that rate, it'll take me over three months to get my last few trips in.
Good2Golf said:
....oh sure, now you guys get four flying...  :P

5 a/c in the air!!! Last time I tried to get 3 a/c out of 400 they just laughed at me.

If you want some flying time LM, I may be able to hook you up if we have additional a/c in the area. Not to many Ocdt who can say that.
Thanks, but it's not the machines holding me up - it's the scarcity of instructors. The breeding programme has not kept up with demand.

Just to explain - I hadn't flown this thing since late 1998 until I finally started my refresher on 4 Jan.

As for the laughs, it's the crewing that makes it hard to provide what everybody wants as well. We've only got a couple of full-time line pilots, and the CO, DCO, and flt comds are supposed to be doing other things. If we have enough time to plan in advance...
You have an attendance record? I thought that it was a non-attendance record.