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grid to bearing and distance conversion formula


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ok, here‘s a tricky one. As anyone who has had to use a map in their career (everyone I suspect) you all know that plotting routes and such is time consuming, and must be done diligently to ensure accuracy. In the artillery (and I‘m not sure who else does this) there‘s a program that can calculate bearing and distance from two grids, and a grid from a bearing and a distance. It‘s called geodesic survey calculation. I would like to know if anyone has the formula or a tool (other than BFCS and IFCCS) to do this calculation, or justs knows off-hand how to do this caluculation (without looking at a map). Just trying to make life easiyer. Thanks for the help.

MBDR Olive
A few years ago when my son was taking a high school computer programming course, I talked him through the math and we created this:
UTM Calculator

The program will execute all of the usual topo map calculations for 6, 8 and 10-figure grid references. It's only limitation is that it can't calculate across the "zero-zero" lines. The downloadable shareware program is fully functional.
