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Got tha infamous Call

Just got my call, they offered me my first choice of Signal Operator Reg Force. Thank god the wait is over, nice to have a date to look forward to.

I figured i'd start this thread to see who else is going to BMQ on the 9th of October. I fly out of Newfoundland on the 8th. A WHOLE MONTH AWAY :(

See ya all there!!!

Clarkey said:

Don't worry, now that you have your date time will start to fly...feels like yesterday I got my call and was looking forward to basic...good luck
Thanks Zombie, yeah the past month was killer. But I figure the next few weeks should fly!

have a great time with your family and friends, take time off, vacation and such cause you won't see them for a little while

having a date is indeed great :), I'm waiting for mine too, however I'm recruit school by-pass ...
Hey Collin,

Yeah thats the plan, putting my notice in at work next Friday, and take the week before I go off. Time with the family and with friends. And one or two going away parties I figure. Us newfies like our parties ;)

I'll see you there Clarkey. Infantry Reg Force  :cdn:  I'm looking forward to getting started, Hooah!

Or maybe not, I'm going to Gagetown
hey got my call today... off to st. jean bmq on oct 9th, med tech semi-skilled
congrats all! Im sure you will be fine in the forces.  :salute:

Just got my call and will be in St. Jean on OCt. 9th as well. See you guys there.

Hummmm......since you're all eager for information the course you're on is the "Enhanced BMQ" meaning it's a combination of the standard BMQ plus three weeks of material from the Soldier Qualification which is being phased out.

So the first 9-10 weeks are spent on general military knowledge type lectures, drill, C7 rifle and some other stuff.  PT is conducted 3-5 days a week, many times twice a day.  Once at 0520hrs and again at 1530hrs.  The morning sessions are mainly runs and marches and the afternoon sessions are mainly swimming and circuit trg but there are some marches as well.

The last few weeks are spent learning how to live in the field, how to navigation, fieldcraft (cam, movement etc...), tactics and drills etc....  Theres a 4-5 day exercise to learn then a 4-5 day exercise to practice what you've learned in a tactical environment.  I'm still sorting out the the tactical exercise because we don't have the million dollar camps they've constructed in St Jean. 

For Cbt Arms types, the material from the SQ not covered on the Enhanced BMQ is supposed to be covered on your DP 1 trade crse.  For CSS  types there a SQ Delta crse that covers machine guns and some other stuff.  I think thats how its supposed to work anyway, some things have changed while I was learning French.
Hey Garett,

SQ Phased out huh? This is really disappointing, I was really looking forward to this course. What things will I as a signal operator miss out on now with this new format? Any ideas?

I'm not really sure, its still being shook out.  I think the aim of it is to speed up the completion of DP1 trg so recruits get qualified and to their units quicker.  I don't think any actual training will be missed, but its been broken up.
moclyke said:
Hey fellow Sig Op!! I'll see you October 9th in Saint Jean!!!!!

How's It Goin'? See ya there buddy!

Hey Garett,

So I take it under this new system, after BMQ(with the new included 3 weeks of SQ), i'll be going straight on to my MOC training in Kingston?

First, Welcome Clarkey and moclyke welcome to the trade and branch. :cheers:  :salute:

Second, before you hit Kingston, you'll probably spend some time in purgatory (PRETC Borden) waiting to get on a course. Regardless, good luck to all of you heading to St-Jean for your training.
211RadOp said:
First, Welcome Clarkey and moclyke welcome to the trade and branch. :cheers:  :salute:

Thanks 211RadOp,

Really looking forward to this trade. Can't wait to get started.

Thanks for the well wishes!

moclyke: PM incoming