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Got my offer today

Hmmmmm...... must be a reservist. Real people go to St. Jean or Borden. Hahaha just shittin yah buddy. Congrats and good luck on your course.

:salute: :cdn:
I would do it reg f to start with but..This way i get my 4 credits for high school which means i graduate get my high school diploma and during the summer get a component transfer to Reg F.. :salute:
I'm getting sworn in tomorrow night at the Windsor Armouries. I'm joining the 21 Svc Bn. Thanks to everyone on here for answering my questions. And, thanks to everyone who already asked the same questions i had so i could just read your replies.
THANK YOU ALL!  :salute:
Congrats.. how long did you have to wait after the interview for the call? I am curious because I am still waiting for the call..
Stauds, every file is different. He might have had the call a month after his interview, doesn't mean it will be the same for you.

Anyways, Amlin congrats.
thanks guys. I had my interview before I even had done my med or phys so it was a few months. I got lucky and the RMO only took 14 days to process my med file. The best piece of advice I could give is, check in, with the CFRC, every couple of days and if nothing is new, tell the recruiters that you will be back if u don't hear anything. The recruiters at the Windsor CFRC agreed with me too. the Petty Officer/Sgt. handling my file told me that it was best if I harassed them until things were done for me. Just be respectful and show them your determination you will get you call.
"The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease" if the wheel squeaks respectfully.

Cheers :salute:
Pte. (R) Amlin said:
the Petty Officer/Sgt. handling my file... Cheers :salute:

  Ahaha... I loved how you merged the navy rank of PO into the army/ chairforce rank of Sgt. Wait until you get on your BMQ or SQ and you call a Sgt. in the army a PO.  I hope I'm there to see the Jacking up. Ahaha. Oh and hears a hint... if he/ she is not wearing their beret and you are unsure if they are navy or army/ chairforce, look at their nametag. Navy personnel have an anchor beside their name where as army has two crossed swords and chairforce has wings. Cheers.
Well, I just got my call from CFRC London. 911 - Supply Tech/Reg. Force. I swear in Feb. 16th. Basic Training begins Mar. 6th in Saint Jean.

Will anyone else be there?

finally I got the call I get sworn in march 23 in barrie and start basic on april 10 at borden for 031 RCR anyone else this date?
Bradboy said:
Ahaha... I loved how you merged the navy rank of PO into the army/ chairforce rank of Sgt. Wait until you get on your BMQ or SQ and you call a Sgt. in the army a PO.  I hope I'm there to see the Jacking up. Ahaha.

Completely unnecessary - correct his mistake and leave it at that. Derisive laughter at his expense is just petty.
Congrats to everyone who got in

*wonders when she will FINALLY be done the run around regarding her medical -LOL*

showd said:
finally I got the call I get sworn in march 23 in barrie and start basic on april 10 at borden for 031 RCR anyone else this date?

I got my call for march 23 as well... however its at the recruiting office in Corner Brook NL. Starting basic June 24 St. Jean ;D
Congrats to everyone who got in!!!!!!!

Waiting for the call too...background checks and medical review pending. Interview was on March 14, 2006.  :salute:
After 2 months of the recruiting process, I was sworn in on thursday night into the Algonquin Regiment.  I am also new to this forum so I would like to say hello to everyone, some people who frequent Blue line (and I know there are a few) may know me as Justin L.  I am really excited about starting and I cant wait for my first parade, which could be this thursday but I dont get my uniforms and kit until monday so I have to wait until next thursday to start.  I look forward to talking to all of the people of this forum.

  Hi folks!

     My days of waiting are over. I just got off the phone with the Master Corporal at the recruiting centre - my offer came in today. I'm going to be a pilot. I am sworn in on May 18th and Basic starts on May 29th. I sign on for 12 years, which is a long time but well worth it in my eyes. I may very well sign for longer, but that will have to wait.

   I know that the journey to getting my wings and flying operationally is just beginning. I know the easy part was getting in, but I feel like hard work and determination will get me through the rest of it.

   Man, I'm pumped. I can't wait to get started!

     And a big THANK YOU to everyone on here for all the help - Inch, Bogart, all the other pilots on here who have given advice on their careers, Kincanucks for answering any questions I had, and all you other guys who are already in the forces and shared your experiences. Also a thank you to the moderators who keep this forum in such great order. Army.ca is a pretty special place and we are all lucky to have such a community to hang out at.

       :cdn: :salute:

    - Zach