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Here's a question, and I have tried to search for the answer on here as well as Google but with no luck, if it has already been discussed please direct me in the right direction.  From what I have read it seems that "A" Coy 2 PPCLI is attached to 1 RCR in A'stan, is this true, if so what is the reason for it, Lack of manpower, extra Coy needed for camp security (Canadas turn in a national rotation perhaps), if anyone happens to have an answer that would be great...  Again I apologize if this has already been brought up.
You are a MBdr with 8 years in, and you don't know that?

Something smells alittle fishy to me.  There's a ton of people fishing for info on here tonight, so forgive me for being suspicious...

How about asking one of your Sgt's or WOs at work the question?
Well just as soon as I get into town from my Civi job I will do just that, just figured that in the mean time I might be able to find some info out on here...Sorry to have bothered you then...
He's just concerned that your not who you are and doesn't want to give any OPSEC info to the AQ or Taliban.
Its not that, call it a "timing" thing what with other events of today...no offense intended, that why I said..."forgive me for being suspicious"...

*edit, sorry Quagmire, made this post before I saw yours....but yes what you said too.
Ah ok got yeah...Then I will wait until I get home this evening/Tomorrow morning then...No prob...Didn't really think of that...A little bagged right now so...I will see if any of the Members of my unit are anymore informed than me tomorrow then...Thanks anyway
Hey ya never know, someone might PM you an answer rather than putting it up on the thread for "all" to see...


Yeah stranger things have happened...Haha
We've got 160 "Guests" 90 "Users" on right now.  We've had 4 KIA's and  WIA's today from our "family".  How many of these Guests are real Guests, how many are media or Taliban or ???  Forgive for erring on the side of safety tonight.  I do hope that you do understand.