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Goretex Boots and Brutal Blisters: Suggestions?

I was wondering whether the insoles might have been causing the problem rather than relieving. 

Age, ain't it great?  We need a "generic decrepit old person shuffling along with a cane" gremlin for some us to add to our posts given the tenor of our comments!
Good idea, I'll start looking for one!  ;D  Good luck on your upcoming courses.
Gortex socks inside of the CWW boots is redundant and probably going to cause more problems than not.  Gortex socks, if not worn correctly, cause more blistering.  Mukluks are best for cold dry conditions.  Any sign of warm weather and wet or melting snow, and they will get wet and 'kill' you.


It is probably time to visit the Medics and get an appointment with an Orthopedic Specialist and get properly designed (custom) insoles.

I am considering it but I do hate going to the MIR; I always feel like such a whiner.  I'm cold, I'm tired, my feet hurt.... ;D
The only goretex I ever had on my feet were the first generation POS we were issued for Bosnia in 97.  They made everyones feet absolutely reek.  Our tent smelled like the south end of a north bound polecat.  I always used Sno-Seal on Mk IIIs, lots of it.  Made them nearly as waterproof as goretex, lighter, better traction, no swamp foot.
brin11 said:

I am considering it but I do hate going to the MIR; I always feel like such a whiner.  I'm cold, I'm tired, my feet hurt.... ;D

Whining will not get any less.  Time to do it and do it now.  I did and it solved problems I didn't even know I had.  New insoles solved my lower back pain.  A Specialist will able to tell you what is "wrong" with your walk/gait.  Then you will get insoles to improve it and more naturally align your posture. 

Where can Sno-Seal be purchased?  I just checked MEC to no avail and I have looked online to find national retail distributors (there are tons of online distributors). 

Is this something I can pick up seasonally at Canadian Tire or Canex?

Be careful what you do when you treat your boots.  Your boot leather needs to 'breath'.  The wrong treatment will cause your feet to sweat. 
I think I bought it at one of those little shoe repair places that are in every mall in the world.  Follow the directions EXACTLY, be sure to really get it into all the seams well.  Should run about $10 for a decent sized jar, lasts quite a while.  Used it for years George, and if anything, it improves the leather.  Natural ingredents like bees wax and mink oil.
Point taken, George.  Thanks.

Argh.  Who knew it could be so difficult??? Why don't they just issue a decent cold weather boot that keeps feet warm AND  dry AND  does not chew your feet up???
yup... canex in Chilliwack used to have it, was a godsend on those wet Fraser Valley winters.  Also try any decent outfitters store, other than MEC, they want to sell you goretex.
On insoles and such: I have chronic shin splints, lower back pain, I pronate when I walk, and any number of leg/lower body problems.

Or rather, I had them. For 10 years.

The various doctors and such would prescribe all manner of insole and special boot, and custom this, and super-duper that, all intended to lock the foot in a specific postion. In other words, a cast.

When you wear a cast, your muscles atrophy.

I threw all that shit away 2 months ago.

I go barefoot as much as possible, and I bought the Nike Free. I hate Nike, but this shoe is genius. Because it's so simple. No support at all. It forces the muscles of the feet to do their job. What a ridiculous concept, huh?

I ran 7 km last week.
I have gone without insoles in my Cbt Boots for years without any problems whatsoever. Never a foot, knee or back problem. Maybe I am just lucky but I have never had a problem..Chimo!
I can not for the life of me figure out why the CF does not provide a range of boots that are "approved" like the US does. A given boot that fits excellently for one person is torture for another. Take your risks with the issue stuff, and have the option of purchasing something else, ie tall and black that maybe works a little better for the individual. RSMs will have a fit because they want uniformity, but to me a black leather boot is a black leather boot. I have a non existant joint in my right foot and some boots and shoes are torture, others less so.