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Good News for British Columbia

Unfortunately, one candidate is unlikely to represent "imploding".

The BC NDP had a chance to demonstrate whether they could govern moderately and prudently when Glen Clark's government won a legislative majority without obtain the largest vote share.  They failed.  I had voted for a NDP candidate and foolishly concluded while viewing the night's results that the narrow win might actually lead to a good government in BC without the usual ideological pendulum swings.  I was wrong.  It will take a long, abusive, and incompetent string of non-NDP governments before I will consider returning NDP to government in BC; nothing they promise interests me anymore.  Yes, I'm close-minded in that regard.  No, I don't care.
Unfortunately, one candidate is unlikely to represent "imploding".

Dare to dream.... ;)

I had voted for a NDP candidate

Let it out brother... let it out.  I campaigned for the NDP back in high school after 11 years of socialist brain washing, er, I mean school.  After almost 20(+) years I still wake up at night screaming and have to use alcohol to induce sleep.  ;)


Gunner (recovering NDPer)
Gunner said:
Dare to dream.... ;)

Let it out brother... let it out.  I campaigned for the NDP back in high school after 11 years of socialist brain washing, er, I mean school.  After almost 20(+) years I still wake up at night screaming and have to use alcohol to induce sleep.  ;)


Gunner (recovering NDPer)

Yes .. the Re-Education Camps tend to have that effect. *Drinks*
I voted for the canadidate in my local riding and I voted NDP, he lost, unfortunately the gentlman who lost would have been a far better candidate then the guy who won.

Sometimes you have to vote for the wrong party to get the right candidate is something someone told me once.

I have yet to campaign for any political party, despite what myself or others perceive to be my political leanings, because I want my adult life to be full of deep uninterrupted sleep.  ;D
"Let it out brother... let it out.  I campaigned for the NDP back in high school after 11 years of socialist brain washing, er, I mean school.  After almost 20(+) years I still wake up at night screaming and have to use alcohol to induce sleep."

Don't feel bad.  Even Barbara Amiel was a Commie once.

I have yet to campaign for any political party, despite what myself or others perceive to be my political leanings, because I want my adult life to be full of deep uninterrupted sleep.

LOL - I was a riding President for COR(NB)  a longggg time ago. The following election, they self-destructed  :o
Allright since we are into confessions,...I was actually a card carrying Ontario Liberal [on paper] once. It was just for the local riding nominations and just about everyone at the old Correctional Centre did this so we could put someone there who would fight to keep us open,....huge failure, just like Dalton. ;)
I must admit I once voted Green, but only because Bronagh Morgan talked me into it with her charm, wit, cookies and innocent promises: . ;)

The lack of success in the Greens seems to contradict this:

And, such lack of success is probably due to this:

No damage done, these air heads will never succeed anywhere unless the federal NDP implodes.
*cries* I once worked for the Liberal Party of Nova Scotia..... Oh god I some one please tell me I'll be ok :(
Don't worry HitorMiss, every few years we get the chance to make (vote in) all new mistakes  ;)

Im actually working for the provincial NDP at the moment (watches for spears)

I have to say, the Liberals have killed B.C.'s small communities. You city folk seem to get the best end with them >:(

Hospital closers, school closers, 35 person class rooms. 4 hour waits to get a finger reattached. It's total bullshit. Yes, you can bash Glen Clark, but really, was the economy doing all that great across Canada during his reign? The man did take on Ottawa and Washington, to defend BC. He was a British Columbian before he was a Canadian. The media, federal and provincial parties tore him apart when he was in power, wrongly charged with the bloody casino case, and now he works for Jimmy patterson, Canada's great entrepreneur.

Learn a little about Glen Clark, he certainly has a interesting biography. 
Canuck_25 said:
Yes, you can bash Glen Clark, but really, was the economy doing all that great across Canada during his reign?

Dude, what are you smokin'?

muskrat89 said:
LOL - I was a riding President for COR(NB)   a longggg time ago. The following election, they self-destructed     :o


Just noticed your post this evening. I'm a long time NB resident, now retired and living in Swan Creek. I don't know if you knew him or not(you probably did), but Ab Rector passed away about a month or 6 weeks ago. Heart problems IIRC.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news     Drummy
I_am_John_Galt said:
Dude, what are you smokin'?


Dont let the corporations influence you my friend, ill go check stats canada
>I have to say, the Liberals have killed B.C.'s small communities. You city folk seem to get the best end with them

Actually, the NDP has traditionally expected its stronghold of support to be in the cities (Vancouver/Victoria) and has spent money accordingly.  There's a reason BC's smaller communities and rural regions traditionally inclined Socred (now Liberal).  Government services cuts certainly had a disproportionately negative outcome on smaller communities.

OTOH, you may have noticed the BC Liberals do occasionally back away from proposals (eg. Coquihalla privatization) in the face of public outcry.  I never knew (I can't remember an example) the NDP to be turned aside from an ideological course of action.  Clark's government proceeded merrily along its headstrong way with a bare legislative majority and a second-place popular vote finish.  Can you begin to imagine what the NDP might have felt the strength of its mandate to be and how strongly they might have bulled along if they'd won the majority the Liberals currently hold?
http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/labor07c.htm unemployment

http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/labor50c.htm 2001 earnings

http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/labor50_96c.htm 1996 earnings

http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/labor60a.htm Under Campbell, unions are forced to return to work or face imprisonment

You're saying Glen Clark, who was charged with dealing with organized crime figures and basically shamed out of government due to base incompetence, is better then Gordon Campbell?


Campbell may not be the best out there, but you are using the wrong milestone to try and compare him to.
Infanteer said:
You're saying Glen Clark, who was charged with dealing with organized crime figures and basically shamed out of government due to base incompetence, is better then Gordon Campbell?


Campbell may not be the best out there, but you are using the wrong milestone to try and compare him to.

Well, if I was moderator, i would correct your post, but i guess mods make mistakes :o Glen Clark wasn't convicted. He was acquitted. So basically, not guilty.

Thanks, Drummy - Yes, I knew Mr. Rector . He was a fine man, for sure  :salute: