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Gonna be a daddy!

Due date was yesterday. The waiting game is killing me now.  :blotto:

She's starting to show a few signs of imminent labour, but nothing concrete - or fleshy for that matter -  yet. I've got possible golf plans for tomorrow, so I'm guessing that's when we'll see the little bugger. He'll be grounded the day he shows up for being late!
Little brat has seriously missed his timing. Now they're talking about inducing labour on friday. Definitely going to PT his little butt! Well, as soon as I teach him a proper pushup.
CallOfDuty said:
...It's one of the most stressful, yet joyous experiences you will ever get to have...

Bingo.  I won't give you advice, but I can try to explain it:

For the first year, it is almost all agony and suffering and no return on investment.  You will have moments where you're sleep deprived with your baby screaming and you'll want to scream, then they will fall asleep in your arms and it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced.  Finally you'll set the kid down in the crib, and as you let your guard down and crash on your pillow, just as you are falling asleep they will scream again and you will go right back to wanting to kill him/her.

Then, from 1-2 the scale starts to shift and the effort goes down a bit and the reward/fun stuff starts as they get a personality, etc.  This is your only chance to start the discipline!

From 2-3 the scales are in the middle, they start to not require 100% attention, doing puzzles and whatnot, and they start to really be fun.

Then from 3+ the actual effort gets almost nil, and they're like little people who you can actually talk to and they can tell you what they like or what's wrong.

Most importantly though, congratulations!
Congratulations! Raising a boy is the best thing in the world! Boys are awesome!

A friend told me before mine was born - you spend the first year teaching them to walk and talk, then the next 17 years telling them to sit down and shut up! And that's the truth!

MY little dude was born by c-section last night!

Connor Ian McLeod Milne was born at Vic General Hospital, weighing in at a lean 6lbs 14.5oz. Very alert, bright eyed, lifts his head already and looks at everything. He'd make a good recce type already. He and mom are both recovering nicely, and will be at the hospital a few extra days to ensure nothing goes wring as she recovers from her c-section.

Pics to follow.
Contratulations!! And what a great name to grow into! Best wishes to you and your family.

Congrats to you and your family.. Now remember this melatolin, for you and your partner, for those nights when you wont be allowed to sleep...
Welcome on earth Connor Ian  :-*
Congratulations to Mum and Dad !

Congratulations to all of you! Being a dad is the greatest thing ever.

And remember, as horrible as the next few weeks may feel like, eventually you'll look back on those first few weeks with nostalgy... so enjoy them while you can :)

Congrats again!  :cheers:

The only advice I can offer you at this early point is:  When the baby sleeps, you sleep! 

And if you can't, don't tiptoe around the house, get him used to hearing things like vaccum cleaners and other noisy stuff.  When they can sleep through that, your life becomes much simpler!
Congratulations!  What a blessing for you and your family.  I'm looking forward to seeing lots of photos.  Enjoy every minute; they grow up so fast.
Beautiful. Looks like he's happy to rest after the tough journey out :)