I would stick to autumn colours for hunting etc, and there is surplus stuff out there for these seasons which is beter than any woodland ptrn.
If you want to go out camping/shooting etc, again other stuff is just as suitable, and its always best never to paramilitaryize (did I invent a new word) yourself anyways. You don't want to become a 'heat seeker' drawing the crabs to one's self. If I came across an individual in the bush dressed as a soldier with bloused trousers, webbing etc, and carrying a rifle, I would first think what a raving nut case, and thats at 1st glance. There is just too many freaks around.
I would steer clear of wearing issued CADPAT kit when hunting etc.
There is better boots and plenty of good surplus stores around. I would stick to used stuff or new/quality brand stuff and definatly not anything made in China etc.
The ole Cdn OG107s are still around, and would be suitable, of course without any rank, flags or name tags. Surplus gortex Cdn OG c/b jackets are also out there (I have one for the winter here (- removed the Cdn flag), nice shape for $80 from Quinn's in Saskatoon), perhaps a black balaclava for warmth if its cold, and gortex gloves.
Aside from all of this if 'big game' (bear-deer-moose-elk etc) hunting, the lawful use of oranges/white and reds also have to be considered, but upland game/migratory birds (in Sask) you can wear anything.
If hunting, perhaps a decent quality OG or tan daypack with a Camelbak, some extra ammo, FAK and rats, plus any other creature comforts (toilet paper - ha).
My two cents.