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GG Payette resigns 21 Jan 2021

I would have resigned my commission before pledging allegiance to any head of government.
Does anybody really do that, though? Pledge allegiance to a head of government? The oath of allegiance in the US military is to their Constitution, as is the oath of enlistment in India and Ireland. The enlistment oath in Russia, France and Germany is to the nation itself. Being a Republic doesn’t necessarily mean an oath to a politician.
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Anecdotal evidence would suggest that increasing the accountability role would be a good thing along with establishing a truly non-partisan selection committee.
Someone once suggested, and I can’t remember who, that the GG should be selected by secret ballot of the Companions of the Order of Canada, in a similar manner as a papal conclave. This does seem like an elegant solution, but vetting and selection for the Order of Canada has its own issues, and it probably would also risk politicizing the Order.
She was hand picked by the PM.....right after the PM’s wife ‘suggested’ it would signal the right virtue.
What in the Liberal Party of Canada is going on here :ROFLMAO:

Some people are saying the PM has to wear this. He could wear a suit made out of shit and people would convince themselves he smells great. The guy sexually assaulted a reporter and acted like a monkey while wearing black face. Billion dollar sole-sourced contract to the shady as hell corporation that was paying his direct family members to give speeches. Sent his lackeys to bully the attorney general to pressure her to cut a deal with Quebec company SNC Lavalin.

He's untouchable- he's already moved on.
Does anybody really do that, though? Pledge allegiance to a head of government? The oath of allegiance in the US military is to their Constitution, as is the oath of enlistment in Indian and Ireland. The enlistment oath in Russia, France and Germany is to the nation itself. Being a Republic doesn’t necessarily mean an oath to a politician.
It's just my feeling about politicians. I could see Canada doing this (pledge allegiance to the government) and there is no way I could do that. I would hope that if we went the republican route that we'd have a decent symbol above and beyond the terrible people that populate the PMO.
It's just my feeling about politicians. I could see Canada doing this (pledge allegiance to the government) and there is no way I could do that. I would hope that if we went the republican route that we'd have a decent symbol above and beyond the terrible people that populate the PMO.
The difficulty is all contained in the word hope. The concept of monarchy bridges that word. The U.S. tried to do it by staggering elections so that you could not rely on a single election event to achieve dominance. A monarchy by its very nature transcends cyclical partisanship. Having the order of Canada providing the nominee for Queen's rep. might just work. The companions are not reliant upon any single party single event
For reference to the discussion, Angus - Reid back in 2017,


August 25, 2017


Canadians are almost four times as likely to strongly approve of Payette’s nomination (26% do) as they are to strongly disapprove of it (7%)

Disapproval of Trudeau’s choice of Payette for the Governor General position, meanwhile, is highest in Alberta (20%) and among past Conservative Party voters (25%)

I think that poll was wrong, MM.

Disapproval of Trudeau's choice was highest in people, like me and my wife, who actually knew how she really was. :giggle:

I remember flagging her flaws in these very forums a while back, but somehow, after the update, all my posts from more than a year ago have disappeared, so I can't reference it.
I remember flagging her flaws in these very forums a while back, but somehow, after the update, all my posts from more than a year ago have disappeared, so I can't reference it.
Yes, I do recall your posts on the subject, OGBD. I tried to reference them also, but can't.
I like how people throw that COA out without any consideration of the Constitutional implications. Getting rid of the GG would mean getting the agreement of 7 provinces with over 50% of the population. And it would mean any future PM would be completely unchecked In their powers.
What a cursory Google search and use of Wiki (All caveats agreed) provided Canadians interest and support for the Monarchy is declining by the day it seems with current support being estimated at 45%-55%.

When was the last time a GG went against with wishes and whims of sitting government ?
And the Beaverton nails it:

“Everyone has a right to a healthy and safe work environment, even these fucking weaklings who worked for me at Rideau Hall,” Payette wrote. “Tensions often arise when strong people like myself are forced to work with pussies. For that, I am so sorry.”

The guy sexually assaulted a reporter and acted like a monkey while wearing black face.
No matter how obsessed some to be with favorite political chew toys, I just know what I read in the papers,

The biggest divide in Canadian politics? Men vs. Women.​

Philippe J. Fournier: If only men voted, the Liberal and Conservatives would be in a statistical tie. Only women: the Liberals win a crushing 226 seats.

On the subject of visible minorities,

"If your riding has a majority of visible minorities, there's an 85-per-cent chance it elected a Liberal."

Maybe this Governor General thing will bring hope to some for the next election. 🤷‍♂️