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Getting there


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Well I went in on this past Monday, Nov. 6th, and talked to a recruiter. Tuesday I brought back my app filled out with my references, etc etc. Only thing I didn't have was my high school transcripts as i went to high school in a different city and have to wait to have them mailed. So when I went in Tuesday he was like not a problem, come in Thursday at 1 for your interview and CFAT. And he was all..now keep in mind normally we don't do this but I'll make an exception for you. I know prob just blowing smoke but hey, it is moving quick and that is what I want. Then Friday is my medical provided all goes well with my CFAT. And if that goes well...be sworn in on Nov 18th I think he said then be sent to the BMQ starting November 27th.

I am very excited as I can imagine anyone would be. The only thing that scares me a little now is my student loans. I have made payments in the past, but with a recent career change and fact I am making less money and what not I have miss the past 5 mths payments. Now I have talked to student loans about it..and of course as most knows they are arses to deal with. But other then that I am good.. Just nervous if they will hold my student loans against me. I do plan on paying like 300$ a mth was in the military since I will not have many bills to pay off at all.

But the way things are moving so quick for me, part of me feels it won't be a problem, but then the part of me that says yeah right, your luck, your denied. But I am young(23) and have plenty of time to pay it off, so I am not that worried. Just a little nervous. I really want to do this.

Well I will keep you updated as to my CFAT/Medical this week.

Thanks all on this site. I have read so much and feel so happy I came here before going 100% through with it. Other words I would be doubting myself. But all the info here, and videos and just the friendships all make are making me more excited to do this. Not just for me, or my family but for my country. Thanks again Army.ca

well thought I would throw in an update here..

I passed my CFAT/Medical/Interview. my background check came in today... all they need is a letter saying I have made payment arrangements for my outstanding debts. so not so bad.. I have two who agreed to fax a letter to them for my file... but the third one, which I have been reading a lot of complaints about NCO, is giving me problems. they said the only way I can get a letter is if I pay it all off over the phone with a CC. Well I don't have a CC. and I advised them I am unable to do so as I do not have the money right now, hence one reason I am joining the forces. She passed me on to her managers voicemail. so waiting for a call back. however I am going to keep calling them for this. My recruiter pretty much told me to tell them that if they want to see any money from me that I need them to send a letter to my recruiter advising I have made arrangements to pay it off.. Now it's not a lot and I told them I would pay it off my first pay I get when I am enrolled..they agreed to it. but won't send me a letter.. as per the agent.. still have to talk to the manager.

but to my knowledge, I believe I am entitled to a letter from them am I not.. I can't really see them saying no. Because this letter would not only bind them but me as well as per an agreement to pay off in full next mth.?

Any advice on this would be great. Not too worried but I just would hate to see this hold me back from my dream.


thanks spud for the advice and help. Everything has been sorted out and according to my recruiter I should expect a call by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest...and that I shouldn't be surprised if I am leaving on Saturday... So I am getting very very excited now...and even more anxious..and so happy with how helpful my recruiter and this site has been through this process....yaaaaaa

Well I received a call today at approx 2:30ish pm... Was from a cpl at the recruiting office, one I have yet to speak with, and unfortunately I was out all day playing softball and working out. when I got home at around 8ish I listened to her msg she left. Sounds like it could be "The Call" she said it was very important for me to call her back right away.. So kinda excited about getting up tomorrow.. And a little nervous too... But I keep thinking..I was told I was merit listed and I was good to go, just to wait for the call...so it has to be good news...What could go wrong in less then a week for them to change their mind right...but I know things can happen...

But wish me luck and I will post as soon as I am off the call...feel like a kid the night before xmas....thanks all again for all the advice and great info on the site...

Figure I should updated this...

I got the call..most prob know...and I leave Jan14th for basic in Saint-Jean...
