I don't want to hijack a thread here, but there seems to be copious amounts of threads on this subject and I don't want to start a new one and bring down the mighty wrath of the mods, so here goes:
I went down to the CFRC Toronto today, having received word from the prospective regiments that they had positions open, all ready to fill out some paperwork and get the ball rolling. However, the Sgt. in there told me that I have to be 17 and there's no use doing anything until that point (I turned 16 less than a month ago, and I am a full time-student). I know that this is relatively commonplace for CFRC Toronto, but is there anything I can do to maybe go through a different CFRC or do it directly with the Regt.? The 48th Highlanders told me they don't do recruiting in-house, but I'm not sure about the Queen's York Rangers. So I guess the crux of my post is this: Is there anything I can do to apply through a different CFRC or do it directly with the unit?