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Getting paperwork before turning 16?

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Habs said:
Wrong. You can be 16 and be in the reserves as long as you're a full time student. That can be a high school student.

I'm 16, in grade 12, and I'm in the reserves. Just did a course last month.

When did you first start applying? Because I know that starting at least in january of this year, the CFRC only allowed applications from people who are 17 and over (or almost 17). Why are you 16 and in grade 12? Did you skip a year?
So we have 16 year olds being told yes and 16 year olds being told no depending on CFRC. This nicely illustrates my conundrum. Guess I'll stop by the CFRC after lunch. I need something with policy document weight.
This was the reply I got in an email from the National Recruiting Contact Centre back in August 2011 when I wanted to apply when I was 16 and a half:

"In the Reserve Force, an applicant must be:

    age 16, if the applicant is selected for education and training at a Royal Military College or otherwise maintains full-time student status until age 17;

    age 18, if the applicant enrols in the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS) or the Canadian Rangers; or

    age 17, in any other case."

I'm an applicant for the 15th Field Regiment in Vancouver. (17 years of age now)
Brihard said:
So we have 16 year olds being told yes and 16 year olds being told no depending on CFRC. This nicely illustrates my conundrum. Guess I'll stop by the CFRC after lunch. I need something with policy document weight.

That made the difference between me being stuck with the Fall BMQ, or me getting to do the summer course. Whatever, whats done is done, now I get to look forward to my weekends :P
P_Laurin said:
When did you first start applying? Because I know that starting at least in january of this year, the CFRC only allowed applications from people who are 17 and over (or almost 17). Why are you 16 and in grade 12? Did you skip a year?

I applied 4-5 months ago, I got sworn in the first week of June, and did BMQ last month.

I'm 16 because my birthday is in October. I guess I'm not 'technically' in grade 12 yet, I start grade 12 next month. So I'll be 16 in grade 12 for a month and a half.
Habs said:
I applied 4-5 months ago, I got sworn in the first week of June, and did BMQ last month.

I'm 16 because my birthday is in October, I guess I'm not 'technically' in grade 12 yet, I start grade 12 next month. So I'll be 16 in grade 12 for a month and a half.

Ohhhhh okay. Im going into grade 12 aswell. From what I can see, it depends on which CFRC you go to for now. Unfortunately for Godwin, I believe that the CFRC Toronto only allows those 17 and over.
I jsut spoke with two members of CFRC Ottawa.

There is a contradiction between CANFORGEN 038/11 and DAOD 5002-1 regarding reserve applicants who remain full time students (generally high school) at the age of 16.

CFRC Ottawa told me they will process my applicants who fit this description.

Apparently CFRC Toronto is telling people different. So there's an inconsistency between two CFRC dets.

I'll bring this to the attention of someone I happen to know incidentally in CFRG. Hopefully it eventually makes it to the right ears.
I don't want to hijack a thread here, but there seems to be copious amounts of threads on this subject and I don't want to start a new one and bring down the mighty wrath of the mods, so here goes:

I went down to the CFRC Toronto today, having received word from the prospective regiments that they had positions open, all ready to fill out some paperwork and get the ball rolling. However, the Sgt. in there told me that I have to be 17 and there's no use doing anything until that point (I turned 16 less than a month ago, and I am a full time-student). I know that this is relatively commonplace for CFRC Toronto, but is there anything I can do to maybe go through a different CFRC or do it directly with the Regt.? The 48th Highlanders told me they don't do recruiting in-house, but I'm not sure about the Queen's York Rangers. So I guess the crux of my post is this: Is there anything I can do to apply through a different CFRC or do it directly with the unit?
2ndChoiceName said:
I don't want to hijack a thread here, but there seems to be copious amounts of threads on this subject and I don't want to start a new one and bring down the mighty wrath of the mods, so here goes:

I went down to the CFRC Toronto today, having received word from the prospective regiments that they had positions open, all ready to fill out some paperwork and get the ball rolling. However, the Sgt. in there told me that I have to be 17 and there's no use doing anything until that point (I turned 16 less than a month ago, and I am a full time-student). I know that this is relatively commonplace for CFRC Toronto, but is there anything I can do to maybe go through a different CFRC or do it directly with the Regt.? The 48th Highlanders told me they don't do recruiting in-house, but I'm not sure about the Queen's York Rangers. So I guess the crux of my post is this: Is there anything I can do to apply through a different CFRC or do it directly with the unit?

Please do the following:

Research "Child Soldiers";Research the Canadian Government policies on/towards Child Soldiers; and
Research the prerequisites to joining the Canadian Forces (Regular and Reserves).
Research "Child Soldiers";Research the Canadian Government policies on/towards Child Soldiers; and
Research the prerequisites to joining the Canadian Forces (Regular and Reserves).

I will do that, but I'm not sure it's quite relevant, since other recruiting centres are allowing people in at 16, and since I am over 16, how would I fall into the category of "Child Soldier"?

I have also researched the prerequisites to joining the CF Reserves, as evidenced below.

CANFORGEN 038/11 CMP 019/11 171252Z FEB 11






I removed numbers 1 and 2 since they didn't apply to my situation, but it states right there in 3)B) that if I maintain full-time student status until age 17 (which I am), I am permitted to join the Reserve Force at 16.
The last change to the DAOD was done 1 Jan 11 and the CANFORGEN was issued on 17 Feb 11 which tells me that the DAOD has never been updated with the information pertaining to the Res F.  Bottom line for the Reserve Force is "16 years of age as long as you are a full-time student".  Reg F age requirements are slightly different.
While I am glad to know that I should be allowed to join at 16, that doesn't change the fact that the CFRC Toronto won't let me. So, back to my original question, is there any way I can avoid dealing with the Toronto CFRC? There is an Oshawa CFRC in my area, but that is for 31 CBG, and if I'm not mistaken, I couldn't be processed there if I'm trying to join a 32 CBG unit, right? I'm just wondering how other 16 year old, Toronto-based recruits have managed to get in.
2ndChoiceName said:
While I am glad to know that I should be allowed to join at 16, that doesn't change the fact that the CFRC Toronto won't let me. So, back to my original question, is there any way I can avoid dealing with the Toronto CFRC? There is an Oshawa CFRC in my area, but that is for 31 CBG, and if I'm not mistaken, I couldn't be processed there if I'm trying to join a 32 CBG unit, right? I'm just wondering how other 16 year old, Toronto-based recruits have managed to get in.

That particular Sgt was mistaken, it happens, talk to a different one.  In either case we won't start any paperwork until you go to unit, and get a letter from them saying they are willing to hire you. 
Maybe try bringing in a copy of the Canforgen and its code so if they are really insistant they can look it up themselves on the DWAN
Yeah, I'm thinking of calling the unit I want to join, getting them to give me a letter or send the CFRC a letter, then going down again and hopefully talking to a different recruiter, but if I do end up speaking to the same one, show him the CANFORGEN and hopefully get in? Does that sound like a viable plan? I feel like it would be kind of confrontational which is probably not a good thing if I'm trying to join the Forces.
Well it would be helping to correct a mistake the CFRC in Toronto is making. Besides if they truly are a good recruiter they will be trying to do whatever they can to help your application and you having done resarch yourself shows initiative.
Best of luck
Yeah, I guess that's a good point. One last thing. I just have a word document on which I have copy and pasted the CANFORGEN. Will that be good enough to bring down or will it be better to just tell them to look it up?
I would bring in the copy and the actual code, so if they question it beyond the copy or they aren't sure if it is real they can then procede to look it up.
You still need a letter from a reserve unit FIRST, before any recruiter will start a file for you.
I just talked with a recruiter. CFRC Hamilton only accepts 16 year olds if they apply through high school for coop.  You could try messaging recruiters and ask if they accept 16 year old co-op students.
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