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Gen. Hillier's "Remedial PT Class" preview...


Army.ca Veteran
Fallen Comrade
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The latest CANFORGEN has stated that all EXPRESS test failures, regular and reserve will be forced into these classes.

In an unprecedented move, there was a video of the first class released....


a big thanks to the RCR Para coy for participating!
GO!!! said:
a big thanks to the RCR Para coy for participating!


I've seen that before, but it was presented as US Air Force Academy Cadets....
Go, I just spit coffee all over my computer! I was just in Pet in November, and I think I recognized some of the troops from 3 RCR in that video!
GO!!! said:
a big thanks to the RCR Para coy for participating!

GO!!! This is a classic!

But, flashing back to my Petwawa days and observations of the CAR Regt PT...I'm pretty sure that this is not the RCR Para Coy, but rather is an evolution of the CAR 1 Cdo boys from their early-90s spandex era to the VanDoo Para Coy of today.

Too funny. How did they manage to accomplish this while keeping a straight face?  :rofl:
Someday... that will be the entire Basic training course if things keep going as they are. Great video!
Holy dope smokers Batman - sort of reminds me of the day 1 Fd Amb was forced to do aerobics int eh gym for sports one afternoon and the Brigade Commander wandered in...Oh did I mention it was also a show stopper for the 1 VP dudes playing floor hockey too???!!!

Or the big, tough engineer course doing tai-bo and having the instructor yelling at them "C'mon,you guys punch like girls!"

Well, not i have to remove the keys from keyboard and start cleaning up all the milk.
er...ummmmph  :pushup:  must... pass express test tomorrow 1 .....

er...ummmmph  :pushup:  must... pass... express test tomorrow 2...

er...ummmmph  :pushup: must... pass.... ex.....express test tomorrow 3....
Got an e-mail today in Sup Coy...

Sup Coy will all be reporting to the Base Piscine Friday afternoon to do our "Annual Combat Swim Test."

Perhaps that swim test requirement will be enforced in the new DAODs as well.
