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Forces struggling to recruit...

Thanks Springroll.

The worst part is the Forces is loosing out on an EXPERIENCED, qualified, motiviated, patriotic, fit, willing to go where ever/whenever, current RN with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Dal, with no credit/drug/personal/criminal issues, who is joining to serve, not get a free education and then bail or a signing bonus, or nothing. 

Just doesn't make sense.  Maybe she can get in next year, when some Capt who has been avoiding tours and deployments gets out after his/her mandatory 5 years service.  ::)

I remember when I told her, as a nurse, she would probably deploy to a theatre immediately upon her mandatory training was completed.  She just sat there and smiled.  Later she asked me how many times she "would be allowed" to go overseas with the troops to help them.
They are going to lose out on a very qualified person if they don't get a move on.

Makes you wonder about those making the decisions, doesn't it?

There has to be something else she can do. Is there someone else she can talk to? Maybe call up her local pro military MP? Maybe even consider calling the ombudsman. They are there to help resolve issues. They may not be able to help, but who knows. Won't know unless ya try....

And kudos to you for being there to support her....:salute:
Well, her MCC called here today, she is back at CFRC on Monday...to discuss options, this guy really doesn't want to loose her.  She mentioned going Med Tech and then maybe being able to someday get into the NO side...so she is also looking at Pilot, Air Nav, and few other things.  Heck, she has even talked about being a "army officer" (aka combat arms) before...who knows.

Still, I agree, it makes me wonder who is smoking rope up there making decisions, or how they get made. 

I would really like to know how much it cost to staff and maintain all the CFRC's in Canada?

I would really like to know how much we are paying the people that developed the Recruitment process?

I would really like to know how much we are paying the person that approved it.

If and when I ever find out this information, I will file it under " Waste of time and money"
What about the "Out Of Area" option?!

We all know vacancies are geographically, ethnically and linguistically distributed.  You would not believe how many Newfies were recruited against a 'Toronto' slot in the old days.  We also know there are recruiters who would rather enrol a nurse as an Infantryman - and get the credit for it - than allow another region to fill their quota using 'HIS' Nurse Applicant.


Then watch him turn pink.


+1.  But...they limited the DEO Nurses to only 2.  Period.  Across the country.   :-\  Not alot to go around...but, I will mention it to her.

However, we may have a new pilot recruit in the works.   :o  46 DEO Pilots this year.  I am telling her to atleast go do ACS in Trenton...never know until you try!  And, wait, the DEO Nurse numbers could change again when someone farts.  You never know how they decide these things...

Well, yeah, true - nurses and all.  A bunch of carrier pilots could fly into town, knock up all of the nurses, then the nurses would get out and get married...

Oh, wait, sorry, I had a  'Dinosoar Moment ' for a second there.

Thanks TCBF,

No I know there aren't any other DEO NO positions...Kincanucks can verify that...it was 2 across Canada.
They put the other 6 positions into the ROTP Nursing program for a total of 22 spots there...which is great, except I already have a degree and can't apply for that...

IMO I don't know why you would want to take more Uni students that will have no nursing experience over seasoned nurses who would just require the military training for the most part...but hey what do I know.

I'll get the tinfoils hats, as there is some common sense in that statement HL...
"IMO I don't know why you would want to take more Uni students that will have no nursing experience over seasoned nurses who would just require the military training for the most part...but hey what do I know."

- Age and career planning.  You, being a bit long in the tooth ( ;D), don't have the career room to reach some of the 'top slots in the corporation' that everyone trys to cram their hat badges into.  That's why the old concept of recruiting everyone into the Cbt A then filling the CSS slots with their remusters three to six years later failed.  The supporting arms and services wanted their soldiers too to start out as an original in their trade, and remusters would also be three to six years older with less time to advance.

-Now, one would think that a CRA of sixty and an operational focus would poo-poo these old attitudes, but there are two Armies: The Operational Army and the Career Army.

- Guess which one calls the shots?
TCBF said:
What about the "Out Of Area" option?!

We all know vacancies are geographically, ethnically and linguistically distributed.  You would not believe how many Newfies were recruited against a 'Toronto' slot in the old days.  We also know there are recruiters who would rather enrol a nurse as an Infantryman - and get the credit for it - than allow another region to fill their quota using 'HIS' Nurse Applicant.


Then watch him turn pink.


This may work. When I applied to transfer to the RegF in 1982, I was turned down as an Inf Offr applicant at CFRC Toronto. I was told that I lacked the educational requirements. (I had Ontario Gr 13)  I tried again at the CFRC det in Kitchener-Waterloo and was accepted.

pbi said:
This may work. When I applied to transfer to the RegF in 1982, I was turned down as an Inf Offr applicant at CFRC Toronto. I was told that I lacked the educational requirements. (I had Ontario Gr 13)  I tried again at the CFRC det in Kitchener-Waterloo and was accepted.


There are no longer any regional quotas the numbers for each occupation are national numbers.  The eighties and nineties are over.
To make things even more interesting, local (Ottawa) radio is reporting that the CF has an urgent requirement for 300 medical professionals, including nursing officers, and is contemplating offering signing bonuses. Go figger.
Old Sweat said:
To make things even more interesting, local (Ottawa) radio is reporting that the CF has an urgent requirement for 300 medical professionals, including nursing officers, and is contemplating offering signing bonuses. Go figger.
Someone just beat me with a rubber hose...

There is a story from the Toronto Star about this that was posted as a new item this morning.

Hot Lips, you hang in there.
Big headline in the Kitchener paper [also Torstar] about the medical shortage....will read later.
Any links to these articles online is appreciated.  I am sure HL will google this tonight but a helping hand is appreciated.  :salute: