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Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

I don't remember. Anyone have the address to Sikorski Helicopters? I need to send a thank you card.
Bograt said:

I vaguely recall that November mess diner. I was wondering if you were able to wash the twigs and leaves out.

Yep, got 'em all out, cleaned and pressed to do it all again! Shirt suffered "A" Category damage though.  ;D
You have remained nameless, but I have shared that story many of times with friends.
KnuckleHead said:
$70 is not much, however, my wife and I are expecting our first baby in a couple months, so that $70 could be spent on baby stuff, not a new shirt for me. 

We JUST had our first baby,  and my husband had to buy a mess kit, and pay for the mess meal as well x2 (for me as well, plus my ball gown). Thats right when he got his comission as a 2LT so the pay wasnt that high.  That was $800 in one month. No one in the military will give you pity that just because a baby is on the way, you dont have to pay.   If you dont want to eat, your choice.   I know I wouldnt let the food I paid for go to waste and just eat at home.  And the attitude about them not being able to force you to have a good time? Thats a bit childish imo
Tarutig said:
We JUST had our first baby,  and my husband had to buy a mess kit, and pay for the mess meal as well x2 (for me as well, plus my ball gown). Thats right when he got his comission as a 2LT so the pay wasnt that high.  That was $800 in one month.

Ahhh yes...  I remember those days!  It's almost as bad as the mess bill for the month when they get promoted to LT and have to ring the bell at happy hour!  Now that was almost enough to break the bank!
Knucklehead - There may be some hope, but I doubt it, as you are not on ration strength.  Please read the following DCBA instruction on reimbursement for mess dinners (if you are on TD or ration strength)


Sorry I don't have time to ensure a proper link, just cut and paste the address.
A white shirt and bowtie cost $70?  :o

For those who need one and have access to Clothing Stores - Navy DEU White Shirt. I've been out a few years now but I don't think the prices have risen much. Chances are it's of better quality.
First of all, I think he's saying the cost of the dinner, plus shirt and tie, is $70.  Second, I know in Trenton at least, they don't offer cash sales at clothing stores anymore and when I tried asking for a navy dress shirt a couple of years ago, they wouldn't let me because I wasn't entitled to purchase it since I'm Air Force.  Dunno if this is wrong or not, just my experience.

Anyway, for those going to the Air Force Mess Dinner tonight, have fun.  I'm going to enjoy the booze, decent meal and chumming around myself... ;D
The $70 is an investment in your future career.  It is your chance to show the higher ups (and your troops) that you're "one of the boys", that you'll play the game, and that you belong.  It's an enforced social occasion where you see and be seen, where you bond with the people your life may depend upon one day.  If they only know you as a set of stripes, then they may not be too motivated to save your butt when it really counts.

See how many people who rank above you are there.  You ever want to get to that level, you play that game.  Plus, who knows...if you give it a chance, you might actually like it.  If you don't, then put on an appearance, drink in moderation, and leave as soon as custom and manners will permit you to do so.

Just remember, you don't have to be everyone's friend, but you can be a good comrade to all.
Okay, I went to the mess dinner, it wasn't a total loss, watching drunk people get up and walk out to the bathroom and the Vice PMC flipping out was funny.

Thanks plattypuss.
The best part for me will be going into work on Monday and finding out what sort of punishment my boss is getting for acting like an @$$ last night :rofl:  That was money well spent for me...Man, I have never found something so funny and embarassing at the same time.  Poor guy.

For future reference to everyone else, liping off to the Command CWO is not universally accepted as a career-boosting move.
ACS_Tech said:
The best part for me will be going into work on Monday and finding out what sort of punishment my boss is getting for acting like an @$$ last night :rofl:  That was money well spent for me...Man, I have never found something so funny and embarassing at the same time.  Poor guy.

For future reference to everyone else, liping off to the Command CWO is not universally accepted as a career-boosting move.

So THATS where i went wrong  ;D
My first mes dinner's coming up this week. I dished out $800 for my mess kit+accessories and even though I look like a hotel bellhop/figure skater, I think it'll be a good time.

Seriously though, $800 can get you some pimpin outfits  ;)

Bo, is this the "New Air Force" idea of mess dress!?

I can't wait to see the female version!  ;)
KnuckleHead said:
Hello everybody, I am new here and this is my first post.  I am sure this topic has come up before, sorry if it has.

Anyways, I have been searching the CFAO's to find out if  a member has to pay for a mess dinner.  The mess dinner is a parade and all MUST attend, so how can they make us pay for it?

Great site and thanks for any help.


Ref:  The Canadian Military Engineers Manual A-JS-007-003/JD-001 dated 9 Feb 1993

Although a little dated, the above ref is used by all officers and Sr NCOs in the Canadian Military Engineers as a guide on a multitude of subjects.  One of which covers mess dinners.  I thought the following quote would help in this discussion:

"Much of military life is still governed by what are known as customs of the service.  These largely unwritten rules are as effective and binding as written rules.  The rules surrounding mess dinners are an example of customs of the service.  Compulsory attendance and payment have always been considered customs of the service and are still very much so.  They are an implied part of the commitment as a member of the CME."

I have found that the above explanation works for me.  I truly hope we don't get into a unionized Army like the Netherlands where every right and obligation of the soldier must be spelled out and strictly followed, often hindering spontaneity or cohesion.  I'm not talking abusing soldiers here, I'm talking about historical protocol that actually does what it intends to do - ie. 'afford the opportunity for seniors and juniors to meet on a friendly, but formal, occasion.' 

Sounds like building cohesion to me.  $60 twice a year (on average) is a small price to pay to really know the guy who is covering your 6, or 12, or 3 o'clock.

Sapper 6.
At the ANZAC SGTs' Mess here in Brisbane, our fees are $17.50AUD per month for us Regulars, (and Reservists about $5AUD per month), and this over time does subsidise  mess dinners with costs of around $30-$40AUD per person (includes all the grog one can swallow and more). We also have a weekly morning teas with hot pies and sausage rolls and other things, all at the garrison level, and are a 'must attend'. This is free, but at the end of the day, we are paying for this service with our fees. These fees are tax deductable in Australia.


KnuckleHead said:
I had to buy a white shirt and bow tie last night, this dinner has set me back $70 so far.  As for the meal, I will not be eating it, I have good food at home.

Hey, YOU paid for it...YOU may as well eat it!
Mess dinners are usually a hoot to me, and well worth the $$ especially if I am slated on the duty list in the near future  :)

Bigbird said:
Hey, YOU paid for it...YOU may as well eat it!

Or leave it for us that are sitting near you. We've been known to accomodate picky eaters by helping them out. YOU pay for it, WE'LL eat it for you. How's that? ;)