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For Those Frustrated with Vista (Free MEMORY trick!)

Teeps74 said:
Thanks... I really do appreciate the assistance. I've tried those, I guess I have to wait on the omegadrivers.net ver as the guru3d.com one I got was simply a Catalyst beta, which does not address the probelm (and infact reduced my frame rates significantly....).

I am going to stick to the one monitor for now, and hope they at least fix the issues with DX 10.1. (I actually use my home rig to make PPTs for work... So much easier to see all my pics at once, while working on a slide). The gaming is my geeky little extra side bonus.

Vista does have other issues I am not fond of...

Yes Vista does have it's ugly side, but so did XP and 98 and 95 blah blah... :) . Thankfully my rig still complies when i want to frag out with DayOfDefeat:Source, BattleField2,America's Army or CallOfDuty4 ;)

Try this link if it can help ya or not i don't know.

Teeps have you updated Vista to SP1 or are you still using the old version?

They made a ton of useful changes in that service pack and if you don't already have it downloaded I would recommend doing that. I think it has something to do with your catalyst system because I run dual 20.1 inch monitors off my 8800 GTX and I've never had a problem.
With vista SP 1 I finally can get google Earth to work. The major issue with vista is that few companies made updated drivers for it, I read that apparently MS wanted a whole whack of money to access the information so companies could update, most declined to spend that money on legacy stuff. Hence the problem of so much software and hardware being useless with Vista.

Unless you are running a high end system or playing the latest games, Vista gives you little over XP, although I have heard that XP SP3 has not been a great success either. I know lots of people abandoning Vista for XP or other OS. People vote with their feet.

At least now I know where those floaters in the toliet bowel come from!

Embattled Vista set to ride into the sunset
Microsoft starts to pitch its next Windows offering today - while still pushing current, less-than-loved version
MATT HARTLEY  From Monday's Globe and Mail October 27, 2008 at 4:28 AM EDT
Article Link

It's the beginning of the end for Windows Vista.

Today, Microsoft Corp. kicks off its marathon pitch about life after Vista, and even though the next evolution of Windows won't be ready until 2010, at the earliest, the company doesn't think it's too soon to start prepping for a bug-free launch.

Otherwise, despite the fact that Windows's toughest challengers - Linux and Apple Inc. - remain bit players in the operating system game, Microsoft risks suffering in the arena of public perception, again.

The world's largest software company will speak publicly for the first time today about what's in store for the next evolution of Windows, dubbed Windows 7, at its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles.

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Now, after the incompatibility issues, the missing features and the humiliation of consumers downgrading to Windows XP, Microsoft faces the continuing task of repairing the public perception of Vista while simultaneously laying the groundwork for the next Windows instalment

"Often, packaging and perception are more important than actual technology," said Peter Misek, an analyst at Canaccord Adams in Toronto. "Part of the reason that Microsoft needs to scrap Vista, or just move on, is that it's too late for it. Never mind that people like it when they actually use it. It's over."
More on link
And here I am on Vista (have been for over a month), and have not found any problems at all.

I think there's already a thread on this subject, detailing the many reasons why Vista is having problems, most of which are not due to any specific problem with the software...

Mods, please merge before its starts all over again!  :P
I'm ecstatic that I had XP Home  put on my laptop instead of the default Vista. :-)
I use Vista and I don't have too many problems. Mind you, I'm not a computer geek..... :P
I have no issues with Vista.  I often hear quite a few complaints, but when I ask those who are complaining if they have used Vista, the answer is usually no.

the problems with vista are

1. it's a resourse hog and last years computers don't run it well
2. venders aren't writing drivers for equipment that came out before vista
3. venders are writting shoddy drivers
4. it doesn't work and look exactly the same as the last version and basic users don't like change, but will get used to it.
5. vendors insist on bloating up vista with their shoddy utilities that they install on their machines and trial 30 day licence software
6. because vista has closed alot of back doors and bugs, older software not developed for vista by vendors that ignored ms specs, may not work unless you rightclick and choose run as admin, or not at all

basicly the same problems every os has on release.

I remember the same complaints in when win 95 came out and people everywhere were downgrading back to win3.11

I remember the same complaints with win98, ME, 2000 and XP, and we'll have the same problems when we go to Windows 7 and for the forseeable future.

MS has 95% world market share, it's not going anywhere and still has the best cost benifit analysis compared to everyother OS including the free ones(cost to purchase, train pers, and maintain infrastructure).
I just bought a new machine and am having no issues with Vista in its latest format. I did have an older machine (think I bought it in June 07) and had nothing but trouble but this one seems to be fine.
Vista wobbled out of the gates upon initial release, but it's damn near stable(crosses fingers) now that service pack 1 is out and working. Been near 4 months since a program has locked up or had anything abnormal occur such as random re-boots or BSOD's.

I just hope they really get out of the current windows kernel and go back to being an operating system as apposed to a complete software conundrum.

Someone mentioned Suse a while back?
hmmm! She must have been very popular - brings back memories...

Wait! what are we talking about again?

Kidding aside, an OS is just a tool - some more than others  ;)
It depends what you want to do with it.
For maximum flexibility you would run Linux. For a production environment: Linux, some Unix or mac (well, maybe some tweaked down XP or Vista); for chic factor/user experience: Mac, Linux (after tweaking a few things); for reading email: anything that matches your hardware.
At work I use all of the above - XP on the corporate machine otherwise mac or linux with some XP when required. And Vista will not be making an appearance any time soon - only for testing things.
At home, since I don't want to spend money too often and I run several older machines I only use Linux. I would probably never get an OS pre-installed - I just buy the parts and put things together. I wouldn't shell out $200 bucks for Vista Ultimate when I can download any flavour of Linux for free.
And with VmWare (which is free for home users) you can run any other os on top of Linux if you need something in particular.
But whether you are running Vista or Linux, to get the most out of your system you have to learn a bit about it and be willing to change/play with some settings - and don't forget to do backups.

just my opinions, ymmv,

Where did Microsoft learn to count?

1: Windows 3.1
2: Windows 95
3: Windows 98
4: Windows ME (still my favorite)
5: Windows 2000
6: Windows XP
7: Windows Vista
8: Windows 7

I think you mistook Windows 7 for what it is... Windows 8 :p


P.s there is no counting in microsoft other than the billions in scammed customers who had no choice but pay the BILL.... thankfully he's retired.  :threat:
I keep telling people but no one listens!

Ubuntu does what Windows does only in a more streamlined, stable, and free way. Well, except for games. But the cost of an Xbox 360 or a PS3 with a decent sized HDTV is comparable in price with a gaming computer, not to mention most people would own a TV anyways. And with PS3 or 360 you never have to worry about drivers and compatibility issues.

Most people are turned off by Linux because they think only computer geeks can make it work. To them I point out that I've installed Linux's Ubuntu distro on my girlfriend's computer, and she's loving it. She is NOT very computer savvy to say the least, but Ubuntu is very intuitive, and it suits her needs very well: a stable platform to do schoolwork and surf the net.

And did I mention that it's 100% free and open source?
it may be free and open source, but it's getting as bloated as MS products - last time I looked at Ubuntu it demanded more RAM - on a system I wanted to install Linux on because it wasn't bleeding edge (256Mb for a small system should be sufficient, IMHO).

Feature creep and bloat infects open source as well...
dapaterson said:
it may be free and open source, but it's getting as bloated as MS products - last time I looked at Ubuntu it demanded more RAM - on a system I wanted to install Linux on because it wasn't bleeding edge (256Mb for a small system should be sufficient, IMHO).

Feature creep and bloat infects open source as well...
Very true. But at least when you install Ubuntu or any other Linux distro you can make choices on what components to install - it is very modular, and if you find some part of it is bogging things down you can always remove or replace without crapping the whole thing out.

I've been using Vista for about a month, and I want to kill it with an axe.

My primary complaint so far (other than the memory hog issue) is that it downloads upgrades that I didn't ask for, and since it needs to shut down and restart to install these downloads, it automatically shuts itself down without saving anything on the desktop. Not, "these upgrades will be installed the next time you restart". But rather "Hope you weren't in the middle of anything b*tch, like giving a crucial power-point presentation at med school, because your computer has decided that these upgrades can't wait another four f**king minutes, and it's going to shut down NOW." 
