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Flat Feet

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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Well, I'm in right now and I have flat feet. No idea why it would keep you out unless it was really bad.
Yes you have come on here with a very general statement with no details.   What did the letter from the RMO say?   Did it offer you any recourse?   Where there other issues?   I know quite a few CF members with flat feet so there must be more to your story.
The RMO said that my flat feet would require orthotics and this would constitute a restriction.  One foot is fine the other arch is pretty bad.  (Is this specific enough-sorry I don't have the letter in front of me right now)  But I think this is a new policy as I know people with orthotics in the forces.  Thank you for your reply
Could this possibly be the personal discression of that particular RMO?

My hubby has extremely flat feet...and they weren't even questioned. He should get orthotics...but can't be bothered sitting in the MIR for 6 hours waiting for a doctor to just refer him to another doctor that won't see him for another 2 months...blah, blah, blah...

I seem to recall seeing somewhere in the pamphlets he got when he joined as to what stuff is covered by his medical...and orthotics are covered...

So not letting someone in the forces for having flat feet seems perplexing. Is there any way you could get a second medical opinion...say a letter from your family practitioner stating that your flat feet should not be an issue? I know of people who have had this type of thing for asthma and such...
Well it is too bad but that is what the standards are there for, so good luck.
I received a medical rejection because I have orthotics, so I can understand your frustration, especially when it's not uncommon for serving members to be using them themselves.

You seemed to imply that you do not currently have orthotics, which is a point in your favor if this is correct, but you didn't mention whether you've experienced any injuries that could be attributed to having flat feet. Previous injuries and how active you lifestyle has been in the past will definitely play a major part in successfully appealing this decision. There's a few other steps you may want to consider taking. You can see a podiatrist and get an assessment done to see if a specialist agrees that you "need" orthotics. You can see a biomechanics specialist and have a gait analysis done. There's often more to the situation than just the state of your arches and other things going on biomechanically may compensate for it or it may be possible to correct the problem. You can also make detailed records of your physical training program to demonstrate that you are not actually being hindered in any way by having flat feet.

That's the extent of my experience fighting this particular uphill battle, so hopefully that gives you some ideas of where to start. If anybody else has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them too! Good luck.

my parents keep telling me that my feet have to be flat to join the army...if your feet is curved or bent in the middle then its considered a disability and they will not allow you to join.

is this true or what?
Your parents are wrong, or maybe you missunderstoon them. Don't listen to anyone on CF Recruiting unless they are recruiters, or are in the CF.

Some people have been rejected from the Army for having flat feet. Your supposed to have slight arches in your feet.
Well, for the first time in he forum, I have a question not about my urine sample cause I smoked pot,  :) Just kidding. I was actually just wondering, I know you are allowed to have flat feet, but is that gonna cause some huge problems at my physical. I have had very few other health problems, but my feet ave caused me greif in the past, I have been able to overcome the pain, and I am nto worried about that, I just wanted to know how much grief this will cause me.
ReadyandWilling said:
Well, for the first time in he forum, I have a question not about my urine sample cause I smoked pot,   :) Just kidding. I was actually just wondering, I know you are allowed to have flat feet, but is that gonna cause some huge problems at my physical. I have had very few other health problems, but my feet ave caused me greif in the past, I have been able to overcome the pain, and I am nto worried about that, I just wanted to know how much grief this will cause me.

Your INDIVIDUAL medical fitness for joining the CF can only be determined through the medical portion of the recruiting process and not through this board and the experiences of others.  If you want to join then apply and see where the process takes you.
I don't have a flat feets, but for long runs or even ruck marches I need orthotics. I had specialists made them for me, and I suffer no pain now. At my unit, I discussed and there was a possibility to see a doctor and have them pay orthotics for me.
If you had done a SEARCH you would have found that "YES" is the answer to this question, if you are already in the CF as Regular Force.  If you are not, then it is at your expense.  If you are a Reservist on Class A, you will also do so at your expense.
I have heard that the military does not accept people who are flat footed. Is there any truth to this or am I just worrying about it too much?
combat_medic said:
Flat feet are fine, but you should have a pair of orthotics (if needed) to put in your boots. If you join the regs, they can be prescribed and provided for you, but in the reserves you need to have your own.

Isn't requiring a prescription like this enough to put somebody in the G3 category on http://www.forces.gc.ca/health-sante/pd/cfp-pfc-154/CH-3-eng.asp ? I thought you needed to be G2 or better to be allowed to join the Forces.
ScottE said:
I have heard that the military does not accept people who are flat footed. Is there any truth to this or am I just worrying about it too much?

My feet are for all intents and purposes flat... there's an arch there, but it's marginal at best...

Get yourself decent insoles (For the love of god, none of those "gel" pieces of garbage) or better yet custom orthotics, and a good pair of running shoes and you'll be fine.
nerdgirl said:
Isn't requiring a prescription like this enough to put somebody in the G3 category on http://www.forces.gc.ca/health-sante/pd/cfp-pfc-154/CH-3-eng.asp ? I thought you needed to be G2 or better to be allowed to join the Forces.


I give you credit for doing research and looking something up. That being said, you have very liitle understanding of that publication, of what it says or what it means.
nerdgirl said:
Isn't requiring a prescription like this enough to put somebody in the G3 category on http://www.forces.gc.ca/health-sante/pd/cfp-pfc-154/CH-3-eng.asp ? I thought you needed to be G2 or better to be allowed to join the Forces.

Agreed with what CDN Aviator said. But I still feel the need to expand on it. Specifically, if you have flat feet, and require orthotics, I still see no reason why you would have to do so more frequently than once every 12 months. They don't wear out that quickly! And the reference you mentioned stated that G2 applies to someone:

who is considered healthy and, at most, requires only routine, periodic or scheduled medical services no more frequently than every twelve (12) months (see definitions in Chapter 2, 4.c.).

In any case, evaluation of these categories are up to a medical officer, not us armchair doctors.
Are flat feet allowed in the CF reserves? they have never hurt at all, i didnt even know i had them lol :cdn:
As long as they're not from fallen arches and you've had no biomechanical issues as a result, you're likely fine.
