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Fitness test

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HHHHAHAHAHHA....i just passed my physical test....what a joke! I compared my score to some other people and woah....im like an athlete or something....i did 50 pushup.........i probably could have done 75 but 50 was enough i guess....and i scored like 49 on le VO2.......i guess thats good.......i only did 30 situp because i just had a back injury saturday and my lower back was hurting too much.....

....well anyway....i was just happy that it was that easy lol....anyway....my aptitude test is wednesday....
Yeah I did mine a few weeks ago, what a joke.

I hope it gets tougher and harder then that.
anyone could make it....bah anyway....im back from my aptitude test....some questions were kinda hard....well not hard but i could have used some more time....anyway....just got my medical test date....8 more days :) its going kinda faster then i expected...especially with my age.....im still 16 lol..**** those guys are cool......
im 16 too but i need more credits and im going in februaury so i can make the summer training
hi guys
I did my pt test to and it was not hard at all
i m 30yrs old and I did great 40 push up
and 35 sit ups
and got a 48 on my step test
but the guy who did it with me was stoped
it was to hard on him (step test)
good luck guys on getting in I`m off to boot camp aug 26th
RCR infantry
Quick question about the situps. Does someone hold your feet down?

Is there a specific way to do the push-ups (i.e. location of your hands, directly under shoulders, off to the side etc?0

Situps - The examiner holds your feet

Pushups - Hands directly under your shoulders

My basic starts on 13th Aug. RCR Infantry... Hoo-Ah!
I think like everything else, the physical test is just a step in a long progression of steps.

Everyone joining the CF does the same test, and I suspect it is merely to weed out the absolute incompetent weaklings and people who are very nearly dead already (which would seem to qualify them for any other government job anyway, maybe even NDHQ).

Then you do the basic training, and they step it up...If I recall there is a 13km ruck march, and some other nonsense, which I am told isn‘t too difficult, but again, is a standard for everyone joining the CF.

Then there‘s the infantry training (if that‘s your trade), etc., etc., each level progressively harder.

Friends tell me the real challenge is attempting to function for several days without any sleep, not necessarily any level of physical uber-prowess.

What exactly is this step test? What do they measure, how many steps you can do in a time period?
I heard they measure your heart rate after 5 mins of stepping and it has to be in a certain range, is this true?
It was a 3 step test that you have to follow some terrible music.

Each test consist of 3 minutes long averaging from 6 to 9 minutes depending on your stamina.

Most people should pass it in 6 minutes. After every 3 minutes they check your breathing and you pulse.

I did it in 6 minutes without barely breaking a sweat. If your in shape, you won‘t have a problem. If your not already running, START. They say you should be able to run 6km before you even get to basic, it will just make it that much easier.
HHHHHAHAHAHAHAH yeah i was laughing so bad....the music was sooo funny......i did it in 6 min too....
Does anyone know when the last point is that one can take their fitness test before it slows down the application process? I was told you don‘t need to have it done before your papers go off to the review board in Ottawa (and that it‘s only good for six months), but, say, is it possible to wait until you get the call that you‘re in and then do it?
You will not receive the "call" until you get that pesky test done. Your file cannot be finalized and sent to selection without all the boxes checked and all the "t‘s" crossed.
You definitely need to get the fitness test done before an offer will be made.
Hey you guys. Once you do your physical test, is the process quick after that? I'm still waiting to do mine and I know that basic training with the local reserve unit begins in November. Do you think I'll be in by then?
Beast 77 said:
Hey you guys. Once you do your physical test, is the process quick after that? I'm still waiting to do mine and I know that basic training with the local reserve unit begins in November. Do you think I'll be in by then?

I would hope so, yes. Just don't procrastinate with getting in your testing, and you'll make it for November. Good luck too!  ;)
When they tell me I can, I will. Do I have to set up the appointment myself or do they do it for me?
Thank you for the luck!
ok so I have my test on monday.  I will meet the basics(in 30's to 40's) for both for the PU, SU and I have a combined grip of 135.  For the step test I built a step( correct scale), got the great music that goes with the step test, found out from a PTI what my cut off heart rate heart rate is( for my age).  I can do level 4 to 7 100% of the time and on good days I can proceed up to level 8 which is the highest.( I can always make it to 12  mins) Do I have anything to worry about?

thanks for any replies.