Well, there was one well publicised incident of a sr officer who disappeared into a Connaught ditch during a march because of fitness. Fighting BC fires with sub-units of hard Army and hard Navy occupations, I saw pers unable to move themselves and their equipment about the mountain. One of our Afghanistan operational deaths was a result of fitness. Within KAF (a joint place), there were a number who could not move their own kit from pick-up to the truck or the truck to their quarters. I have seen pers unable to carry their corner of a stretcher to evacuate exercise casualties. Through good fortune, I have never been in the position of having to evacuate quickly with casualties from a stricken ship or aircraft - the pers described above will be unable to do their job of extracting the casualties (and that is every CAF mbr's job). Instead, they will struggle, waist time, and risk lives. And this is not just about those who are fat (sorry, "large" is not an accurate description). Those who keep themselves small through diet alone and have no muscles worth mention are as much a problem.
For the vast majority of the CAF, I expect the FORCE will be adequate for separating the cans from the cannots to that minimum standard. What I do not know that FORCE will adequately assess is Army specific. That is why I say: