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Firearms - The US Discussion Thread

KevinB said:
I will say that more often than not that when a Concealed Weapon holders stops a criminal act without firing the weapon or doing something else 'dramatic" they often go on their way without reporting the incident, as they would prefer to go on their way and not deal with Law Enforcement.
  Most off duty carry incidents with LEO usually try to resolve that way too as many departments do not give court time for off duty actions...

Gun Control is less about guns, and more about Fear and Control, elected officials fear the people, and want to control them.

Right on. Far too many good people in the general population do not understand this.
Jed said:
Right on. Far too many good people in the general population do not understand this.

And unfortunately many "spokespeople" from the Gun Owning public come of as rabid lunatics, so the rational ones messages get ignored.  It's much easier to focus on an idiot foaming from the mouht about 'RIGHTS" at Starbucks with his Tapco tarted up SKS, than someone else in a suit talking sanely.

KevinB said:
And unfortunately many "spokespeople" from the Gun Owning public come of as rabid lunatics, so the rational ones messages get ignored.  It's much easier to focus on an idiot foaming from the mouht about 'RIGHTS" at Starbucks with his Tapco tarted up SKS, than someone else in a suit talking sanely.

Ha ha, ain't that the truth. That's why I try to hold back from Gun Control discussions. It tends to go from a Richter scale of 1 to 8 in 10 minutes.
And no misspelling Mouth was not intentional - but it does kind of fit when you look at some of the crowd I was referring too...

KevinB said:
And unfortunately many "spokespeople" from the Gun Owning public come of as rabid lunatics, so the rational ones messages get ignored.  It's much easier to focus on an idiot foaming from the mouht about 'RIGHTS" at Starbucks with his Tapco tarted up SKS, than someone else in a suit talking sanely.

Which is why my SKSs are bone stock and get my coffee a Micky Dees.  :D
It's Canadian but speaking about firearm rights it's hilarious watching gun owners scream on facebook about their rights and freedom of speech because facebook is banning the selling of weapons on their site.

Our freedom of speech is being infringed! I have a right to sell whatever I want on facebook. Our rights are being violated. canada is becoming a police state. Sign this petition at change.org
Yeah, but that group was pretty handy, and good for some gun porn.
Jarnhamar said:
It's Canadian but speaking about firearm rights it's hilarious watching gun owners scream on facebook about their rights and freedom of speech because facebook is banning the selling of weapons on their site.

Our freedom of speech is being infringed! I have a right to sell whatever I want on facebook. Our rights are being violated. canada is becoming a police state. Sign this petition at change.org

Probably the same sort of fellows who believe that their is a constitutional right in Canada to bear arms.
October 7, 2016

Some lawmakers want to allow first responders to carry guns

That could get interesting in the back of the ambulance.  :)
