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FINALLY!!! i can play the waiting game!!!

yeah the PT is pretty simple, just make shure u can do adequate pushups and sittups and walk those 2 stairs and u will be fine! as for the medical! well if you have a cold make shure that u tell them so they dont think ur lungs are filled with fluid always lol oh! and about the hardest part for u in the medical is urinating in that tiny little cup with out spilling it everywhere! :boring: :cdn:
jerrythunder said:
oh! and about the hardest part for u in the medical is urinating in that tiny little cup with out spilling it everywhere! :boring: :cdn:

hahah no doubt, i hated that, once you get er going its about as easy to stop as a train :blotto:
I have been waiting since last April.

I passed all tests, I have seen two different recruiters, a change in command, done my PT test 2 times (As it only stands for 7 months.. Nice to know in advance eh? [Sarcasm]) and done two different Interviews. 

I have a friend in Ontario who applied in November and was sworn in during December.. Sure made me proud!!  ;)

I always joke about this being just another recruitment test.  ;D

Hey by the way, this being my first post and all....  Most forums do not have a spell check, very nice addition!
Question about that step test, how does that work? I know that you go up and down and up and down but I also heard you have to do it to a beat. If so do they change speeds? If there isn't any music, should I go as fast as I can? I will be able to pass it, I was just curios about these things.  ;D :cdn:
I heard there is music, it's probably just to help you keep a certain rythym.  And it's probably not an overly fast pace or anything.  Just do what they tell you, all they want is to measure your heart rate after a few minutes of cardio work.
Picture the theme song to some children's TV show playing with a guy saying "Up...two...three...down...two...three" to set the pace. You start a decent pace and it will increase.

Great. Now it is stuck in my head.
I dont know about a childrens television show...  If you ever remember one of those childrens keyboards about 60cm long and 10 wide, they had a "DEMO" button or something of the sorts, which would autoplay a little tune.  I recall it sounding more like that.  If you have a heart rate monitor avail. for training use it, and work on lowering your heart rate quickly during exersize, this comes in quite usefull as you are stopped when your heartrate reaches a number around 178 (Based on height, weight and age I belive).  hope that helps!

yeah the step test song is pretty corny. its this auto toned man going on and on with out seemingly taking a single breath and this weired almost oriental medetaranian music playing in the background! :cdn:
hahaha miracously when i peed in that cup.. it stopped oh so beautifully right at the top.
thats when i knew i was having a good day... so for the step test... is it stairs? or what is it?
My waiting game started feb 9th. i signed up for infantry res.


yoon said:
hahaha miracously when i peed in that cup.. it stopped oh so beautifully right at the top.
thats when i knew i was having a good day... so for the step test... is it stairs? or what is it?

well...that's good to know.  ??? (i only filled mine half way)
Just so everyone knows, filling the cup to halfway is more than enough, they only need enough to dip a little test strip into. So no worries if you couldn't fill it to the brim ;p
you guys pissed in a cup? dude made me hold the stick and piss and just make me nic the end of it and put it on a paper towel.

didnt even touch my hand. damn im skilled  :P
Thats weird sixshooter........ never heard of them doing that before, although it should still work the same (mostly)
yeah, oh well, i just wanted them to get my medical and they did so thats all i cared about at the time. ha
Signed up in February did everything so far other than my physical which I do on monday, so I may be in by the end if april as I was told, mind you I was in the REG forces before.
well i called the recruiter at the armory last thursday nite  and asked her if they have my file yet, she told me that she would call her counterpart in Ottawa CFRC and see if its waiting to be sent over. in that case the recruiter would call me back and tell me when i can get sworn in! so im just waiting for tuesday nite when it opens again!