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Finally got things moving


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I used to post on this site back a few years ago when I was in high school and to be honest somewhat immature. Well after a few years of working and upgrading my marks in high school ive decided this is what I want to do, so I manned up and applied a few weeks ago. I have the cfat done, just waiting to book my medical and interview hopfully even in the same day mabye. Ive passed the medical and interview before so they shouldnt be a problem and everything is looking good. The Sgt. at the recruiting center told me that in 6-8 weeks my application should be fully complete and I will get a date to swear in and ship off to bmq. I went in as reg force infantry. I am not overly worried about the physical requirements although im sure they will be hard. I am 6'1'' 175-180 lbs on average, naturally I enjoy running, and as far as push-ups and sit-ups I can do 30-40 with ease, chin-ups are quite hard but Ive been practicing and bumped them up from 3 to 4-5.

Ive gotten mixed answers but im just wondering if ALL reg force recruits go to St. Jean, Quebec for BMQ/SQ? I hope so, it would be quite an experience to be away from my home in a different province for 4 months. Also do you get weekends off but just stay on the base or is it 4 months straight in basic?

I was told at the recruiting center that I could talk to the recruiting career counsellor and request a certain unit such as the PPCLI, but not a specific battalion such as 2PPCLI in Manitoba or 3/1PPCLI in Alberta. Im from Edmonton so I asked these questions but am looking for some clarification. From what I understand nothing is for certain you go where they need you. Although it doesnt really make sense to send an english speaking person to a unit stationed in Quebec, and if I already live in Edmonton I would think my chances of getting stationed to either 1 or 3 PPCLI is decent? Do you know what unit you will be stationed to before you leave for BMQ/SQ, I was told you get your kit from the unit your going to before you leave for basic training.

Thanks for your time.

- Terry
This time of year Reg Force BMQ's are all in St. Jean QC. however sometimes, normally during the summer months, some BMQ's may run at other bases such as Borden ON.
When enrolled you will be sent directly to St. Jean and get your kit issued there as part of your training. After BMQ you will be sent to another location for your Infantry training. If you request PPCLI you have a 66% chance (2 of the 3) Bn are in Edmonton. 
For your questions about the actual BMQ course I suggest you reseach the forums to get lots of good info.

Good luck and keep us info'd as to your progress.
Thanks for the quick answers, as far as the other questions go I already found answers from some research.

Im looking forward to going, just trying to learn a few things before I go but not to many, and get in the best shape possible before I get there.

There is one question I coudln't find an answer to. If you get your kit when you go for BMQ in St. Jean then after your basic training and you get posted to a unit you bring that same kit all the way back with you or you hand it in, go to your new unit, and get a new kit there? Not that it really matters I was just curious, all the gear looks pretty cool. :)
Spitfire said:
There is one question I coudln't find an answer to. If you get your kit when you go for BMQ in St. Jean then after your basic training and you get posted to a unit you bring that same kit all the way back with you or you hand it in, go to your new unit, and get a new kit there? Not that it really matters I was just curious, all the gear looks pretty cool. :)

Short answer?? Yes & no.

You won't be getting all the shiney new kit you see in Saint-Jean. And some stuff will have to be turned in before you leave Saint-Jean. That depends on your enviornment and trade.

On that note ... one man -- one kit. And, it's issue/return at Saint-Jean is a topic this location here (where I am) is currently working on. 

There are threads here that discuss what/who/why items returned after completion of BMQ.
ArmyVern said:
There are threads here that discuss what/who/why items returned after completion of BMQ.

My search skills might not be up to snuff, but I can't find any pertinent threads.
Snaketnk said:
My search skills might not be up to snuff, but I can't find any pertinent threads.

Well, I could, I suppose, go back through my 6000 & some odd posts in my history to find out exactly where it was that I (and others) answered these questions before ... but searching would probably yield quicker results.  ;)

Let me see what I can find.
Spitfire said:
all the gear looks pretty cool. :)

And dont you forget it......its all about looking cool. No matter what happens to you in the military always look cool.
Thanks Vern, I guess using the word return/returning in my search doomed it. That thread also makes me look forward to wearing the issued boxers ;D.Thanks again!
Snaketnk said:
Thanks Vern, I guess using the word return/returning in my search doomed it. That thread also makes me look forward to wearing the issued boxers passion killers ;D.Thanks again!

I've corrected your last post above in this quote to identify the proper military terminology.

You'll learn this yet!!  ;D
on my brothers bmq he said he was allowed to wear normal boxers becasue they said if they coudlnt see them they didnt care. the boxers are pretty damn nasty looking haha.
Spitfire said:
on my brothers bmq he said he was allowed to wear normal boxers becasue they said if they coudlnt see them they didnt care. the boxers are pretty damn nasty looking haha.

But, they are comfortable as hell. I love 'em when rucking about.
Hey who's dissing the boxers?? I love em!
Good luck spitfire.....you've made an awesome career choice.  ;D
I was wrong. Today CFRG opened a BMQ with a 7 Jan 08 start date in Borden. Must be because the winter BMOQ (Officers basic training) starts in St. Jean same day. So Borden might be running courses when you get selected.

Keep us posted.
any difference between st. jean or borden? im guessing borden is smaller.
St-Jean garrison is smaller than Borden. Google maps shows Borden to be about 5km by 10km, while St-Jean garrison is about 1.2km by 1.2km.

Don't let size fool you. The training is the same at both locations.
from what im hearing on the forums SQ and BIQ sound alot more challenging, and are in different locations than the BMQ's. Do you go right into your SQ after BMQ or do you get the weekend off or anything?
Jorkapp said:
St-Jean garrison is smaller than Borden. Google maps shows Borden to be about 5km by 10km, while St-Jean garrison is about 1.2km by 1.2km.

Don't let size fool you. The training is the same at both locations.

Also, The Mega dwarfs any of the structures (Training or otherwise) in Borden.
How long did everyone have to wait to book there medical/interview, and how long after that for your swear in/bmq dates? Just trying to figure out when around ill be going for basic.

Also just ran 10km in just over an hour, pretty happy about that its the furthest ive ran ever but ive been working up to it, cant wait for bmq.
Spitfire said:
How long did everyone have to wait to book there medical/interview, and how long after that for your swear in/bmq dates? Just trying to figure out when around ill be going for basic.

Its different for everyone so anything anyone tells you will be wrong.