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File being sent to RMO


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I did my medical on monday and they discovered blood and protein in my urine, which they suspected was from working out heavily in the preceding days. Since I had a medical done two years ago I was told a full medical wasn't necessary and all I'd need to do is get a form filled out from my doctor saying the blood in the urine was nothing and so on. I did another piss test yesterday at the doctor and nothing was discovered. He filled out the form and I handed it in yesterday, and was called this morning saying they made a mistake and I actually needed to do a full medical, and another test. This sketched me out since last night I went for a massive run to make up for not running on Monday and Tuesday night and low and behold they found blood in the urine again..

Anyway, I did my full medical earlier today, the WO told me I was fine on everything except this urine thing and they'd be sending my file this evening to the RMO for the final sign off for my eligibility.. How long will this take? I heard 2 weeks from the WO, a month from another recruiter and a buddy of mine who just went through the process said it took two months for him for a similar problem. Also, once the RMO signs off on me is that the final step and I'm eligible to be sworn in and head off?

Isn't there something posted elsewhere about not working out a couple days prior to their testing?  I am not sure if it applied to the medical portion or just the fitness test.  Anyways, I know what the whole protein thing is about.  I often don't drink enough water, and have the same problem.  I haven't done my medical testing yet, but recently had urine tests done as part of my annual physical.  Can't help you with the time awaiting question, sorry.  Back to drinking more water, lol.
Oh yeah, that was also mentioned, that I need to drink more water.

edit: Also I was told that my file would be sent out priority today.. Where is the RMO exactly? Is it the same as my file being sent to Borden which I've read about here?
My medical was sent to Ottawa, im going Reg Force, not sure if its different if you are Reserves. Maybe a recruiter could help with that. My medical took 2.5 weeks to come back after being sent Priority as they misplaced it for 3 weeks prior and the only reason it got looked into further was because i called asking if it was back yet. Regardless from time it was sent to time it came back was about 17/18 days.  I have heard of it taking longer as well, probably depends on the situation and such.  Just have to be patient. Give them a call in a few weeks if you have not heard anything, as mine came back approved but i didnt find out till a week later when i called to check up.