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Feud over cash leaves soldiers' children waiting for special care

I guess the original article critisizing the Ont government worked......good
Just saw that news article on ctv.ca.  Good on the province for stepping up to fund something that is their responsibility, bad on the province for this:
"He also took a shot at the federal government, saying it may not have a constitutional responsibility, but it has a moral obligation to take care of soldiers and their families."

From my own personal experiences, the federal government has always taken care of my family (vis-a-vis me being in the military, factors that have affected us, etc and so on and so forth).  And not just "Canada's New Government" either ;)
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Just saw that news article on ctv.ca.  Good on the province for stepping up to fund something that is their responsibility, bad on the province for this:
"He also took a shot at the federal government, saying it may not have a constitutional responsibility, but it has a moral obligation to take care of soldiers and their families."

From my own personal experiences, the federal government has always taken care of my family (vis-a-vis me being in the military, factors that have affected us, etc and so on and so forth).  And not just "Canada's New Government" either ;)

And this is Ontario.... which is charging service personnel of all stripes OHIP fees - deducted on every paycheque.  If Ottawa is responsible - why is Toronto charging?

how do you spell "damage control"?
It's not deducted off the member's pay, it is a tax premium based on the gross income filed at tax time up to a maximum of 750.00.
geo said:
And this is Ontario.... which is charging service personnel of all stripes OHIP fees - deducted on every paycheque.   If Ottawa is responsible - why is Toronto charging?

Wonder if THAT would make a decent Ombudsman investigation?    ;D  Anyone?  Anyone?
Help me with this.

My understanding is the full time member gets all health services from the CF. The primary deliverer is CFMS. If care comes from the civilian hospital CF pays, not (for instance) OHIP.

How does this apply to families?

Say, Little Becky needs a doctor, does she report to the 'MIR' or go to the Pemboke hospital?

If she goes to Pembroke hospital the Public Service plan pays...right?

For a member (and family) overseas, CF is primary deliverer, but pays for everyone if private care is necessary ... right?
What hasn't been mentioned is that mental health services in Ontario and especially children's mental health services are the "poor sister" of the health care system. They have always been short of funds. This is not a new issue. This is just the way things have always been.

In addition, the new Family Health Networks and the hospitals who are now getting money are hiring clinicians out of the mental health system by offering salary increases of up to 45% over what mental health clinics can pay. I have seen the stats for our area and it's quite frightning. The denials by the Ministry are par for the course.

Finally, it's an election year in Ontario and possibly federally. Marin is playing the political shame card. And make no mistake, Forces voters count. The public will not take kindly to the government not treating the families of soldiers properly and fairly. Especially children of soldiers who are overseas and dying for this country. They will remember that at the ballot box.
My husband was killed in Oct 06 and I have 2 little girls. It took me until the last week of March to get counselling for them through the Phoenix Centre. And then, I'm sure, it was because the MFRC hired one of their therapists to work out of the Community Centre - giving priority to children who have lost a parent or whose parent was injured. At least we are now getting help and my kids don't have any major problems. I feel for those families just barely hanging in there. Communities around bases with deployed frontline soldiers need to be a bit more proactive in providing help to these families in crisis. If we had to wait so long, how long are others waiting?