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Favorite Military Film

lol ouch, yes proper posting format is a must.

it hurts my brain sometimes
my favorite movies are major pyne, full metal jacket, we were soliders
Sgt Bilko, McHales Navy, MASH (Go Clinger Go)
My favorite military movies are

black hawk down
Full Metal Jacket
Band of Brothers Series
My faves are                                          Not realy "War"but military themed

Memphis Belle
We were soldiers                                    K-19
Windtalkers                                            Red Scorpian (cheesey now)
Saving Pte Ryan                                    Top Gun
Courage under fire
Gallipoli ( About a bunch of Anzacs)                   
oh I spelled movie wrong. I hit the u key when I hit i. lets make it into a big deal. Hey everyone, I hit the u key!
Easy there...

Also, you spelt Metal wrong, forgot the  "t"

"Full Meal Jacket"
that button does not always work. I have to slam it along with the shift key
"i didn't know they piled shit that high"

"if god wanted you to get up my obstacle he would have miricale'd yur ass up there"

good times, haha
Full Meal Jacket...what the....!!!!

Whats that an.... MRE in an overcoat......and on TV...fantastic

You make me laugh guys...so funny

all the best...

You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've got your ass! You will not laugh!  You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!

Holy dogshit! Texas! Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy! And you don't look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down!

I swear to god this is true!

On BMQ we had this guy who knew every one liner to every war movie. This guy could recite anything, AND he would do it in the voice of that character (and pretty good too). So one night just making our bunks and polishing our boots he starts reciting the beginning scene of full metal jacket in the voice of the drill sgt. We thought he would stop after a couple of lines but he memorized the first scene which is like 20 minutes long! It was the craziest thing I have ever seen. Everyone got into it to. When there was a part when it required the recruits to say "yes sir!", all of us would say it out loud. Our MCpl loved it and whenever we had downtime inbetween classes or something We would get the guy to recite the full metal jacket scene.

Good times!
HAH! I think every course has one of those people.

Right, SpaceLord? ;P
"God has a hard-on for Marines. Because we kill everything we see. "

"How can you shoot women and children?  Easy... you just don't lead 'em so much."  :blotto:
Franko said:
Welcome to 1988...........


Wow thanks for pointing out the movie was realeased in 1988. I'm sure we already knew that... ^-^
"Hey I just saw the movie Hamburgerhelper" Wow what a great war movie!! I can't wait to see Porkchop hill, wait that one is real.  