I made my point and judging by the emotion that it has stirred and by how some of you extract single elements of my posts insted of looking at the entire argument, I can tell that I hit a sore spot. You know it, I know it, and you know that I know and that's what kills you. I have been around long enough to know better than some of you the past contributions of the Air Force. Some was for show, some was for real, and hats off to those guys where it is due. But a lot of you are in for a big surprise if you think that you will convince Treasury Board to caught up $5B for a capability your leadership has been unwilling to commit to WAR. Quit basking is the past guys. Your leadership has seen fit to pass more than once on an opportunity to deliver REAL kinetic effects in Afghanistan. So when money will be dolled out, it will be assigned to elements that are NEEDED and familiar. Cargo, fix wing SAR, Tac Hel. Now is the time to be needed, now is the time to be known. The future leadership of the CF and of DND is being formed TODAY in Afghanistan. The Army is there, the Navy is there, the Air Transport guys are there and everyone knows that the Tac Hel guys want to be there. The CF is learning to fight a WAR with someone else's CAS because its own Air Force declined to send fighters. You don't need F-35 to go to Afghanistan. Why are you not there now?? If you're not there now, why would we believe that you will go later? Come on, get your head out of the sand!