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Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

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Flawed Design said:
Do yourself, your peers and your staff a favor and leave your cell phone at home.

Learn to exist without it for a few weeks.

How is that doing everyone a favor? If you're paying for the contract you bring it, just don't be a smartass and try and keep it hidden, hand it in to the electronic lockup and then you'll have it when you have time off...

Cat said:
How is that doing everyone a favor? If you're paying for the contract you bring it, just don't be a smartass and try and keep it hidden, hand it in to the electronic lockup and then you'll have it when you have time off...

Because you might think that's how it works now  but it's not. In practice it sounds easy, put your cell phones away until after work.

1). When you get there people will be told no cell phones while during working hours, and people will sa pfft and bring them anyways. People will get caught text messaging first during breaks then during meal hours then some idiots will try and text message during lectures.
Everyone suffers for it. A course might have their cell phone privilages taken away for a week.

2). While everyone else is working, cleaning, doing their recruit things some jerks will sneak off and hide to chat on their cells or text message. While your busting your back sweeping the floors and cleaning brass someone will be blading you and pissing around on your phone. You'll tell the section commander and theres a goo chance everyone gets punished (cause thats how it goes on basic) or he will tell you to sort it out yourselves. In the latter case you can't punch the guy in the face and more often than not these types of soon to be soldiers just won'tgive a shit if you don't liek them or not and it becomes a constant problem in the section.

3). Most important reason, troops get TOO attached to their cell phones. I have to call home my mom is sick, my dog ran way, im fighting with my girlfriend. I need to check my mail. People these days are litterly addicted to their cell phones (texting) an the internet. Gotta check my mail! We have a 5 minute break I need to respond to text's.

Being shunted away from you're normal life that you're used to is a part of becoming a soldier.  When a recruits cell phone /gotta stay in touch with friends obession doesn't get stamped out in basic training it becomes a serious ass problem when you go on any sort tasking and even on operational tours.  I can't count how many times I've seen people fake injuries just to get out of "being out of contact" for a week because they just can't handle not having access to the internet or their dumb cell phones. 

May not seem like it, may seem like I'm overreacting but it's a serious problem and when it actually starts to effects you and you see how much bullshit it causes you'll see what I mean.

(When I say 'you' I'm not implying you specifically Cat, talking about peple in general)

"Don't be a smart ass" doesn't work when dealing with army recruits believe me.
If I have one advise; try to set up for monthly payments because you will not be able to access CPUs for at least the first 4-5 weeks.  A joint account would not be a bad idea either.  I know in St-Jean they will offer you to open a BMO account but there is no BMO ATM on Garrison at this time.  Make sure you bring a void cheque from your finacial institution because they will not take info other than that.
having your cell phone in basic is a big NO NO.... I had mine and I got caught by my WO doing a surprise visit to the floor.. I was given a given a serious incident for it and recoursed for not following the QR&O's I do not reco,emd that you bring it..
Conniebarnes said:
having your cell phone in basic is a big NO NO.... I had mine and I got caught by my WO doing a surprise visit to the floor.. I was given a given a serious incident for it and recoursed for not following the QR&O's I do not reco,emd that you bring it..

For not following the QR & O, it must have been for "disobeying a lawful command" or something.  I don't remember the Cell Phone usage part of the NDA.  AND you don't get recoursed because of that one incident, so there is more to your story you aren't telling and don't have to tell.  However, you don't want to mislead people into thinking they will be recoursed for that one single incident.  You'd already have to be on the staff's radar.  So, we will clarify your post to make it clear that the Course Staff must have given direction that you were not following, got caught, probably already had a few swipes under your collar and that was the last straw that lead to your recourse.  Thats a very educated guess.

The rules for Cell Phones/Electronics are laid out in the Joining Instructions signed by the Commandant of CFLRS.  Your course staff will be the ones that determine if/when you get those privliges, above and beyond the COs direction.  Some courses get to use them nightly, some don't.  Thats up to each Course Staff.

From the CFLRS Joining Instructions, Para 7 (c) located on page 16/16 of the Joining Instructions:

c. Restricted materials: Here is a list of articles on which there are some particular restrictions:

(1) Cellular phones: permitted only after 6:00 pm if permitted by the instructors;
(2) laptop computers: permitted only after 6:00 pm if permitted by the instructors; and
(3) Any other electronic equipment for entertainment (IPod, DVD Player): if permitted by the instructors; and
(4) personal vehicle: unless you have a special permission from the chain of command, you can use your personal vehicle only during the leave weekends, from Friday 6:00 pm until your return on Sunday evening. All other uses are forbidden.

You can bring your cell phone to CFLRS.  You just have to abide by the rules of if and when you use it.

That should be the end of that.  Maybe people should start reading the Joining Instructions and *then* asking questions to clarify the information there. 

Those of you how are speaking out of your lower-holes...should stop.  People who haven't been there yet might assume you know what you are talking about, and your half-stories will mislead them.

Oddly enough after reading this thread I've changed my mind and decided to bring my cell phone to BMQ. I was going to leave it behind but seeing as how there is a chance that I may get to use it later on in the course or after hours, it should be worth taking. I think I'll just leave it with the rest of my civilian things in lockup though, so I can only get it on weekends off and such.

thanks guys
You likely won't have a choice of where it is kept, atleast for the Indoc period.  Wait for it troops, when you get there, you will find out how it works for your platoon.

You should also take down all of your stored numbers because access to your precious little gadget for the first 4-5 weeks is going to be scarce.  It comes down to that; can you live without the electronic extension of yourself for a month ?  If you are unsure of the answer; don't sign the dotted line...
Buddy336 said:
can you live without the electronic extension of yourself for a month ?  If you are unsure of the answer; don't sign the dotted line...

Alittle extreme don't you think?


Christ, I did Basic in 1989 and at no time did I not have the ability to talk to anyone *outside* for a month.  Let's not be too *doom and gloom* about CFLRS, whether its BMQ or IAP.

The RULES for CFLRS stand, as per the Commadants orders, as previously posted.
I'm just saying, because some are in for a he'll of a culture shock.  But, bottom line; after indoc it can definitely become an asset as the pay phones are often booked solid. 8)
Seen. but I don't like to see it appear like folks will go 4+ weeks without the ability to talk to *whoever is special to them* for even the Indoc month...because that's not realistic IMO.

The staff are very aware of things like..personal morale, as well. 

The culture shock will happen with, or without, their gadgets...some more than others...in the end the ones that can't deal with that are weeded out, mostly by themselves I'd think.  They *sum up*.

You speak the truth, candidates will NEVER be denied the right to speak to their loved ones and they will almost certainly grant you access to your cell in time of crisis.  My point here is; bring anything you want, be honest about it and follow the rules; you are the only one responsible for the circumstances that affects you.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
My wife is in St. Jean right now.  Some dude should up with his cat.

Should?....I hope thats not some slang for shagged up with his cat. :D

I would have love to have seen the reception that moron got.
I understand that the duty warrent was VERY unimpressed to find a furry interloper in his office the next morning...

For the record, it was NOT R0186E (They are an awesome platoon and I miss them muchly!!!)
Cat said:
I understand that the duty warrent was VERY unimpressed to find a furry interloper in his office the next morning...

For the record, it was NOT R0186E (They are an awesome platoon and I miss them muchly!!!)
I confirm that; but the furry friend was safely taken home by the father the next morning.  What was so great about R186E ?
Buddy336 said:
I confirm that; but the furry friend was safely taken home by the father the next morning.  What was so great about R186E ?

The "furry friend's father" took it home the next morning?
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