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Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

  • Thread starter Thread starter stacy mogan
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Yeah I'm planning on buying a laptop during SLT and hook up a wireless connection. I'm glad to hear it's becoming a norm there. I wouldn't bring it for basics though.
We had some people with laptops during IAP.  Toward the later half of the course (when we weren't in the field) there was still time to catch the odd flick.  Definitely not an abundance of time though. 

I'll be packing mine this summer for BOTP and will be glad to share/hook-up internet and wireless with the gang.
Try looking at this:

Thanks for the replies guys, I think I'll follow the MCCs advice and not bring one for IAP/BOTP... sounds like it won't do much good.  I'll stick to the internet terminals until SLT.

How do you guys plan on getting the extra gear once you go to SLT? Doesn't it usually commence right after BOTC?? Or do you live in Ontario somewhere, so going home for a weekend is a possibility.

I just have this vision of going straight from BOTC to SLT.. and being forced to ship my laptop out to me?
Well I'm hoping they give us a week after BOTC before we have to head for SLT. That way I can head back to Toronto and get some luvin.
For those guys who are on the 10 Apr - 14 Jul IAP/BOTP.

The next full SLT (33 week basic course) being run after completion of the mentioned serials of IAP/BOTP begins 5 Sept 06 and runs until 20 Apr 07.

I imagine in the month and a half in between the two courses, we should be able to get leave to go home or complete any other personal admin.

The real question is, is there anyone who can answer what a bunch of 2Lts do in St. Jean for a month and a half before SLT. Attach/Posting? Sit on our ass? I personally hope to get leave and go someplace warm before SLT.  ;)
Hey Maniac, where did you get the information on the SLT being in sept? If it's offical that would be excellent.

Also would we be put on LWOP again?
I know this is a silly question but I just wanted to make sure. I am correct in thinking that you're not allowed to bring a cell phone to basic right? or are you?
I got it off the DIN. Thats pretty much as credible as it gets. Being a CT has its advantages.

As for LWOP, I don't see them doing that. Its alot of paperwork, and it would definatley not be popular amongst the troops.
Cell phones are VERBOTEN at least for the first 4 weeks in BMQ in Borden, after that they are usually returned to you, to be used only after work hours, depending on your staff.  Usually if caught using during the day you will loose your privledges.  As for pictures most staff don't like having their picture taken, all it would take is one really poor timed photograph to leak out to the press and there you go, investigations, disbandment of units etc and so forth, maybe a little overdramatic but you never know its happened before.
I brought my cell phone and my camera. As long as they were not being used during the training hours and the staff didn't see them, it was no problem for us. In the field, the camera was good for taking the requisite and mandatory section hero shots. Lots of good memories. And if you don't have the waterproof camera like me, invest in a waterproof case. After 5 days of solid rain, its required.
What about discmans, will they be allowed? Im going to St. Jean
The info I got said no walkmans so I guess that means no discmans or ipods as well. :( I will miss my music.
from what i have heard you are allowed to bring them but they are to stay with civies until you have time to use them, i was told that someone brought a lap top with them. but you must remember that not everyone respects other peoples stuff so if u bring MP3, CD Lap Top make sure it is in a locked hard case, i found this out when asking if i could bring my paintball equip. just remember that if it does not interupt or bother anyone during your OFF time then it probably is allowed.
Why would you bring paintball equip?

couldnt you just rent one while playing on your off time.
I brought my cell phone with me on my BMQ but i just left it on silent the whole time, or i left it in my boot that was in my kit bag or at the end of my bunk
you can bring any of the stuff that people have been asking about. Phones, computers, cameras, music. The only real restriction is working hours. After working hours, usually supper time, if you want to listen to your ipod while you are shining your boots or doing your station job, you are allowed. Again everything is up to the staff, if you screw up, then you lose the priviliges. One guy on the last course I taught left his phone out and he lost it for teh rest of the course. If you are smart about how you use your stuff then you shouln't have any problems. Hope that helps.
Marc :cdn:
although you are allowed to take all of that stuff with you, do not take it to Farnham with you.  They tend to frown on that stuff out there.  The camera will be ok, but cell phones and mp3 players and stuff are no-no's.
one other thing i forgot to mention as well. one of the more popular items on the floor at the mega that was brought were portable DVD players.  alot of guys had them and alot of guys had movies sent from home after they found out there were allowed to have them on the floor after working hours.  some guys had laptops there as well with built in DVD players for entertainment as well.  helped pass the times on the floor especially on the weekends when we were confined to barracks.  we just stored them in the civi lock up and got in there when needed.
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