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Extended Vacation During the Recruiting Process?


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So how does it work if, as you are nearing the end of the enrollment process, you are going on an extended vacation?  I know you should leave a contact phone number however, what if you get the call notifying you that you have been found suitable for enrollment.  Would you have to fly back to the recruiting centre that you started your application at to get sworn in or would you be able to just go to the nearest recruiting centre for all of that.  What's more, what if you are called to go on BMQ while you are away?  Will you get sent out from your current location, or will you have to fly back home before they will allow you to go on BMQ.

Just so everyone knows, by extended vacation, I do not mean that I am leaving the country, as I am aware that would require more processing time)  I am visiting out West from the Maritimes (NS -> AB)

Once again, thanks fir sharing your knowledge with me!
For what it's worth (not much), I had a soldier in my troop who was from Newfoundland (and enrolled there) and was working in Alberta when he got the call, and was able to be enrolled where he was working (Alberta) and not have to go back to Newfoundland. It causes a few minor headaches down the road for the papershufflers (moving furniture and effects, other admin issues) it worked out in the end.

If you need to defer your enrollment date (assuming they give you one) to get back to home, that should be feasible, keeping in mind that if your trades training course date isn't compatible with you deferring your enrollment, recruiting, etc, you could very likely be waiting until the next trades course is run. That's OK if you are getting into a trade that has many courses per year, but not so good if it is run once every 3 years (as an example).

Anyway, I would contact the recruiting center and see what they say, as they are the ones that are going to be doing all the jumping through hoops for you, and can give you their advice.

If I were to receive the call while away, I wouldn't need to go back for anything... I would be fully able to just go to BMQ from Alberta.  I planned it that way just in case I did get the call...