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Expedient Beer Coolers...

George Wallace said:
Which?  The cooling the beer part or the chilling with the beer part?

The cooling of the beer, can't say as I have ever sat n the tub with the beer before....At least not on purpose, I have fell in after a few two many before.... ;D
Here's a good tip that speeds the process a TON (regardless of the container used): Salt the ice.

Dump a good 1/3 to 3/4 cup of regular table salt (dependent on amount of ice) all over the ice = super cold beer, super fast! :)

Works great in any type of container I've ever had access to!
I have seen 2VP use canoes full of ice for Coy smokers...

Also, when in a pinch:
1. Buy case of beer.
2. Remove bottles (or cans)
3. Line box with garbage bag
4. Replace beer
5. Top up with ice
6. Don't lift, and set somewhere that can get wet (like the ground) - a LOT of condensation builds up on the bag and soggifies the case.
7. A layer of newspaper between bag and box will increase the R factor, but may make it difficult to get the beer back in.
