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Estimated time to be sworn in/course dates after PRes enrollment


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Hi all, so i have completed the CFAT, medical, interview on May 16 and completed my Expres Test Physical today for my PRes application. Only question i have left now is when can i expect a job offer and to be sworn in at the regiment im looking to join and get BMQ course dates? I know these wait times can vary on multiple issues and everyone is different (medical coming back from Ottawa ect) but to save the regiments recruiter harassment from recruits what is a good estimated time to give them a shout? 2 weeks? Thanks for the help looking forward very much to joining the ranks.

P.S this forum has helped me immensely. From stressing over the CFAT and learning GREAT practice material references, to proper pushup techniques and training their is a wealth of knowledge if you take the time to search things, nothing but praise for the help it has given me along the way.
right with you man, got my interview on Monday for PRes have completed everything else and was kinda wondering the same thing what the wait will look like assuming the interview goes well and they think i am suited for my trade. just out of curiosity what regiment are you applying for.

ambush said:
right with you man, got my interview on Monday for PRes have completed everything else and was kinda wondering the same thing what the wait will look like assuming the interview goes well and they think i am suited for my trade. just out of curiosity what regiment are you applying for.


BCR's British Columbia Regiment, armoured recce how about you?
Hey, I applied for BCR as well.  I have my interview on April 7th.  Guess I'll be seeing you there.  :camo:
RecceApplicant said:
Hey, I applied for BCR as well.  I have my interview on April 7th.  Guess I'll be seeing you there.  :camo:

That's good to hear, I'm sure you'll do fine on interview man. Hope to see you this summer.
bmackay said:
That's good to hear, I'm sure you'll do fine on interview man. Hope to see you this summer.

Thanks.  Best of luck for that telephone call.  It seems like the recruiting centre always calls when you least expect it (for me at least). 

It would be quite interesting if we all ended up doing our BMQ course together, seeing that most  who posted here are located in the lower mainland area.  Any idea if they are still running BMQ courses at ASU Chilliwack?  Hopefully there is still room for the summer courses.   
I think I've become fed up with my current employment and will be changing my application over from PRes to RegF, I think I'll actually move forward in my life with that path. Right now, things are grim and I feel myself going backwards.
RecceApplicant said:
Thanks.  Best of luck for that telephone call.  It seems like the recruiting centre always calls when you least expect it (for me at least). 

It would be quite interesting if we all ended up doing our BMQ course together, seeing that most  who posted here are located in the lower mainland area.  Any idea if they are still running BMQ courses at ASU Chilliwack?  Hopefully there is still room for the summer courses. 

Ya i got my fingers crossed for a full-time BMQ/BMQ(L) this summer, only time i really have that much time off to get both courses done. Chilliwack would be perfect, that's my old home town I grew up on that base (or whats left of it) back when my dad was reg force engineer.
Right on, Im going for Seaforth Highlanders Infantry as well! Recently finished application process, just waiting for a job offer now
I talked to the BCR recruiter few days ago, he said that i probably would not make the summer BMQ - kind of disappointing but i guess ill have to do the weekend course in Sept. How about you guys any word on being sworn in?
Nah not yet, I was told to expect a call from the Seaforth recruiters for a job offer within the next four weeks but thats all iv got for now  :P
I completed my interview, but have to have to wait until the summer (due to the new age requirements) before I qualify to be enrolled.  Hopefully there are still some spots left by then.  If everything works out then I would be doing the weekend course in September as well.  Too bad about the summer BMQ though.
talked to recruiter yesterday he told me that if everything goes well i could be getting sworn in next Wednesday. what a relief
ambush said:
talked to recruiter yesterday he told me that if everything goes well i could be getting sworn in next Wednesday. what a relief

Congratulations!  Let us know how it goes.
yup just got the call will be signing in next Wednesday. never thought this day would come, now hopefully your Guy's will to :salute:
Good day all.

I applyed for the cf on March 29,  3 week after i received the call from the recruiter and she gave me a date for the next week.

What i think is strange is that i will be doing my cfat in the morning, at lunch time i will be doing my medical and after my interview. just tought

it was alot for one day. But i am happy that its going fast. Any toughts why all 3 on the same day. Thanks for comments, first time posting a comment. :cdn: