Well this post has certainly been an interesting/educational read....
Being from the mid 90's generation of Sappers who never had an opportunity to serve with a Commando in the CAR or have Sex, Snitzel and drink Green Grenades in Lahr (but my helmet has heard many stories about both
, mostly from
39G), I quickly realized that aside from a Mtn Op's crse, some scant Hel Op's trg and a few situations during Athena, I have had no real experience in this style of operation. Most of my time in the Regt was spent in the Track and Resources Troops. When looking at this from the outside it appears to be much the same as how Arctic Op's are conducted, only without the Arctic
, which is something I do have lots of experience with.
So after recently exercising within the Regt in this role, and facing the fall campaign of 2 CMBG's notorious "Bear" exercises, a few things got me thinking of how we will manage on a couple of 8 Day Operation Cycles:
Not sure who wrote it up top, but the normal Fd Tp layout is not really all that workable in the dismounted environment. Looks great on paper, but it became apparent early on that we were dragging around many more pers/clag than we needed to. When providing close support to the Light Inf Coy, a break-up and parcelling of the Tp is almost inevitable.
I can almost totally envision the Tp Comd getting into the Coy Comd's *** pocket providing advice on best employment of the Tp, the Tp Recce Sgt (and I don't believe that this fad of Sqn Recce Sgt's is a workable long term solution) most likely falling into the sensory element of the organization and providing advice/gathering data for the Tp as per normal.
Sect's will of course be pushed out to conduct tasks as required. Aside from Coy level water crossings and large defensive tasks etc, I see the Sect's being almost decentralized, especially during Urban Op's, possibly being divided into even smaller portions as needed.
This leaves the Tp WO gathering up Engr Specific stores, tools, replenishment and in our case keeping in touch with the "Tech Net".
As mentioned before, the ability for us to get our paws on specific tools not originally carried into the Op becomes an issue right off the bat. Right away it is apparent that the Tp/Sect Stores will need to be maintained and delivered by someone (Tp WO/SQMS?) who is outside the immediate tactical picture. It is a totally different ballgame to launch into the Light Role when your immediate probable tasks are not made abundantly clear. In my case, I am looking at 8 day cycles in the light role with tasks ranging from Assault Water Crossings, Route Denial, Obstacle Breeching and Explosive Entry followed by Defensive Ops in a MOUT Environment. A tough bill to fulfill when you are supposed to launch with everything you need on your back.
I have a Quad at my disposal and am going to experiment with using it as a "Special Equipment" delivery means to get stores from our Troop Vehicles which will be located some 10 - 15 kms away from the FEBA. But to truely sustain Light Op's, new SOP's (or old ones from the CAR/LIB days) will need to be created to deal with equipping Light Engineers to meet the changing tasks without consolidating a crap load of tools at the dismounted Troops, ie 25lbs of crap comes in and 25lbs of crap departs. Commodity replenishment would of course still come from the Unit which we are OPCON, but we still need to sustain our own specialist capability resources from the Engr Regt. In a purely Heliborne Op, this would be an even trickier coordination effort.
Lastly, allot of questions and head scratching is appearing over the employment of the Engr HC Operator in a Light Role Tp. Conventional IEDD and HC tasks, aside from "Manual approach" become almost impossible. Thoughts?
Any opinions? Apollo guys feel free to speak up with your own experiences on this.