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Employment Opportunities For Spouses- Merged

Perhaps we should define *career* so that we are all on the same page of our discussion.  I suspect my definition of career might be very different from others here as in my mind it takes longer than 3-5 years with an employer or in a particular field to establish a career. 
My wife is a pilot and she has been with the same employer for a while...  Even though we moved 2 times (Montreal to Kingston, Kingston to Winnipeg).  So I guess we can say she has a career (10 yrs with the same employer)...

I have based my opinions solely on job searching through the internet.  When we put our choices in as to where we wanted to live we did a lot of researching.  We were leaning towards Pet as we would have been able to buy a home but unfortunately through research it came up that the job market was not huge. Yes there are jobs there but not as many as other locations.  For us it was more important to know that in six months time we were going to be able to survive and that meant that I still needed to have a certain amount of income coming in so we choose Edmonton and thankfully we got what we wanted.

I understand that and have stated many times that in the future if we got posted to say Pet that I would make the best of it and perserve to try to find something that would make me happy.  In the future as well my need for a certain amount of income will decrease as my DH's income will increase so that will make it easier for us to accept a posting to a smaller area.

Hi folks,

As the PSP Manager in Petawawa, most of my employees are military spouses, many of whom have moved from other bases.  When one of our employees advises us that they are leaving us as a result of the posting of their spouse to another base, I personally phone my counterpart at the base they are going to and put in a good word for them.  Many if not all of them have moved to a new base and started a new job with PSP at their new base.

Much discussion above about "careeer" versus "work."  I believe that the important thing is that you are out working.  You may not start with the $40K to $50K a year job, but at least you are getting up each morning and working.  How do you get a job?  In some cases, you go to the rec department and just volunteer.  Shortly, people will start to realize what an asset you are and you will get hired at the next opportunity.  Take any job you can with PSP...even a casual job so that you can get "internal" status and have a shot at all jobs within PSP. 

Are there jobs in Petawawa?  Yes there are...but not compared to a major centre like Edmonton...but there are jobs.  However, not everyone has a choice of where they are posted.  If you are coming to Petawawa, do not despair...there is a job for good people wherevere you go.  Petawawa is a very nice community that has much to offer...it just takes time to realize what quality of life really is.

If you are coming to Petawawa and are concerned about finding a job drop into my office and chat about opportunities in our community.


Ed Gagnon
PSP Manager
CFB Petawawa

Check out our website at psppetawawa.com
I think it depends on what career one is involved in.  My wife is a librarian and it can be difficult finding positions, depending on where we live.  Bigger centres offer more opportunities for librarians and smaller centres offer fewer.  We have lived in Edmonton, Calgary, and Ottawa and she has found full-time positions without trouble.  We have also lived in Kingston, Moose Jaw, Medicine Hat, and Lethbridge and she has only been able to find part time work in her field.  On the other hand, friends of ours involved in nursing seem to have no trouble finding positions in their particular field.  Now that I have returned to the military, my wife decided to change careers to something she enjoys that offers more opportunities regardless of location.
I'm a military wife and I have a career, I'm a teacher. If he gets posted I really don't think (fingers crossed) that I would have a problem finding a job...if there wasn't any teaching positions I would probably try working in a daycare or something with children.
Okay let's try this again.  My Mom is the wife of a member of the diplomatic core so she's knows all about having to fit a career in while moving to a different country every three to four years.  She's a teacher so it wasn't difficult to find jobs at the International schools.  My poor luck, I was always attending those schools!  The problem came when we moved back to Canada.  She no longer had the right certifications.  She regretted having her career stiffled by my Dad's job for awhile, but will always tell you she wouldn't have missed the experiences for the world.  Seeing her frustration, I opted to join the CF in order to maintain my homelife with my BF.  I'll be swearing into the MP reserves this Aug 31 (my birthday, kind of nice hey?).  By doing so, I will always have a good chance of at least a part time postion where ever we go.  I'm in school now to get my Criminal Justice diploma and will be separated from him while he completes training in Gagetown.  (He did a VOT to the Infantry) However, I knew this going into the relationship and chose to stick it out.  Glad I did.  With any luck he'll be posted to Edmonton and I'll join the Reg force.  The CF isn't for everyone, but it makes life with a CF member easier for you both.  Or at least that's what I think. If your at the beginning of finding a career of your own consider the CF, or even the reserves.  Do make sure it's because you want it, this isn't a lifestyle that you can just leave at the office when you get home.  Hope this gives some people something to think about. :)
CFGF2MP said:
Okay let's try this again.  My Mom is the wife of a member of the diplomatic core so she's knows all about having to fit a career in while moving to a different country every three to four years.  She's a teacher so it wasn't difficult to find jobs at the International schools.  My poor luck, I was always attending those schools!  The problem came when we moved back to Canada.  She no longer had the right certifications.  She regretted having her career stiffled by my Dad's job for awhile, but will always tell you she wouldn't have missed the experiences for the world.  Seeing her frustration, I opted to join the CF in order to maintain my homelife with my BF.  I'll be swearing into the MP reserves this Aug 31 (my birthday, kind of nice hey?).  By doing so, I will always have a good chance of at least a part time postion where ever we go.  I'm in school now to get my Criminal Justice diploma and will be separated from him while he completes training in Gagetown.  (He did a VOT to the Infantry) However, I knew this going into the relationship and chose to stick it out.  Glad I did.  With any luck he'll be posted to Edmonton and I'll join the Reg force.  The CF isn't for everyone, but it makes life with a CF member easier for you both.  Or at least that's what I think. If your at the beginning of finding a career of your own consider the CF, or even the reserves.  Do make sure it's because you want it, this isn't a lifestyle that you can just leave at the office when you get home.  Hope this gives some people something to think about. :)

A VOT to the Infantry? Wow that's a rarity.....when I was in Gagetown we had Infanteers trying to VOT to other trades. A lot of Recruiters told guys to serve their first and second BEs in the INfantry and then remuster to MP or whatever...well good for him....he'll certainly be keen to do all that Infanteer stuff.
Good luck with your MP Reserve application.  :)
Thanks for the support, I'll need it.  However, I have already been accepted with the MP reserve unit here in Victoria and have  passed all my tests and interviews.  The hardest part was rounding up all my transcripts from the multiple high schools.  I swear in at the end of the month and I can't wait!  As for the BF, he was looking for something more hands on.  He was/is doing MARS training with the Navy.  It was his intensity I fell in love with and I guess I'm paying for it now...lol. :cdn:
CFGF2MP said:
Thanks for the support, I'll need it.  However, I have already been accepted with the MP reserve unit here in Victoria and have  passed all my tests and interviews.  The hardest part was rounding up all my transcripts from the multiple high schools.  I swear in at the end of the month and I can't wait!  As for the BF, he was looking for something more hands on.  He was/is doing MARS training with the Navy.  It was his intensity I fell in love with and I guess I'm paying for it now...lol. :cdn:

Congrats....all the best :cdn:
Just a question and if Im in the wrong place please point me in the right direction but,  Dont any of the "wives" stay where they are and not follow the "guys" around?  Me and my wife were planning on her staying where she is.  She is a Biologist for E.C. and it took here 7 years to get where she is.  So far I havnt seen anything in the way of support for people staying where they are its all for people following the CF member?  Maybe its rare or non existant but she loves here career and I dont want her to give it up because of me.  Any advise would be great.

Oh and its not because she wouldnt follow me its just that I dont want her to give up something she has been working for for 17 years (school included).

I just cant seam to find anyone in the same boat and its starting to make me wonder if this might not work?
I should think there are a fair number of situations like that. It takes a strong couple to do it....  :salute:
renleg said:
Just a question and if Im in the wrong place please point me in the right direction but,   Dont any of the "wives" stay where they are and not follow the "guys" around?  Me and my wife were planning on her staying where she is.  She is a Biologist for E.C. and it took here 7 years to get where she is.  So far I havnt seen anything in the way of support for people staying where they are its all for people following the CF member?  Maybe its rare or non existant but she loves here career and I dont want her to give it up because of me.   Any advise would be great.

Oh and its not because she wouldnt follow me its just that I dont want her to give up something she has been working for for 17 years (school included).

I just cant seam to find anyone in the same boat and its starting to make me wonder if this might not work?

It's not a route that  lot of us prefer. Later in the career some folks go unaccompanied for a few years just to finish their time and the wives or husbands have secure careers at the old location. Starting your career that way would be way hard I would think. there is a lot of relatiohship failure by those who choose IR (Imposed Restriction or unaccompanied posting)
  I was worried about having to look for employment when we got posted as well. I had been with the same company in New Brunswick for so many years, fortunately I ended up being able to transfer to another position within the same company (however they made me resign so they could rehire me, which caused some problems). We have to do the 2 car thing. If we were posted to a smaller community it would have probably been much harder to find employment for the wage I desired. So it worked out for me as I started my new job the day after we arrived here.
Hello, I just thought I would add my 2cents here!

We've been in Petawawa now since September (five months now!) and have yet to find a job. It's been a tough go but, I'm still trying to remain positive. Is having a career harder for a military wife? Uh, I'd like to venture on the far side and say YES... it's a bit more difficult though, I'm sure not impossible. I think this posting, the opportunities I would like to have just aren't here in this job market. I'm not ready to give up (despite how daunting it can be!) and I think getting a job on the base isn't sooooo easy but - again, it could be just a lull in the job market. I did find my "dream" job (one I had already previously, loved, and had to give up!) in Ottawa.

Why oh why couldn't we be posted to Ottawa???? :P

Anyways - I just wanted to say to those out there, to keep your chins up, that you CAN still have a career but - it just may not be what you envisioned.

(er, ask me in a few months to see if I still feel the same way! :))
When I was considering switching from Reserve Artillery to Regular Artillery back in the 80’s, the lack of opportunity for my spouse was a large part of that equation. Any spouse with a professional career would have taken a major hit moving to Shilo back then.
I noticed this post yesterday, and I finally have had a chance to read a little bit more. I do think it's possible also, for a wife to have a career while her husband is in the forces. When he is in the field, training, or away what better opportunity to take some time for yourself and focus on some goals. I wish you all the best luck! There is alot of inspiring input from everyone here, and it makes you realize that anything is possible, for both of you to have a good career.

Hey.  This seems to be a good thread to ask this question in.  My partner is in the forces right now.  I never really figured out what kind of career I want to do yet.  I made a trhead the other day that made me realise that its going to be very hard to keep on getting hired everytime I move with him....Anyways...I want a career, I have no clue in what though.  So what are some military accomodating careers?  Before I get my hopes up on anything.  I am new at this and have not even thought of not having a career until now.
your partner is in the forces?  That term is so generic, it's hard to understand your question.  For some, "partner" means "business partner", or "Friend" or "lover" or "spouse".

Could you help us out here?  Thanks...
Hate to be random, but I don't even mention that I signed up for the CF to potential girlfriends at first, the first thing they always seem to say is "doesn't that mean your gonna move away or go to afghanistan and leave me". I'm sure if I go reg force, career oriented women will stay away from me, and not because they think I'm ugly..  >:D