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Elite military unit's blueprints for new HQ found in trash can

Panzer Grenadier

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Thought this would catch someones attention.


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Panzer Grenadier said:
Thought this would catch someones attention.


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Unbelievable. I wonder  where other copies of these plans could be?
Well would you look at that. :o
I guess someone screwed up pretty bad, lets just hope the blueprints never reached the wrong hands.
ButtA said:
Well would you look at that. :o
I guess someone screwed up pretty bad, lets just hope the blueprints never reached the wrong hands.

"Anthony Salloum, an analyst with the Rideau Institute, the left-leaning Ottawa think-tank."

Too late.

I guess someone screwed up pretty bad, lets just hope the blueprints never reached the wrong hands.

"Anthony Salloum, an analyst with the Rideau Institute, the left-leaning Ottawa think-tank."

What are the odds, eh? An employee of the Rideau Institute just happens to be rooting through a Bank St garbage can that just happens to contain classified documents that would embarrass the military... I hate the come off as the kind of guy who wears a tinfoil hat, but I feel like there's something really shifty about this.

Or maybe its just aluminum pot syndrome...
    It get's better. The one set of blueprints he picks out of many, just "happen" to be the ones for the CJIRU.

  The journalist and Mr. Salloum should get together again, and buy a lottery ticket.
Got me to thinking.
How many terrorist do we have working as Geotechs in our military?

I'm a proud wearer of my tin foil hat,cause if I've thought about it....so have they.
Less terrorist -- more leakers to outside sources - presumably for reasons other than terrorism...

  Of course if I where at DHTC -- and I did not want to get potentially moved to Trenton with the NBCD coy (now the "elite" JIRU)  and "Advanced Land Warfare Cell" (CABC by another name again) something like this in a dumpster is perfect
I agree, of all the people that walked past this garbage can, it was this individual from the Rideau institute that decided to have a look.  Way to conveniant for me to believe.
[sarcasm] Yep, because I always root in trash cans looking for important documents.   ::)  Maybe they'll find the Somalia papers too. [/sarcasm]

Oops, found this statement: "The 26 blueprints were contained in one of seven defense ministry files that a passer-by found on top of garbage bags on an Ottawa street."  at Yahoo news  But still, figure the odds.....
I bet that we are so cunning, that someone planted these fake plans to draw the bad guys off our scent. The REAL secret unit is actually holed up in an abandoned elementary school in rural Saskatchewan.  ;D
Hey guys I've been fitted with a tin foil hockey helmet.....zinnnnnggg.....
Personally I find it hilarious that "Defence Expert" Steven Staples didn't have a clue what the JNBCD Coy was.

I was going to post a long rant about why this is a trivial security concern but, I'm sorry, this is Walter Mitty shit.  Next thing we know the Rideau Institute is going to be getting it's scoops and scandals via walking past a rock in a park and having the info downloaded onto their PDA...  :P

David P., if you're reading this, I'm surprised you fell for it too.  ::)
Well, blueprints are numbered.
Check out it's serial number and have a chat with the winner who has/had the lucky number.

pert simple really!
Weinie said:
    It get's better. The one set of blueprints he picks out of many, just "happen" to be the ones for the CJIRU.

Each page is marked "National Defence, Project No. IE070599, NBCD Company, 8 Wing, Trenton, electrical site plan."
My guess is the other rolls of plans would have been for the same project but marked for other elements of the design such as, Architectural, Structural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Landscaping. 
I couldn't get the link to work so i found a different one for anyone interested.

Inside job anyone? Geo is that what you're thinking? I also love the part where the RI man states that he only took one out of 6 or 7, thus insinuating that the others could be in the hands of enemies.

For all we know, there was only 1, and it might have been leaked to him. It makes for all too convenient of a sh*tstorm.

EDIT: Mark thanks for sharing
Mr ******** also posted about this at his blog (actually worth reading as to how the find was handled, with his help); a wonderful excerpt:
At that point I thought this was all some kind of practical joke being played me. Two of DND’s biggest critics had the blueprints for special operations command’s new Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (which used to be called the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Company) installation and they had no clue whatsoever what they were looking at.

I jokingly berated Mr. Staples for pulling my chain on what I thought was an elaborate stunt…. but he said he didn’t know what on earth I was talking about. He was so preoccupied with his press conference set for today that I don’t think even by the end of the day he had fully comprehended what was in his hands.

It was a truly bizarre situation. The plans for a secret military counter-terrorism installation had been sitting in the corner of the Rideau Institute’s office for a week. Neither men had realized the extent security had been breached at DND.

Then I had a another thought (my cynical side working overtime). This seemed too bizarre to be a coincidence- especially since it involved Mr. Staples and Mr. Salloum. Maybe someone was setting these two guys up for a fall. Certainly, catching DND’s critics with sensitive records might be a good way of discrediting both Mr. Staples and Mr. Salloum, since after all they had become royal pains in the ass for DND.

Had someone placed the rolled blueprints on Bank Street just so Mr. Salloum’s spouse would see them? The documents were so big….at least a metre in length, they would be impossible for someone to miss.

But as Mr. Staples kept talking, reading details from the blueprints, things started to make more sense and I eased up on my conspiracy theories. The Trenton blueprints had project identification numbers on them as well as the time, date and the name of a civilian contractor who had printed them out. (I later tracked down the name of the contractor and confirmed it)...


Having lived on almost every type of Base the CF has, over the years, I have found that Canadians as a whole have no sense or understanding of Secuity.  The attitudes of Canadians towards Security matters has not improved over the years.  I could not believe my ears back in the 1980's when DND announced that many Canadian Forces Bases would go to an "OPEN BASE POLICY".  Unfriggingbelievable!

This case is just another chapter in the story.  We have already had the "Classified Docs" on a laptop in the backseat of a car outside of a Leafs Game story.  ::)