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tykotyko said:
but will all ive worked for all these long months go to waste? :'(

Only if you let it. Or, YOU can decide to take any additional time before you are allowed to apply and put it to good use. Maintain your fitness, improve your education, and deepen your resolve to serve.

It is up to you.
ive got some intersting news. i told my brother what happend and what they said about how i can join in 3 years n he started flipping out n sayin that wasnt rite for the one time it happend i get punished for 3 years so he works at a pub in kingston The Toucan and he knows alot of captains and sgt's from there and he was talkin to captain pat about it and captain pat told him that they cant do that to me cause of one time there are drug dealers that can get into the army and im goin to go down there tomorow to sort this out for you and ur brother so i might be able to get in.  :D
jacquesn66 said:
ive got some intersting news. i told my brother what happend and what they said about how i can join in 3 years n he started flipping out n sayin that wasnt rite for the one time it happend i get punished for 3 years so he works at a pub in kingston The Toucan and he knows alot of captains and sgt's from there and he was talkin to captain pat about it and captain pat told him that they cant do that to me cause of one time there are drug dealers that can get into the army and im goin to go down there tomorow to sort this out for you and ur brother so i might be able to get in.   :D
looks like you're good to go. If anyone can sort out recruiting, it's a bartender in Kingston. See what he can do about getting us some helicopters.
If you were already told 3 years, don't expect to hear a different answer when you try again.

What exactly are you going to tell them this time? That your brother said that someone by the name of "captain pat" said it was alright?

That would be funny to watch.

hey im currently applying to the CF and im just curious to as whether the recruiters are strict on the usage of pot. i've stopped using it a couple of months ago and never using it again....will i still be able to get in? was anybody in the same situation i am in now and did you have any trouble getting in?
There is LOTs of threads on the issue of doing drugs and CF recruiting, etc SEARCH
brandon_g said:
hey im currently applying to the CF and im just curious to as whether the recruiters are strict on the usage of pot. i've stopped using it a couple of months ago and never using it again....will i still be able to get in? was anybody in the same situation i am in now and did you have any trouble getting in?
  No you are the first person to want to join, who has smoked dope in the past.  You are a unique and individual flower that will be treated with kid gloves cause they have never had a case like yours before.
Harsh, but damm funny!

**Just be honest with the recruiter!!!**

Hatchet Man said:
  No you are the first person to want to join, who has smoked dope in the past.   You are a unique and individual flower that will be treated with kid gloves cause they have never had a case like yours before.

*slow clap*

Mods, this post should be added to the "sarcasm" hall of fame thread, it is truly a masterpiece!

keep up the good work HM

I think you have to be clean for 6 months, and then they look at how chronic you were, etc... and if you did anything else. Be honest. If you don't get through the recruiting process, at least you tried.
i know i havent been on or posted anythin for the past month ive just been living in chame for a while because i passed everything on my testings to get into the reg force just certain drugs were in my system and they told me i can come back in 3 years but then i was talken to a officer at the local bar and he said that i might be able to get in if i go into the reserves first then get transfered over. im very persistant because i want to be apart of the canadain army and have honour my whole life ive been into trouble and i feel i need to straighten my life out and this is a career for me. my cusion also told me if i cant get in go to the us army that is the last thing i want to do but if its my last resort i will. so your advice on this situation and if you know if its true or not about im able to join the reserves would be greatly apretiated and i know this might not be the proper place to post it but i didnt know anywhere else it fell into.
thanks again
Nick Jacques
You were given the advice, last November to wait 3 years.  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/35655/post-291827.html#msg291827

A Search, using the word Drugs, brought up many topics and they basically all say the same thing.  You will have to wait that period of time and be "Clean" when you reapply to join the CF, both as a Regular Force or Reservist.

This is what the Rules say:

This is an except of Can Forces Admin Orders (CFAO) 19-21 which deals with drug abuse....


5.      Because of the implications on operational readiness, safety of both
members and the public, security, discipline, reliability, cohesion and
morale, it is CF policy that any unauthorized use or other illegal
involvement with drugs by CF members will not be tolerated. The Canadian
Forces Drug Control Program has been established under QR&O, Chapter 20
as a comprehensive instrument to combat unauthorized use and other illegal
involvement with drugs. The essential elements of the program are
education, detection, treatment and rehabilitation.


6.      Within the framework of the Canadian Forces Drug Control Program, the
use of any drug by CF members is prohibited, subject to three specific
exceptions.  QR&O 20.04 states:

"No officer or non-commissioned member shall use any drug unless:

      (a)  the member is authorized to use the drug by a qualified medical
              or dental practitioner for the purposes of medical treatment or
              dental care;

      (b)  the drug is contained in a non-prescription medication used by
              the member in accordance with the instructions accompanying the
              medication; or

      (c)  the member is required to use the drug in the course of military

The word "use" is defined in  QR&O 20.01 for the purposes of the
Canadian Forces Drug Control Program. It means, in respect of a drug, "any
act of injecting, swallowing, inhaling, smoking, ingesting or otherwise
absorbing into the human body."

7.      The exceptions to  QR&O 20.04 do not constitute authority for
military authorities to order or permit a member to use a drug where that
use, or possession of the drug, is prohibited by another law.


8.      Both the Narcotic Control Act and the Food and Drugs Act, which are
federal laws that apply to civilians and CF members alike, define narcotics
and certain other drugs and prohibit a large number of activities in
relation to those substances. Contravention of any of these prohibitions is
an offence punishable by imprisonment and other punishments.

9.      Under the Narcotic Control Act, it is an offence to possess, possess
for the purpose of trafficking, export from or import into Canada, traffic
in or cultivate a narcotic. In addition, it is an offence to traffic in a
substance held out or represented to be a narcotic. Recent amendments to
the Act also make it an offence to possess or launder proceeds or property
obtained as a result of trafficking, exporting, importing or cultivating a

10.      Under the Food and Drugs Act, it is an offence to possess for the
purpose of trafficking, to export from or import into Canada or traffic in
a restricted or controlled drug. It is an offence to traffic in a substance
held out or represented to be a restricted or controlled drug and to
possess a restricted drug. It is also an offence to sell a drug described
in Schedule F of the Act. Recent amendments to the Act also make it an
offence to possess or launder proceeds or property obtained as a result of
trafficking in a restricted or controlled drug.

The CF has a very strict No Drugs policy.

GUys im reall sorry to ask this again i did search and I did find a some posts where ppl somehow answered the question I have but one quick answer would be much appreciated thanks.. I have never exactly smoked pot in my life.. my questoin is... 5 months ago i once put the spliff/joint in my mouth one puff boys and i threw it away didnt even take it inhale it...and 4 months ago i was around someone who smoked it.. i was about 4-5 feet away but i could still barely smell the weed of him.... and thats it.. would that create a problem for me?
nope...there's NO way it can be in your system that long...especially considering how little exposure you've had to it.  Just stay away from the stuff and dont worry about it
if you took your CFAT already, you fill out a form regarding drug use...answer honestly.  I believe they want no pot smoking within 3 months of applying, so you're fine.  I have only got as far as completing my CFAT, so I dont know if this is discussed during the medical
You've used it. When they ask say yes. When they ask how long it's been...don't lie. If you do happen to get caught lying about it...the consequences can be somewhat more drastic.
Tell the truth to your interviewer, medic and on your substance abuse sheet. From what I've gathered there isn't any reason to be paranoid about it. It's not going to stop you from enrolling into the Canadian Forces as you've probably read more than a few times. I've been told it could delay your application, but in any case just relax and tell the truth. This is comming from civilian finished the recruiting process waiting for my call.
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