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Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

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Speaking of amusing stories, I‘ve got a rip off the internet which shows and talks about LSD being tested on British soldiers back in the 50‘s or 60‘s,it may even be a bit earlier cuz it is in black and white. Mabye someone who knows about the weapons they were carrying could tell what time frame it is from, anyhow, it is absolutely hilarious. I got it off Kazaa and it is titled "LSD being tested on British Troops" I could narrate it in here adn that would be funny, but like they say, pictures are worth a thousand words and it is absolutley hilarious to see this.
Is this the same one with
"And Now we see the sargent major attempting to rescue something from the tree"?
Imagine living in a society where almost anything you say could be offensive to one special interest group or another.

Blatant hate talk is not to be classed the same as what has been expressed by most members here. However, being soldiers/sailors/airmen does restrict us from letting anyone know what we feel on a given subject. It‘s called professionalism.

I still don‘t understand exaclty what pot does to permanently affect judgment/performance. But my bosses say it‘s not to be done. So as a professional soldier I don‘t do it. When I retire maybe I‘ll put a few in the vegetable garden if the Old Bird lets me.Until then I‘ll do as I‘m told. That means don‘t piss off the pot police, don‘t piss off the special interest police but try to maintain a bit of intergrity all the while.

You can‘t be everything to everyone all the time.
To add to this post and whether innapropriate comments have a place on this forum we need look no further than what has just recently happened on the Armyapp.forum. If we want to lose this site we just have to keep going along dangerous ground. Anything posted by anyone will be associated with the army, even if you are some 13 yr old kid from Schumacher Ontario.

For more info read this
I think it was shut down to evaluate the content WRT comments posted by members. These were probably construed by hyper-sensitive types with too much time on their hands that all comments (whether from troops or civies) were indicative of offically tolerated opinions/comments within the CF. IT‘s a publically funded site.
Here it is...
PUBLICATION : The Ottawa Citizen
DATE : 2004.01.15

HEADLINE: ‘Bush=Hitler,‘ brought to you by Canada‘s army: George W. Bush
is the new Hitler. It‘s time the Liberals got booted out of power.
Jean Chretien speaks with a funny accent worthy of a Monty Python character.

And if the U.S. does invade Canada, the military could try scorched-earth tactics to destroy everything in the path of the marauding Americans so nothing would fall into their hands.
While such statements might be typical chatter on Internet sites covering Canadian politics or conspiracy theories, these come courtesy of the
Canadian taxpayer. In an effort to promote professionalism and debate in the ranks, the Canadian army is operating the Internet discussion forum where the public and soldiers can anonymously post statements such as these.

The site, including less-than-flattering comments aimed at Prime Minister Paul Martin and former defence ministers, as well as insults between
participants, has all been copyrighted by the Department of National Defence. "If anyone out there thinks we will be better of with paul martin think again!," warns one participant in a discussion about government funding for the military. "Martin and Chretien are cut form (sic) the same cloth with either one in power the CF is in trouble." "You can be sure that when the Libs are replaced it will be by a right-leaning government and defence spending will increase greatly," writes another. "It‘s only a matter of time, so fear not."
The U.S. invasion of Iraq is also hotly debated with some suggesting the war was simply an American grab for that country‘s oil. "In my opinion Bush = Hitler," writes one forum participant. "I‘m not insulting anyone or anything but I think america is the cause of all this crappy terrorist garbage ... without america there probably would have not been a sept. 11," states another.
The six-month old site carries a disclaimer such opinions are "not necessary those of the Department of National Defence" and that personal attacks, insults and inappropriate comments will not be tolerated.
Army spokesman Lt.-Col. Rejean Duchesneau said he has not seen some of the comments in question, but acknowledged it can be difficult to monitor the site. He said there is no funding available for military staff to do full-time monitoring, but argued that participants have to feel they can
speak their minds. "The discussion forum has to be quite open," he noted. "You can‘t really police it. If you want people to use it you‘ve got to allow them a bit of freedom."
The Army does not know the identities of the participants or whether any of them are even military personnel. In a follow-up interview, Lt.-Col. Duchesneau said the site was temporarily taken offline Tuesday night to remove inappropriate comments. Those were discovered after the military‘s webmaster returned from being away on a course for 10 weeks. It is not known when the site will be back up.
Lt.-Col. Duchesneau said the original idea behind the site was to foster discussions on army issues. But the forum has become popular with young people, many whom are new or potential recruits looking for information about the military. Although some forum participants warned others about making political statements, those seem to have little effect. One discussion containing an obscenity-laden attack on former prime minister Jean Chretien was partially
Other participants blame Mr. Martin for gutting the military in the mid-1990s while he was finance minister. Defence Minister David Pratt fares better, garnering kudos for his support of the military. But even he is suspect. "Want to silence a critic?" writes one forum member "Appoint him as a minister."
One of the hottest topics on the site discusses whether the U.S. will invade Canada to seize its natural resources. If the attack did come, Canada
could rely on a scorched-earth policy similar to what Russia did when invaded by Nazi Germany, one participant recommends. "With such emmense (sic) land, and with our cold climates, we may be able to hold them off, even though we have the much weaker military," the individual concludes.
The invasion debate prompted additional anti-American rhetoric, with one forum member recalling the British attack on Washington in the early 1800s and the torching of the White house. "I‘m proud to know that the Canadians / British are the reason why the whitehouse is white ... way to burn that f--ker down!" was the statement posted on the army site.
Others suggest the U.S. government was behind the Sept. 11 attacks, but that theory was dismissed by most forum participants. In another case, U.S.
President George W. Bush is referred to as a cheat and a liar.
Former Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Maurice Baril is also roasted. One soldier writes that he was once selected to have lunch with Gen. Baril. "He talked about cartoons, smurfs to be exact," wrote the soldier. "Kind of funny to hear the then CDS talk about a cartoon that people commonly associate with lsd."
Lt.-Col. Duchesneau said he did not believe the government can be held legally liable for some of the comments. "When we did our research everything we saw said that discussion forums are wide-open and that there is no body of law that people are being sued," he added.
Two people have been kicked off the site for inappropriate comments, but army officials suspect they have come back on under new identities.
There‘s a lesson here: A few troublemakers *can* ruin it for the rest.

Army.ca is not held under the same rules and regulations as the official DND website, but we still need to be careful. While we have more leeway in what can be said, the last thing I want is to show up in the papers as a haven for those who shut down the official site.

I‘ve met with LCol Duchesneau, he‘s a reasonable man. It‘s sad that in trying to provide a much needed service, DND has instead attracted more negative press. And once again, the media will not pay much heed to the fact that it was a witless few; everyone in uniform will be painted as a slathering, mis-spelling anti-US, anti-government wacko. (Notice how there are no news articles about the well thought out and professional debates that have occurred here and on other forums?)

This is why we need to patrol these forums and keep threads from going horribly awry.
That video was the best thing the internet has shown me. Its British troops during 60s or 70s (im guessing because the have the FN‘s, older uniforms and its black and white film) who were given lsd in their water bottles.

edit: i found a link to it: http://hes.iki.fi/video/LSD_Being_Tested_on_Brtish_Troops.mpg it‘s 14MB
Uh oh! I think everyone in my section is being experimented on.


I‘ve got a question I‘ve being wanting to ask.
Who‘s Swordmaster Mord Cour?
ArmyApp site shut down because the french part of it was cracked and defaced and all of the messages erased. It appears that there is a bug in the forum software that they were using so they shut down the english part too so that they can find and fix the bug or maybe even replace the software.
Also my lady has a copy of Black Yestersays the Argylls‘War. Interesting read. Anyway her Dad (The Saint) enlisted at Hamilton at the beginning of WWII at any rate in 1940 the regiment was stationed in Jamacia and according to the Regimental War Diary entries there was a problem of some Soldiers partaking of the local Herbs. I laughed and of course my lady said "not my Dad, he was a saint" Just like he did not fratranize with the fraulines in post war Germany too. :D Right now she is saying no he didn‘t....There was no mention of any disciplinary action taken other than a stern talking too.
Rather be in the group for LSD tests than those Yanks who took a walk in Nevada desert and tried not to look at the bright light eh:)
I don‘t think you really have any problems here about innapropriate comments here. Th esignal to noise ratio here is very high compared to just about any other forum on th einternet if you want to see a bad forum full of arguments head on over to militaryphotos.net these days....
Agreed, it‘s actually pretty good here... didn‘t mean to rant. ;)

Luckily we have a great moderator staff here, which is augmented by a large group of regulars who don‘t hesitate to steer things in the right direction.

We‘ve had to run a few troublemakers out of town, but for the most part people behave, and I‘m glad to see it.
I really miss the army discussion site I hope they put it back up soon!
Originally posted by Enzo:
[qb] Rather be in the group for LSD tests than those Yanks who took a walk in Nevada desert and tried not to look at the bright light eh:) [/qb]
"No troop you wont need you radiation dosimeter badge today....just tell the pecker checker how much you balls tingle after you walk through the hot zone"

Edit for Sp
Ha, every time I read this forum it cracks me up. You can really tell who the Reseves, Civies and Reg force guys are by their posts. Same as you can tell who are old fossils and who are New guys.

You take a simple subject like Mary Jane and start a Race/sexual orientation battle/LSD debate.

My ideas here (since they are mine and this is JUST another forum on the net):

It‘s not legal yet, so by contract you are not allowed to do it. I wouldn‘t want any of my guys coming in to work stoned, and I would sell them out if they did, regardless. However, I do agree what a guy does in the privacy of his own home, or while he is on leave or off base is his own choice, and he will have to live with whatever happens to him if he gets caught. It‘s sad that these Soldiers that are not allowed to smoke pot are so encouraged to go down to the local bar and drink their faces off. I am more embarrased by the public desplays of intoxicated ***holes that reek of Military with their MEC pants, Jarhead haircuts and stupid "Army" saying like "Get it down range", or "Good to go" than any guy who sits at home a smokes a fatty with a friend while watching TV.

There are more important issues that should be adressed. Pot leads to Munchies, alcohol leads to negligent actions or violence, sooner or later.